Community managers dialogues #2. Part 1.

I agree that our points of view are totally opposite and we could be discussing this all the day.


At least we agree in something.


Maybe I enjoy the game because I don’t play dreads (it was never my favored gamemode) and I really enjoy playing solo in any tier, but specially in tier 4 and 5.


Rubberbanding is bad, I think I got that in my “to do” list for the devs, so no need to go back on that.

They didn’t change in the last 2 years. Do you think they gonna change now? If you found a good game please PM me I’m also looking for something else for our community, before it is die. Star Citizen and Dreadnoughts, maybe Elite looks promising.




Your Head on with thows 3 games. ATM where playing Elite aswell + “The Underground Tournaments” is exspanding into other games. an other great space game is “Fractured Space” its a total difrent gameplay but its fun to do. + join in on the steam group “UT” there u can find the most details about what games we still host tournaments.

I agree that our points of view are totally opposite and we could be discussing this all the day.


At least we agree in something.



You both have “points”, Gizmo with the bug/issues letting people escape and you with the good fact that they always add new stuffs and tuning and such (also about the reason people leave, like unbalanced matches between newbs and fully purple vets).

But there must be balance between new stuffs added and “problem solving” otherwise new coming people will not compensate for people that leave. 


F2p game lives of that, I mean it’s proved that people that spend money in such games and let them live are not the newb. They will spend some money eventually but for exemple: 10 euro per 10 new player that buy a monthly license/ship/whatever and then leave or not spend anymore, will never compensate for 2 vets that bought all dlc (even on discount), years of license and stuffs (one single player like that, during years, can spend over 200 euro).

So basically what we all are seeing on sc is the newcomers that arrive at a certain point that “scares” them away (unbalanced match, bugs, connection issues etc). There will be always people going away for whatever reason (especially between “casuals”)  but since those I’ve listed above are things that can be fixed, it will be really no so “brilliant” to loose people/money like that. 

Those we are loosing here are not only casual, that as I said will spend 10 euro and only that, we are loosing potential 200+ euro players… that are worth at least 5/6 casuals.

BTW the tiers was mixed from the beginning. Ok not on both way but I don’t see a huge difference.
The tiers already split into separate queues. If all works well, the newbies playing in the lowere queues.

You all know this option right?

So each tier splitted into 3 different queue (or maybe more).
And the MM put you into one of this based on your ships what you bring to battle.


example: R4, R6, R7, R10 (currently I get into T4 realistic battle and my teammates will cry.) 


But there is a few problem with the current system:

  • GS ships count Rank-1 what is so P2W in this system.
  • If the playerbase it too low, its starts merging the queues.

Since the tiermix not allowed they put the weaker T3 players to the pros. Yes this called vets killing Aces.
But this is comming from the GS ship fact and the low playerbase, not because the system in bad.

The current system should works well with  a normal playerbase, and a small change.

How will the new tiermixing working? I still didn’t get answer. How many queues will we have? What will be the rules at merging?
Seems they design the new system for low playerbase instead of increase it. They keep almost all the mistakes from the old system, and against all the odds, they go for a system what will move slowly everybody into T5, where the vets will kill the Aces and the players will leave. They might stay longer but the end is the same.

But the journey is very long to T5 and since the core playerbase will be pushed to T5 they’ll increase the nomans land where the players can quit.
Also with the new system they’ll decrease the value of the current dlcs since most of them has T3 ships.
I bought all the DLCs because all the great games and tournaments happened in T3. But I can’t suggest the new players to buy those packages, if I know they’ll get pushed to T5 anyway, where they can build the secret project. So their income will be probably smaller after these steps.

But lets see. They never listen to us, I’m sure they won’t start it now. Seems their PR manager reached the estimated max playerbase, so the project is over. Now abandon the sinking ship. 

BTW the tiers was mixed from the beginning. Ok not on both way but I don’t see a huge difference.

The tiers already split into separate queues. If all works well, the newbies playing in the lowere queues.

You all know this option right?


So each tier splitted into 3 different queue (or maybe more).

And the MM put you into one of this based on your ships what you bring to battle.


example: R4, R6, R7, R10 (currently I get into T4 realistic battle and my teammates will cry.) 


But there is a few problem with the current system:

  • GS ships count Rank-1 what is so P2W in this system.

  • If the playerbase it too low, its starts merging the queues.

Since the tiermix not allowed they put the weaker T3 players to the pros. Yes this called vets killing Aces.

But this is comming from the GS ship fact and the low playerbase, not because the system in bad.


The current system should works well with  a normal playerbase, and a small change.

