Community managers dialogues #2. Part 1.

Pilots, we are glad to present the second episode of the Community Managers Dialogues.

This time our guest was charming Ashley. She is the head of the QA department.

Note that it is only the first part of it and the second one will be in several days.

I hope you will enjoy watching it as much as we enjoyed recording it^^.


“I was supertesting her” - Rakza, Oct 2015


Brilliant XD


“…I am not sure that specialists are very happy that there is a chance that they will receive a call at 5AM…”


They will have to DEAL with it!


wow that question at 20:30…



22:15, joke needed a

i hope those ships are wurth it. coz lately sc is going downhill rather fast. Release of open space → did nothing with it. Release of dreadnaughts —> big joke , a map , 2 obstacles with a visual effect shooting at each other, particles moving from one side to the other with a rock texture and to finish it off a gravity pull in one direction effecting normal players. sum that all up and u have Dreadnaughts where u guys work so hard on. I truly hope u guys will bring somthing amazing in the game what will make us forget about the mistakes u all made in this game. coz believe it or not… Loosing Core Players everywhere !!!
but done with the negativity i’m waiting with joy and delight to see your new made ships (hope there actually flyable :wink: ). and i cant wait to see u guys improve the game.
I wish u all good luck with SC and the further development of SC. I hope to see the changes that will make people decide to stay as well as come back.

8:56 LOL! We only know that kind of answer!

And I thought that my english is rusty …  :fed013:  :00555:  Kiss for all female team. Charming indeed.

Main problem is - low players base. With enough players in every region there wouldn’t be ping problems, lost packets problems, wobble, unplayable dreads matches and such. The rest are just cosmetics. Solve that first- Advertise!


U got a great project - game, genre, ideas, design … but it seems that company is not up to task to make it great. Power of marketing guys - learn from americans.


Don’t hate me … I love u.  :01111:

These videos have really good impact on the judgement of the game and the team behind it in my opinion. Keep up with the improvement on the field of CRM.


Oh, a question: Is there a specific thread for collecting questions for these videos or you collect them from the whole forum?




*Playing and waiting for new contents impatiently as always*


P.S. These videos should be advertised in-game among special announcement too. I think it would help bring players closer to SC team and would reduce foul mouthing.

These videos have really good impact on the judgement of the game and the team behind it in my opinion. Keep up with the improvement on the field of CRM.


Oh, a question: Is there a specific thread for collecting questions for these videos or you collect them from the whole forum?




*Playing and waiting for new contents impatiently as always*


P.S. These videos should be advertised in-game among special announcement too. I think it would help bring players closer to SC team and would reduce foul mouthing.

After #2 is completly released, we will collect new questions.



Guess i’ll have to say all those nice things later.


btw, i think error is a robot. He doesn’t use contractions and he acts robotic. Also, this video helped me realize that the whole dev team is not robotic like error. 



Guess i’ll have to say all those nice things later.


btw, i think error is a robot. He doesn’t use contractions and he acts robotic. Also, this video helped me realize that the whole dev team is not robotic like error. 

I’ll try to adjust the code :wink:

I’ll try to adjust the code :wink:

And so self learning adaptive AI was born…

And so self learning adaptive AI was born…

Well at least he hasn’t started to multiply yet… Or… has he?!


I liked it, all the accents (I love accents) :slight_smile: and the nice gameplay footage to keep your eyes entertained. Well done.


But I can’t help myself, I want to address the points important to me contentwise:


@Monocrystal Loot


I do understand the problem of giving Monocrystals in winning loot, simply because it is frustrating to lose; It is, or was, a valid argument. For a while.


Loot spots for losing seems like a generally good idea for the part of the (expected, and virtual) frustration.

But the frustration is way bigger at the moment, that PvP - and I say strictly PvP - does not give you any Monocrystal income whatsoever, in any form, neither in Group Play (Dreads), Tournaments or PvP gamemode in general;


I would suggest to start differentiating PvP from PvE as a second abstract line, which goes through both modes of the game “Arcade” and “Open Space”, for future references; It’s not “PvP/PvE” and “Open Space”. There are Open Space players more interested in PvE, which includes looting, since its also “vs. Environment”, and some interested in PvP. I understand personally some people do not like PvP, but you have to admit, the greater success of this game has always been the PvP part of the game, despite of the form you bring it (Open Space or Arcade Lobbies).


Having some form of income for Monocrystals is completely denied to PvP enthusiasts, except the passive income from daily logins or of course monetary way (which I do not dispute here). Some do the missions, others simply ignore them, but the Missions are PvE, not PvP oriented.


Without any trade system, this is going to fail from a game design standpoint (and please, when I use this term, I really mean it as a professional), because you are giving an item in one form of the game which could be useful for the other, but to a purely pvp interested player, it only seems like a burden, since he cannot trade with the others for it (except the occasional blueprint).

