Compact Currency

I just thought of this from the concept of Galactic Standards and thought it might make the game a bit more friendly for players.

I suggest compacting all currency and changing the prices accordingly. Say, for credits take whatever the amount and divide it by 1000 to get the compacted currency. And maybe vouchers by 100.

This would make numbers seem a bit more manageable and less intimidating. Because Credits vs GS is like Yen vs Euro.

So basically, you’re asking for some ridiculous level of deflation of credits? Credits have ridiculous inflation, compared to GS, it’s true. But still…


Whats gonna be the price for T1 equipment? 2,5 credits?

I like the feeling of being rich, having millions of credits… I don’t see the problem

I like the feeling of being rich, having millions of credits… I don’t see the problem

Yeah, getting 80k as reward for T1-2 is pretty nice cause it makes me feel im being paid in real life: “Here, 80 dolars for your job”. If that goes down to 5-1 its gonna be more like: “Here, 5 candies for your job”