How will the new tiermixing working? I still didn’t get answer. How many queues will we have? What will be the rules at merging?

Seems they design the new system for low playerbase instead of increase it. They keep almost all the mistakes from the old system, and against all the odds, they go for a system what will move slowly everybody into T5, where the vets will kill the Aces and the players will leave. They might stay longer but the end is the same.

But the journey is very long to T5 and since the core playerbase will be pushed to T5 they’ll increase the nomans land where the players can quit.

Also with the new system they’ll decrease the value of the current dlcs since most of them has T3 ships.

I bought all the DLCs because all the great games and tournaments happened in T3. But I can’t suggest the new players to buy those packages, if I know they’ll get pushed to T5 anyway, where they can build the secret project. So their income will be probably smaller after these steps.

But lets see. They never listen to us, I’m sure they won’t start it now. Seems their PR manager reached the estimated max playerbase, so the project is over. Now abandon the sinking ship. 

For a sinking ship, the amount of content they are developing is quite huge. Just saying.

For a sinking ship, the amount of content they are developing is quite huge. Just saying.

The amount of bugs content is good, but the quality is the problem usually :slight_smile: And as I said earlier. If they don’t fix the bugs, servers and balance first, the new content and advertisement is just waste of money.

Lets see. I hope the best but don’t expect much.

The amount of bugs content is good, but the quality is the problem usually :slight_smile: And as I said earlier. If they don’t fix the bugs, servers and balance first, the new content and advertisement is just waste of money.

Lets see. I hope the best but don’t expect much.

Seriously, I don’t know which other games you play, but the amount of bugs in this game is way below average these days. Yes, dreads have bugs, yes, there are some problems with the current connection and servers.


But other than that, I think I only crashed to desktop once or twice in more than 2000 hours of playing.

Seriously, I don’t know which other games you play, but the amount of bugs in this game is way below average these days. Yes, dreads have bugs, yes, there are some problems with the current connection and servers.


But other than that, I think I only crashed to desktop once or twice in more than 2000 hours of playing.

Yes, main issues are the connection server problems. On OSX I have much more problems, but true on pc the game is not crashing. (after the 1.2 I had a week where I was not able to run the game on osx when a secondary display was connected) They are working on the fixes and ~1 month after new content release they mostly fix everything.

Now we still have balance problems what hopefully the holy tiermixing will solve (or not). The players rank selection limit was a too big task, they are thinking about it for a long time…

But at the dreads they was able to implement the same functionality. And since at dread you can come back any time with the same ship there it doesn’t make any sense.

So yes the game is stable now. I like it. But the new content is coming :slight_smile:


So yes the game is stable now. I like it. But the new content is coming :slight_smile:


Never play in patch day. I thought that was a gamer mantra  :005j:

It’s going to be a different experience from different parts of the world. From eastern USA, I have next to zero experiences which I can call server problems. I log in at random times day or night. Open space, pve, skirmish, a spec ops rarely. In recent memory, my only server problems were once in Fort Muerto PVE, a few second freeze during round 2. I had 2 times when warp gates in open space would not work. I was checking all the gates in the zone a few times without being able to leave the zone.


Almost no technical problems ever from here.


I know I griped about being on the RU server for skirmish, but that is just a ping, lag, packet, overall speed & responsiveness issue. For it to work  as well as it does with me in eastern USA on servers in Russia is awesome. I just don’t want to do skirmish on it.


I like the Community Dialogue videos. I’ve been looking for part 2 of this episode every day.

Not really sure how “we don’t want the losers to feel bad” is a reasonable justification for not having monocrystal as a potential PvP loot trophy. Trust me, if the losers are upset, not getting loot isn’t one of the big factors.

Even if the trophy chance was minuscule, would it really be so bad to have people playing the game longer, keeping the population higher, to get maybe one or two monocrystal in a multi-hour PvP session?


Monocrystal Open Space missions are implemented as part of player retention - to keep players playing more often. As are all ‘daily’ quests in any game, and ‘daily’ login rewards. If you build the habit of not only consistent sessions, but longer ones, you could expand retention on multiple fronts. Especially important if you are featuring Secret Projects as a centerpiece of endgame play.


It’s not like that change will suddenly solve all the game’s problems, but encouraging longer play sessions would be a good step in the right direction, especially for vets who have less to grind for outside of vouchers. Not to mention that it’s uncertain what the new rank system will do to module mk-grinding.


I have other thoughts on the video, just wanted to voice my incredulousness at that particular bit. Some good, some bad. As is with anything.

Guys, the second part has been posted here. Sorry for taking that long.