Come on ... Balance this game

I have paid under old progression system to up some passives/weapons, but now, as long as you have a license you can a mass vouchers for respective tier in no time (meaning if you fly T3 you get enough for upping T3 modules). Quite often people complain about slow voucher progressions where, they fly prem T3 and try to mk3-mk4 T5 weapons


me too. and the difference between voucher progression in t3 and t5 are there, but still negligible.


its easy once you have a 1.5-2 yr foothold in the game, i agree. even so much, that you can start a secondary account and get the illusion its easy. it is still too low. see demographics - which i dont know but i dont need to know, enough to play daily. it should be simply too much at all times, so you play 2 games and buy some stuff and see unlocks happening all the time, especially if you keep unlocking tier by tier.

this actually increases the will to spend money to get even more, while if the money isnt there, you will start to “work against it”.

leaving only those behind, who are either immune or resistant to the grind. too much antibiotics too soon.


the whole theory of f2p games being more successful if you make progression easier by paying is simply a wrong assumption; the actually most long-term successful f2p games only spend 10% of their price on progression unlocks, and 90% on bling.


also while modules now progress a bit faster, the old progression system was easier to tier rush.


you are not a typical player. we are all here not typical players anymore. we are all hooked.

Old school players are affected by the “club effect” aswell (before you enter a club, you want the demands to enter it to be lowered, once you are in it, you want it to be raised) - me included. And then there are always players in an extreme minority who hope for a new tech or new ships, because they think, thats why they are here for.


also not saying it hasnt improved; the bonus you get as new player, the unlocks if you reach new ranks, etc. are all steps into the right direction, but ultimately, t1-t4 could be a lot cheaper, while t5 could stay as it is. mind that all these suggestions do not benefit me; i am a t4&t5 resident most of the time, and have my fully purple lineup in all tiers actually.


nobody should have the wise suggestion, to keep your vouchers until you reach t3. you should be happily spending them all the friggin time. but we all have these suggestions to new players, dont we.


anyway, i do not support the op, so i stop sidetracking sry. just bugs me, still, even if i dont complain much anymore. after all there has to be some level of grind…


I would pay, if it were a lot cheaper.

I dont mind paying, the weekend and special occasion prices make up for it.

… i agree. even so much, that you can start a secondary account and get the illusion its easy…


Not sure what you mean about illusion, i did start multiple alt accounts, full f2p, no gold. Progression through ship synergy up to T3 is very fast, same for obtaining vouchers, granted i do very well due to experience, but i do not have a license on those accounts, so for those without experience and with the license progressions is not far off due to “minimal” gains boosted by license per game. On top of that with current MM in place, new pilots tend to close on 1.0 win ratio (50/50) due to way MM balances “better” pilot teams, of-course there are still exceptions.

Overall progression to end of T3 is not bad at all (and to me it is in a good place for amount of money you pay for license), t4/t5 for newer pilots is a different story.

…also while modules now progress a bit faster, the old progression system was easier to tier rush…

not sure we are talkign about same “old system”, in old system it was impossible to tier rush, neither by investing in premium ships through tiers (that you can now) nor rushing a single role line - prices were higher, levels were locked by faction reputation and so forth


Not sure what you mean about illusion,…

not sure we are talkign about same “old system”, in old system it was impossible to tier rush, neither by investing in premium ships through tiers (that you can now) nor rushing a single role line - prices were higher, levels were locked by faction reputation and so forth


I do talk about the old progression system. granted, you had to unlock ships by acquiring total points per race, but once you got a rank unlocked, you could carry on, and just buy the latest rank per tier first. One of my first T3 ships was the Styx and the Kite (i really forgot the second, maybe it wasnt the kite, doesnt matter). You did not need to buy the ships in order. back then, credits were in shortage, and you had to stay in a tier to get purples for it, so all that got a lot different. i played exactly 1 week tier 2 two years ago, with the one week license i got, from then on i stayed in tier 3, with some t2 in the first month, for almost a year and unlocked most of my t4 and t5 from there and spent almost 6 months daily only in my first two golden t3 ships. But on that way, I had a gazillion of friends who enjoyed this game giving it up aswell, even if they were actually good players and enjoying the gameplay in T3. Most of them still dont come back more than a few days, because for them the income hasn’t changed, and all they see is i have thousands of battles and all dlc ships and whatnot, and they think they have to pay and play to get anywhere in this game. Half of them even bought a dlc, some even all of them, still they faded soon. And its not because they stopped playing games, nor even because the games they switched to were more fun, they all stated the rewards and progression to be the cause.

So I do not speak for myself, but for those.

Because I think they are a big majority of quality players, who would enjoy this game a lot, while I ask myself, if those who play T5 with a T2 engi nowadays, daily, are even having fun yet.

And same here, I do have my secondary; as do most of all the players we know by name here anyway.

But most of these accounts were only made to have uber stats somewhere. Epeen in action.


Anyway, I think, retaining players fails at that point; maybe I am wrong. For sure, this game deserves a bigger audience, and I do believe, there are still a lot of potential players out there. But a lot already walked by aswell, still not realizing its potential.

