Command ships and PvP

Is there any PvP mode, where command ships aren’t completely useless? So far it looks to me that PvP is something like this:


Beacon Hunt or Domination - drop interceptors, any other ship class obsolete (well maybe except some frigs)
Combat Recon - captain goes to frig, drop frigball in the middle, enjoy stalemate
regular Team Battle (forgot the “official” name) - again frigball > everything else
Detonation - ceptor ftw, no other class needed

Like…seriously. 90% of my time in command ships I die either to frig one-shotting me off the field across half the map with coil mortars because proximity AoE damage (WTF? really?) so no matter how hard I try to maneuver its pointless, or interceptors just zipping around me in uber speed (how the hell am I supposed to hit that? even a RL military grade hardware wouldn’t have enough computing power to properly aim at that thing…) while also dealing tons of damage…

Other ships also have really strong modules. Command ships? About 20 increase to resists (i.e. 5-10% damage reduction, thats really going to prevent that LRF from ripping you apart /sarcassm) and 10%(really?) damage increase…

My synergy gains are so low that even PvE missions give about 40% more synergy when I grind credits. I can basically just scrap PvP completely and just stick to PvE untill I reach Jericho tackle at rank 8 (I wanted to play tackle but for some reason, the game forces me to grind through 3 command ships…).

Ugh…sorry for this rant but after tens of totally frustrating matches I had to went this off.

Get to T3, enjoy godmode command ships (if you went down the imperial tree; the jerry commands in T3 are fun as well, just not as unkillable as the imperial ones).

T1/T2 is a bad tier for command ships because you are missing crucial mods for fitting them as well as engineers not having energy auras available yet (mind you, usually you’re lucky if your engineer has any auras at all… :P).

Get to T3, enjoy godmode command ships (if you went down the imperial tree; the jerry commands in T3 are fun as well, just not as unkillable as the imperial ones).

T1/T2 is a bad tier for command ships because you are missing crucial mods for fitting them as well as engineers not having energy auras available yet (mind you, usually you’re lucky if your engineer has any auras at all… :P).

All true

A command ship is a support fighter, not a carry fighter. Stick with your teammates, build your ship properly and learn how to use your modules in the most efficient way.

Turn off the Aegis and Coating Polarizer when your diffusion shield is active. This increases energy regeneration making the diffusion shield able to withstand DPS attacks longer. Also don’t afterburn. That takes up energy too. Turn on Valkryie and Gravi-Scanner at the most opportune times for you and your teammates. Module management is key too command ships.

If you need more information go to the guide>ships>command(pinned) for more info. Learn to fly the command properly and you will never die.

A command ship is a support fighter, not a carry fighter. Stick with your teammates, build your ship properly and learn how to use your modules in the most efficient way.


Properly built support ship my rear engine

Properly built support ship my rear engine


Sorry Efefay, but I’m with xKostyan on this one. I’ve been flying tacklers for too darned long and I’ve always envied the staying power that commands have. 



Turn on Valkryie and Gravi-Scanner at the most opportune times for you and your teammates. Module management is key too command ships.


Indeed. Look out for teammates pinging, or you could always ping an enemy and activate Valkyrie. Coordinate the team when you need to. 


@OP: If you have a Machete S, run a gauss build. It has a module range bonus so you can snipe from safety while buffing your allies. I believe there should be a screenshot of the build somewhere in the thread with Efefay’s command guide. 

You have x3 Capacitors most of the time, you can make very good use of them with Heatsinks or Dischargers, although your F module will be almost useless, the firepower will be tremendous.



Properly built support ship my rear engine



What resi said.

It looks like xKost used his cap for firepower instead of tank like me. Personally I like less chance for dying. I can’t handle up close.

You have x3 Capacitors most of the time, you can make very good use of them with Heatsinks or Dischargers, although your F module will be almost useless, the firepower will be tremendous.


It’s all fun and game till you see a sneaky Orion-Arc covert up 00555.png but I do like all the command ship buffs.

A command ship is a support fighter, not a carry fighter.

I think this was properly commented on already. T3 commmands are brawlers. Whether you go all out dps like Kosty or more godmode tank is up to you and your abilities. It’s not like he died in that video…


Turn off the Aegis and Coating Polarizer when your diffusion shield is active.

So you’re a support fighter but you don’t support most of a time. Bad advice. Those are your team buffs, they are the reason you’re flying a command ship and not a gunship. Don’t turn them off (besides you’ll only have one of them, see the video for the standard active mods layout you’ll use). Same goes for engineers. Play something else if you don’t like your auras. :stuck_out_tongue:


So you’re a support fighter but you don’t support most of a time. Bad advice. Those are your team buffs, they are the reason you’re flying a command ship and not a gunship. Don’t turn them off (besides you’ll only have one of them, see the video for the standard active mods layout you’ll use). Same goes for engineers. Play something else if you don’t like your auras. :stuck_out_tongue:


I actually use all four of the command specific active modules (the only ship type except engie where I do that)… and pray my hull is not damaged or that there’s an engie around


That way it’s the ultimate support ship. (I’m not one for rushing in with extreme damage in a command - I usually die when attempting this)

I tried to follow your advice, even watched the video, but I can’t get it working.