Other games, like Ultima Online or World of Warcraft, or basicly any successful MMORPG actually abuse this “disbalance of personalities” by allowing the socializers, explorers and achievers to trade with the killer players: players interested in raids can farm precious items, which are highly sought for by pvp players. PvP players on the other hand earn some kind of income, which is highly useful for the PvE players. UO and following in its footsteps, Eve, went as far as allowing users to craft items with non-pvp trained characters which are highly sought for by pvp players, so interaction and cooperation becomes a vital part of the game. To note, guildwars wanted to go a more self-sufficient line of itemplay, giving out pvp content in pvp, pve content in pve, and therefore interestingly, the playerbase lacked the needed interaction between different kinds of players. It still proved successful, but moderately and with a lot of late-add-on-work for the guilds, compared to other games which go great lengths of trying to take such things seriously.


The question of Monocrystals is what currently is lacking imho, in your vision, or at least, something you should read out from the players’ whishes, since even very polarized parties are equally pleeing for this, and I am a bit disappointed, that you do not take this more as a really core question, even if you would introduce something you can earn for pvp and convert it, or make it craftable from iridium, or just add it to the drops.



I think the question about “passive bonus” customization was not about visual customization parts, I hope by “ship designers” it was meant the people who plan the ship balance, not the actual models. I understand introducing new models for the big ships is part of the design process, something the customization of role bonuses would not need as much.



@OpenSpace. Maybe since I already mentioned the PvP vs. PvE distinction being separate from “Arcade/OpenSpace” comparing to other games, I could build on that aswell, for the for me completely ignored game mode of open space; which is interesting, because i am a big fan of mmorpgs and survivals in general, but find no interest to do it in SC.

Currently, the problem of the “Survival Sandbox Game” you offer again lacks a bit of completeness, besides some missing UI features (no waypoint setting is my fav, but at least it was positive to read at some other questioning, that you plan to enhance the social / group management feature there), and lacking a few options other survival / mmorpg games also bring, again because PvP and PvE dont get special attention as being separate styles of play (even if i understand, in star conflict, we all fly military equipment, and our ships should always be battle ready):

“Trade” is done ship to ship. Meh. I know I know - its okay. But… maybe?

“Exploring” includes a few hours of content, no procedural extra. That’s okay. It may grow! And it’s beautiful in New Eden.

“Treasure Hunt” is basicly finding blueprints. No treasure maps or encounters.

“Farming/Mining” includes a rather dull experience and the loot picking options are rather time consuming if you go for mass over class. It’s an early game bonus, with no deeper income.

“Survival” - you got plenty of enemies, and fuel as food. Again the loot pickup is just annoying, why not just fly through fuel and be done with it?

“Bandit” is there, you can pick on players. In fact, it is the only way to play for PvP out there.

“Hero” isn’t there. You have no bounties, you can’t really do much in helping others, nor do you have any upside of collecting bounties of karmaless players except karma, there is no pure pve player since we are all mercs, so there is no need for escorts, and karma does not unlock abilities to help others or dock at pirate stations. See DayZ how they used miniperks (Hero has runspeed and bulletproof vest, bandit makes your character make panic sounds; in Epoch: access to traders;) to make these two kinds of play play out nicely in the gameplay. Karma needs a bit more depth, and by that i do not mean heavily modyfying perks, but more in the lines of “why some pvp players would actually hunt griefers” and “why others are trying to get really negative” kind of thing.

“Faction Warfare” missing completely, but indirectly done by Dreads, and there are some maps where you can fight a bit with the police against neverending aliens, but again with little gain.

“Specialization” is limited into specific “open world builds” for some tasks, and to a few GS items that help the gameplay. No looting help drones, forward bases, refuel stations, any sort of group play or goal …

Btw. in the start, I was hoping, that the missions other players send might be actually npcs flying their ships as “escort” somewhere, so you fight against their builds… Okay, that is a bit far fetched :slight_smile:

“Player Building” missing, except if you count Warpgates and Dreads. Which is… perfectly okay.

After #2 is completly released, we will collect new questions.

Oh, I did not see it was only the first part. Hardly can wait for the 2nd.

Well at least he hasn’t started to multiply yet… Or… has he?!

Nah, too many errors and the world will fall to pieces. 

“aam i like sex”


“aam i like sex” 16:52



Guys, don’t be too critical. Ashley was so excited about the whole thing, but she was really nervous cz normally she doesn’t speak to the community. The second part is comming as soon as I finish editing it. 


thanks for the feedback, sunshine. ^^ the monocrystal issue is really under discussion. And I have to admit that there are people supporting the idea of adding them into PvP so maybe the policy will change in some time.


didn’t want to cut this part off cz it was adorable)))