Commander Role

  1. Like in the classic allegiance.  It would be nice if one of the team members could use the map to issue instructions to the team. Like allegiance the commands are optional to follow but this would ad a more tactical aspect to the game rather than just the run and gun at the goal.  


  1. Also I would like to see a Multiplayer ship like a capital ship with gunner seats, one player is the pilot and others serve as the gunners, perhaps it could be used in a game type like tf2 bomb run.



  1. Like in the classic allegiance.  It would be nice if one of the team members could use the map to issue instructions to the team. Like allegiance the commands are optional to follow but this would ad a more tactical aspect to the game rather than just the run and gun at the goal.  


  1. Also I would like to see a Multiplayer ship like a capital ship with gunner seats, one player is the pilot and others serve as the gunners, perhaps it could be used in a game type like tf2 bomb run.
  1. Never played allegiance but it would defineatly be nice to click and mark on the map. Currently I usually coordinate my team by looking at the map and then having to type everything out or I stimply stick to informing my squad only (via ts) of anything that’s not vitaly important


  1. Wouldn’t really fit into the fighter pilot genre

I like the idea of it, but people don’t give jack xxxx about planning already now… I tend to ask people if they could do xy or at least be aware of z and in all the many games I did it in I got a respones by one other player twice.

One of my fav roles in the game was in chromehounds(mech game) the command mechs had a giant radar dish on them. What this did was allow you to open your map and see enemy troop movement and on xbox live you would till your squad.


We already have scout type mods and we could tie them in some how like the scouts are the eyes for the commander. Hell we could make the command ships we already have in game do the command role make it a mod for them that allows them a new map or something.

  1. Like in the classic allegiance.  It would be nice if one of the team members could use the map to issue instructions to the team. Like allegiance the commands are optional to follow but this would ad a more tactical aspect to the game rather than just the run and gun at the goal.  


  1. Also I would like to see a Multiplayer ship like a capital ship with gunner seats, one player is the pilot and others serve as the gunners, perhaps it could be used in a game type like tf2 bomb run.


True. I always dream about map usability similar to Advanced Tactical Center in team based games like Star Conflict. Granted it’s way too much for pub matches, but part of such usability available for squad members would be really really cool (like planning waypoints, direction of attack and sniper/bomber positions).


For public games - it would be enough to give use to left and right mouse button on the map [M] - RMB for defend and LMB for attack marker. I agree it could be as annoying as the beep-marker in WoT if overused, though. Maybe choosing Captain for every match - only person allowed to use it? 


As of 2nd idea… I think it’s slightly over the top, but still cool idea for Corporations Wars or something similar.

For those of you who never played allegiance (An older game released in 2000 and now free thanks to Microsoft and the community) It had both of the above items.


Anyway I just think it would be a mistake by the Devs not to look at the past of space flight sims especially the first large multi player.

sadly. this game is way to simple for that. 

wierd how games must get dumbed down for the public to play them

Some spot of space are out of map , and don’t  give info about heath of the captain ship  so harder to decide which ship to choose (if attack or defend kind) icons also cover , would be nice to be able to choose  a only map info and a map with icon separatly   by using 2 kind of Keys.