When I try to cap a beacon, I get killed by 2+ interceptors just flying around me while doing godly damage. Seriously, those ships should get nerfed to the ground. No ship so small should be able to do 9k+ on my death recap…maybe 4k and thats assuming he’s actually trying.


When I try to battle, or even hold on my own and buff allies, I just get torn apart by frigs…I can’t out-DPS it, they also have double the survivability I have, double the weapon range etc.

I don’t even encounter other fighters in my matches…Its just ceptors and frigs and me as the only fighter in the match…Really this looks like the devs should buff fighters on all stats heavily. I can’t kill stuff (and since most, if not all synergy is gained from getting kills, this is an issue for me), I can’t tank stuff and my buffs don’t make any difference. One match I tried to actively buff and help my for half the match. The last half I just flew around with my buffs toggled off just to see if theres any difference, and there wasn’t. Our team was getting wiped at exactly the same speed as with my buffs on.

I really want to get out of this “command hell” and just get the ship class I want…


It’s all fun and game till you see a sneaky Orion-Arc covert up 00555.png but I do like all the command ship buffs.


Well what you gonna do, there is no perfect ship  :004j:

I just try to position myself properly and try to avoid as much as possible the melee combat.



I tried to follow your advice, even watched the video, but I can’t get it working.

When I try to cap a beacon, I get killed by 2+ interceptors just flying around me while doing godly damage. Seriously, those ships should get nerfed to the ground. No ship so small should be able to do 9k+ on my death recap…maybe 4k and thats assuming he’s actually trying.


When I try to battle, or even hold on my own and buff allies, I just get torn apart by frigs…I can’t out-DPS it, they also have double the survivability I have, double the weapon range etc.

I don’t even encounter other fighters in my matches…Its just ceptors and frigs and me as the only fighter in the match…Really this looks like the devs should buff fighters on all stats heavily. I can’t kill stuff (and since most, if not all synergy is gained from getting kills, this is an issue for me), I can’t tank stuff and my buffs don’t make any difference. One match I tried to actively buff and help my for half the match. The last half I just flew around with my buffs toggled off just to see if theres any difference, and there wasn’t. Our team was getting wiped at exactly the same speed as with my buffs on.

I really want to get out of this “command hell” and just get the ship class I want…


Excuse me if I offend you but you should consider changing your playstyle or your builds, looks like you just don’t know how to play that ships (or fighters at all) and you’re asking for a buff that Commands don’t really need. 

I mean I would welcome all the command buffs, I love that role, but they don’t need it.

Excuse me if I offend you but you should consider changing your playstyle or your builds, looks like you just don’t know how to play that ships (or fighters at all) and you’re asking for a buff that Commands don’t really need. 

I mean I would welcome all the command buffs, I love that role, but they don’t need it.



Ok, sorry for this rant…What I wanted to have as my primary playstyle was something like cloaky ships. Like…cloak up and ninja an objective or sneak up on enemy then blast it away from behind, having very high alpha damage etc. I looked at the wiki and saw that tacklers have a cloaking module as their “primary” module so I decided to go for this one. I chose Jericho basicaly because I like their lore and wiki also said that they have tacklers too so I went for this. But then I saw that in order to get to separate(tackler → tackler) tackler tech line I need to grind through a bunch of command ships and I’m terrible at flying those ships.

If there is any other class more suited for this role(cloaky stuff) I’m open to suggestions.

Tacklers are fleet support ships/easymode snipers. What you seem to be looking for are covert ops interceptors.

Snib I don’t use my diffusion shield all the time. The advice for turning off modules was to help you survive in a tight situation. Of course I’d turn my actives back on when I was no longer in danger. 15 seconds or less won’t hurt my team tremendously.

At OP - it seems like you need to record a video using bandicam. Then we could help you with gameplay tactics.

Ok, sorry for this rant…What I wanted to have as my primary playstyle was something like cloaky ships. Like…cloak up and ninja an objective or sneak up on enemy then blast it away from behind, having very high alpha damage etc. I looked at the wiki and saw that tacklers have a cloaking module as their “primary” module so I decided to go for this one. I chose Jericho basicaly because I like their lore and wiki also said that they have tacklers too so I went for this. But then I saw that in order to get to separate(tackler → tackler) tackler tech line I need to grind through a bunch of command ships and I’m terrible at flying those ships.

If there is any other class more suited for this role(cloaky stuff) I’m open to suggestions.


Tacklers don’t have awesome high damage; they’re anti-interceptor ships, or at least that’s what they’re advertised as. They don’t have burst damage, but they do have stable damage (thanks to the almost zero cooldown for Target Painter). If you want to learn a little more about tacklers I have an introductory tackler guide in the guides section of the forum. 


Like what Snib said, you should be going for covops, which unfortunately means you have to grind through quite a bit before you get the Jericho versions. 

Can someone make a gunship guide?

[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/23829-federation-gunship-intermediate-level-guide/)