Contest 'Crystal Science' (Discussion)

5 minutes ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

Well apparently I can only type in here but uhh, anyway, yeah but I never see it come up in the main site anymore, Facebook is broken on my phone, and it’s so much work in general to check so often

Bad luck I guess,but if you want to write a entry,then try not to make it a space flight journal that has nothing to do with the aliens(like some others did),but hey,do what you want,more chances to win for me,but with more proper entries we have better chances to gain access to more alien technology,I’m sure we will get spaceships too,but I really want that Turbophaser…

“The seven, still in formation, open fire on them. The sound of a thousand Turbophasers pierces through the night as round after round of Meson fire rain down from above.” Because mesons sound like turbophasers

14 minutes ago, PapyMcBites said:

“The seven, still in formation, open fire on them. The sound of a thousand Turbophasers pierces through the night as round after round of Meson fire rain down from above.” Because mesons sound like turbophasers

I’m talking about the real thing,not something that sounds like it.

Oh well, it’s close enough for now for me

And guys, if you have a nice pictures provided with your story, photoshoped or whatever, it will be awesome ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”) And then, regardless the results of this contest, we will post your works on our socials for all the New Year’s holidays.

My pictures are all ingame available. Just fly in OS and you will get all 8257655827375^100 images you want. :smiley:

I’mm try my best  ![:017:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/017.gif “:017:”)

So,will we get our GS before the Ny event finished?I kind of want to build Dart and hopefully that will be doable for 5k GS or if I will be lucky ,8k…

I’m just gonna pass on this one, I was writing a story for it, but this prompt, to be honest, is terrible, I can’t work with this.

Alright it’s Dec 25. Show me the money$$$$$$

Here is 26 so hurry up even more now.

Wont happen people lol to much txt

They should tl;dr those,the chances for me winning will increase dramatically by that,and if I get 8K GS maybe I can get both Gargoyle and Dart,imagine a firerate HB build,and the double that,Messon anyone?

20 minutes ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

They should tl;dr those,the chances for me winning will increase dramatically by that,and if I get 8K GS maybe I can get both Gargoyle and Dart,imagine a firerate HB build,and the double that,Messon anyone?

It’s rainin’ death, hallelujah ♪♫♪♫

18 hours ago, ORCA1911 said:

Wont happen people lol to much txt

Who? ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

Almost everyone…

Oh,I just remembered,I wanted to do a Predator ref but seeing that it wasn’t very good I decided to scrap that,but I managed to finish the side,too bad I couldn’t post it,but now that I think of it,it would have broken the plain text immersion.

Here it goes:




And the lucky winners are… Drum Roll

roll drum pleasehttpyoutubeu2nqz9bh834

…Oups, that was the wrong drum.

So… uh… Winners?