I do think the game has indeed some balancing issues. After playing for two years now, i have ascended to the holy rank of halfway good players. There are many, many people worse than me around. Still, i win only every third or, at best second game. I have 0,8 atm. If i look at other peoples win/loss rates, they suffer often a similiar fate. This cannot be changed, even going down to tier 2 or 3 doesnt help this. In fact, id expect a 50/50 win/loss rate, simply due to the fact that the teams random themselves out sooner or later. 


I cant really explain this.I can only assume that the game somehow mistakenly believes that i am really good pilot and sends me against another pilot that is indeed very good.


Another strange thing is that i leanr more and more about the game, and get better in tactical aspects, and it can be assumed i dont lose significantly in reflexes. Still, my win/loss went down from 0,95 to 0,8. While playing the same tiers. This is also a bit strange, and i assume the game is somehow trolling me. A bit can be explained by being put against squads with a random team in SQ, but not all. Why the game always puts me in SQ in a random team, and the opposition is nearly always a squad is the yet another mystery of Star Conflict.

I do think the game has indeed some balancing issues. After playing for two years now, i have ascended to the holy rank of halfway good players. There are many, many people worse than me around. Still, i win only every third or, at best second game. I have 0,8 atm. If i look at other peoples win/loss rates, they suffer often a similiar fate. This cannot be changed, even going down to tier 2 or 3 doesnt help this. In fact, id expect a 50/50 win/loss rate, simply due to the fact that the teams random themselves out sooner or later. 


I cant really explain this.I can only assume that the game somehow mistakenly believes that i am really good pilot and sends me against another pilot that is indeed very good.


Another strange thing is that i leanr more and more about the game, and get better in tactical aspects, and it can be assumed i dont lose significantly in reflexes. Still, my win/loss went down from 0,95 to 0,8. While playing the same tiers. This is also a bit strange, and i assume the game is somehow trolling me. A bit can be explained by being put against squads with a random team in SQ, but not all. Why the game always puts me in SQ in a random team, and the opposition is nearly always a squad is the yet another mystery of Star Conflict.

I have 2.07 Win ratio. That is over 67%.


I’m a hacker!!

 A bit can be explained by being put against squads with a random team in SQ, but not all. Why the game always puts me in SQ in a random team, and the opposition is nearly always a squad is the yet another mystery of Star Conflict.


If you don’t like facing squads in seccon while you are in a team of randoms, you have three simple options:

  1. Suck it up

  2. Don’t play seccon

  3. Get corp-mates together and squad up


Seccon is supposed to be challenging, if it were easy, anyone could do it.

If you don’t like facing squads in seccon while you are in a team of randoms, you have three simple options:

  1. Suck it up

  2. Don’t play seccon

  3. Get corp-mates together and squad up


Seccon is supposed to be challenging, if it were easy, anyone could do it.

You do not get the point. The best thing would be to match me against players in my competence level. While i can understand your zeal to effortlessly bash Aces like me, games like that tend to be a bit onsided. You see, your problem might be the following: As soon as i dont need any more money (actually, right now) i wont fly SQ alone any more. Which i wont. That means you, and anyone else in a squad, can wait in Que all day, if the other single flying players decide as well that it is not fun to fly in ramdoms against squads.

You do not get the point. The best thing would be to match me against players in my competence level. While i can understand your zeal to effortlessly bash Aces like me, games like that tend to be a bit onsided. You see, your problem might be the following: As soon as i dont need any more money (actually, right now) i wont fly SQ alone any more. Which i wont. That means you, and anyone else in a squad, can wait in Que all day, if the other single flying players decide as well that it is not fun to fly in ramdoms against squads.

Sector conquest is supposed to be corporate wars. You have to be in a corporation to play it.

If you choose to play alone is your fault alone.

Deal with it.

Sure, no problem. As long as you are fighting brave loners that are not me,  i am quite happy with that.

Yea you should listen to Evi!

He is a PRO after all…

As soon as i dont need any more money (actually, right now) i wont fly SQ alone any more.


Sector Conquest has no balance rules. Only players from a Corp with the same side of conflict will be on your team. It is not like PvP where teams are balanced by the matchmaker

Ahh ok. I didnt completely realize this. So its more of a fight of sides than of individuals. Thats ok then. But it should be communicated a bit more.

Ahh ok. I didnt completely realize this. So its more of a fight of sides than of individuals. Thats ok then. But it should be communicated a bit more.


Pretty much yes, this is why ESB and SCORP never fight each other in SQ because they are both empire corporations and thus always put on the same team. Same with NASA and OWL for federation side etc

this seth guy must be fkn trolling

meet my cow




this is fed ship. she’s gonna kick your xxxx.


it doesnt matter wich side of contract is played.

just play.

once current side is exausted of vouchers outpot potential, move on to the next side.

each side has a daily mono mision.

and if you play enough you can cycle the 3-way. (once in 24hours. wich is 100% efficiency of extracting the most out of the game. rest is fun killing and getting credits, materials)

est. 4-5 hours. depends how bad you are.

i dont cycle, got too much life, owl stuff


ps> was there an argument about positrons? on snipers they are just sweet. jstsayn…

I got positrons on my tormentor ae and hit 10k damage without a crit. I don’t see how they’re underpowered.