Command ships and PvP



Premium ships > nearly everything in T3, but for free ships the Prom and Prom X are pretty awesome, and better imperial T3 gunships than the Phobos any day.

Of course they are, one more active slot and two more passives in case of the Prom X are a big difference.


The Wolf-M would have done much better work than that prom X. And that is free.


We all know that the prom fire should be the tier 3 rank 9 imperial gunship but… anyway, this is not the place to discuss that.

Everything that does not fit Proton Walls and J2 implant gets brutally violated in multiple positions as soon as ECM flies by. An imperial command without diffusion shield is just a wannabe gunship, without overdrive and combat reboot. That video of the  Prom X you posted, you can do better with a DE or a Nukem.

My PromX video is hardly a “tanking” build still has more tank with no D-Shield than a Jer Command would have had.

The matter of DE/Nukem vs PromX SOLO is more complicated than what you said, way more complicated.

And btw, an Aura or a Sword S has enough cap volume and regen to survive all the syphon effects of the ecm (Even the Waki AE with bonus syphon 3100 energy over 8,5 secs) without losing all its energy,  if they are fitted for diffusion shield defense. And in case they are under the engineer energy aura, they just laugh at the ECM. Auras usually have around 330 energy regen and 1500 cap, and Swords S reach 285 regen with 2000 cap.


Of course, ECM will hamper you tanking abilities under diffusion shield, but a intelligent ECM player will disable you so you can’t use your diffusion shield at all, not even bothering to syphon your energy.

ECM will not only drain you, but shoot at you as well, eliminating your D-Shield tanking, leaving you with w/e you have outside of it, no matter the Energy regen aura. Even if you don’t build for hull tank on aura it still will take way more punishment than w/e Sword will be having after D-Shield is gone.



The Wolf-M would have done much better work than that prom X. And that is free.

I am really curious to know your logic process that lead you to a conclusion that Wolf-M would have done better in that situation than my PromX build

My PromX video is hardly a “tanking” build still has more tank with no D-Shield than a Jer Command would have had.

The matter of DE/Nukem vs PromX SOLO is more complicated than what you said, way more complicated.

ECM will not only drain you, but shoot at you as well, eliminating your D-Shield tanking, leaving you with w/e you have outside of it, no matter the Energy regen aura. Even if you don’t build for hull tank on aura it still will take way more punishment than w/e Sword will be having after D-Shield is gone.



I am really curious to know your logic process that lead you to a conclusion that Wolf-M would have done better in that situation than my PromX build

More tank, more DPS more speed. The gunship modules are made for that, you are using the command modules as a cheap look alike gunship. 


I’m not saying that your build is bad. It is a really good build, but that is not what the commands are supposed to do. For that, a gunship is better.


An Aura with diffusion shield tank won’t have that much survivability, in fact around 16k - 18k depending on implants. Same with the sword S. The main difference here will be the instant repair kit vs the over time recharge of the shield booster, and also the hitscan of the shield bubble vs the Aura’s hull.


TL.DR. both will be dead in seconds.

Nukem/DE vs 3xHS A-Rails PromX are relatively equal in dmg output through the game with gunships doing more Burst dmg spikes (or you can have bigger range, but will lack on DMG comparing to PromX), where PromX will excell in constant dps pressure ( PromX does pretty much same dmg that DE/Nuk under Aiming Overcharge, with NO cooldown, and PromX under Valk falling a little short behind DE/Nuk with Aim AND OverDrive), of course there are situations and conditions for one or another,

But one of the main things going for PromX, while having very similar DMG to DE/Nuk it is still COMMAND ship with all team benefits to it - Valk (can be used for selfish reason and affecting your team or for your team), gravi scanner - those countless games I won by clutch use of this speed buff for my team, resist aren’t that big of a deal, but they are there.

Another thing is that with single Passive armor(combined with awesome passive bonuses)on Promx +1 Galv combined with hull aura, you have good tank, it is not like it sacrifices everything for dmg, absolutely not, so with D-Shield PromX can completely negotiate good chunk of incoming dmg, while GunShips do not have this luxury, Reboot is awesome but it does not provide as much sustainability in the front line as what D-Shield gives you, especially flying SOLO, you get the freedom from engineers. Of Course there are focus fire cases and ECM, but these are rather affected by knowing your limits and situation awareness, but in general PromX does not need healing as often and as much gunships do, i.e. independent sustainability.

All of this is not exactly to argue what is better (even though i find PromX SOLO have on average higher potential to win you game than DE/Nuk) but rather to point out, that simple statement DE/Nuk would have done better job is not true and has much more edges to it.

P.S. only thing that works for Wolf-M is extreme bubblegun mobility, but DMG wise and team presnse it got nothing on this PromX build.

Aura has 2x Hull slots, Sword S will have 1, capacitors are ignored because all of them go into D-Shield.

So Aura will have over Swords:

1x Galvanic + 40 resist from Hull Aura (Swords S shield aura is 36?) + (most common DMG in Sec Con is thermal and EM) Higher Default resistances to Thermal and EM + Smaller hitBox + “Instant” Heal from Hull Booster (CD discrepancy is partially negotiated by R13 implant, naturally better affecting longer cooldowns)

Oh and throw in average amount of Repair Stations around vs Charging Stations

Disbalance comes from Aura able to do considerable tanking AND D-Shield Tank, Swords can only have 1 or another due to the passive module layout.

I don’t know if the OP is still reading, so… meh. I’ll reply anyway.

First thing I always ask in situations like this are as follows: What tier are you flying? What faction do you prefer? What module rank do you have? A lot of the advice people will give here is based on T3 and up, and if you are flying T2 it may not be much, if any help to you.


As for Commands, I see them as the wingman’s ship. The job of the Command is to stick close to another pilot and support them. There are some very strong solo builds for Commands, but you need to know how to put the ship together and have good spatial awareness and general game skills to pull it off. Most Commands die because they put too much faith in their diffusion shield, then act shocked when they get double-tapped by a gauss cannon.

Now some tier specific stuff:


In tier 1, your Command is probably the worst of the fighters. Sorry, but there’s no way around that and nothing you can do to fix it. Put up with it until Tier 2; it gets better.


In tier 2, the Machete Type S is an excellent support ship due to the huge buff range it has. Use that to your advantage; fit long range guns and take the enemy from a distance. Don’t get close to them, and don’t approach a beacon until you have other allies backing you up. If you’re so inclined as to buy DLC, the Shark is, in my opinion, the best Command, if not the best Fighter in Tier 2. 


Tier 3 and up… well, other people will give more in-depth guides than I will, but like I said; wingman.

I put faith in my dif shield. It’s super duper strong

I put faith in my dif shield. It’s super duper strong

I don’t rely on it too much. I prefer to rely on having an escape plan instead.