Come on ... Balance this game


im gonna talk only about Frigates 


they supposed to have only 4 turrets but Jericho on Empire have 6 


Jericho in close beta was the fastest but weak  ( therefor 6 turrets and that was cool )  now they have those unbeatable shields … and they have sooo much things that they can upgrade with vouchers 


Empire also have many useful stuff for vouchers 


and the Federation … ehhh …  


so please fix Federation Frigates … give them useful stuff to upgrade with vouchers 


more weapons … not only this Positron Cannon ( Guard ) 

Miniguns … Burst Cannons … etc 



and in my opinion Federation should have kinetic dmg and empire EM 

You can do any fit for any frigate. Work on balance is constantly, dont worry. 


im gonna talk only about Frigates 


they supposed to have only 4 turrets but Jericho on Empire have 6 


Jericho in close beta was the fastest but weak  ( therefor 6 turrets and that was cool )  now they have those unbeatable shields … and they have sooo much things that they can upgrade with vouchers 


Empire also have many useful stuff for vouchers 


and the Federation … ehhh …  


so please fix Federation Frigates … give them useful stuff to upgrade with vouchers 


more weapons … not only this Positron Cannon ( Guard ) 

Miniguns … Burst Cannons … etc 



and in my opinion Federation should have kinetic dmg and empire EM 


1.) ONLY LRF have 6 turrets. This is because they are weaker than other ships in general. Jeri guards and empire engi have 4 like all other frigates.


2.) Jericho shields are not unbeatable. A ship that deals more than 1 type of damage can take them out. Jericho hulls are weak to compensate for the large shields.


3.) Federation are good ships. This has already been established. Fast and durable.


4.) Federation has useful stuff to upgrade with vouchers. Pulsar is invaluable. Energy Regen module is again, Invaluable. If you need to upgrade other modules, take a trip to jericho for the shield boosters and coil mortars. No big deal.


5.) If you’ve only got the positron cannon, you’re not playing right


6.) New weapons take time and need a lot of testing and balancing. I am happy with the choice of weapons I have and I am able to kill things quickly and efficiently with them.


7.) Burst cannon and minigun already exist, they’re the Heavy Blaster. Fast firing bursts of thermal damage.



If the game was played by your rules, it would be Frigate conflict where all ships were upgraded in your station and were perfectly equal. If the game wants to succeed, you’ll need a playerbase. Your ideas would ruin a playerbase.


New weapons can be added if they would benefit all and not offer significant advantage to one over the other

You can do any fit for any frigate. Work on balance is constantly, dont worry. 


ok but Jericho and Empire can have useful stuff so easy … 


and Federation has to work their xxxx off . to have what they have .  jumping from contracts to contracts .  or stay with mk 2 only 

ok but Jericho and Empire can have useful stuff so easy … 


and Federation has to work their xxxx off . to have what they have .  jumping from contracts to contracts .  or stay with mk 2 only 

Ever thought that federation hangar wasn’t meant for guard frigates. Federation are designed around ENGINEERS. They have a lot of the engineer modules. Shield regen, warp gate, shield and hull drones, eclipse launchers, energy regen (essental for engi). Jericho have guard stuff because, guess what, guards are jericho’s forte. Just like empire makes a lot of things for long range because that’s their main focus.


Seriously, do you even play the game?

so, if you’re gonna complain about your federation guard not being able to be upgraded in a federation hangar designed for federation engineers as frigates, haul up to jericho.

1.) ONLY LRF have 6 turrets. This is because they are weaker than other ships in general. Jeri guards and empire engi have 4 like all other frigates.


2.) Jericho shields are not unbeatable. A ship that deals more than 1 type of damage can take them out. Jericho hulls are weak to compensate for the large shields.


3.) Federation are good ships. This has already been established. Fast and durable.


4.) Federation has useful stuff to upgrade with vouchers. Pulsar is invaluable. If you need to upgrade other modules, take a trip to jericho for the shield boosters and coil mortars. No big deal.


5.) If you’ve only got the positron cannon, you’re not playing right


6.) New weapons take time and need a lot of testing and balancing. I am happy with the choice of weapons I have and I am able to kill things quickly and efficiently with them.


7.) Burst cannon and minigun already exist, they’re the Heavy Blaster. Fast firing bursts of thermal damage.



If the game was played by your rules, it would be Frigate conflict where all ships were upgraded in your station and were perfectly equal. If the game wants to succeed, you’ll need a playerbase. Your ideas would ruin a playerbase.


New weapons can be added if they would benefit all and not offer significant advantage to one over the other



  1. Weaker u say … hmm 


  1. My T-Rex Mk 2 with positron cannon don’t have a slightest chance to beat those Jericho Shields . the definition of Balance mean  that  two sides have a equal chance to win . NOW they don’t 


  1. Fast u say … Durable u say … hmmm 


  1. P2W much ?? 


  1. Are u saying Positron Cannon is weak ???   SO u are saying Federation have weak gun ???  HMM 


  1. Im not  … Positron Cannon . 


  1.  Let me see …  Beam Cannon , Heavy Blaster …Blaster ,  Positron Cannon , Coil Mortar , Eclipse Launcher , Destructor …  NOPE no Burst Cannon and NO Gatling . 


And what are my Rules ??? Cause i don’t remember talking about any rules .  

i just pointed that the game is Unbalanced . EEEEVRYBODY  should have equals chance to win/kill . but now they don’t . 

Ever thought that federation hangar wasn’t meant for guard frigates. Federation are designed around ENGINEERS. They have a lot of the engineer modules. Shield regen, warp gate, shield and hull drones, eclipse launchers, energy regen (essental for engi). Jericho have guard stuff because, guess what, guards are jericho’s forte. Just like empire makes a lot of things for long range because that’s their main focus.


Seriously, do you even play the game?


SO why they add guard for  Federation . that is just … 


if there is GUARD for Federation it should be PLAYABLE like everything else 

I don’t get the faction problem you have. There are no federation guns etc, you mean the vouchers you need to upgrade the weapons? Just switch station to get the other vouchers, why do you need to stay in the federation hangar if you play federation ships? You can play whatever you want from whatever hangar you want. I really don’t get the upgrade problem. 

About the difference in ships…tbh i prefer FED guards because they are a lot faster than jerrys. 

Seth, with all due respect, federation guards are playable, and they are really good.


You need to adapt to each ship capabilities. One of the best features of this game is that every ship, even of the same class, can work with different setups and still be viable.

For example, the Trex MK2, which is a really powerful guard, it is best flown with 1 or 2 adaptive shieds, 1 em shield resistance, 2 energy regeneration modules, and just perma afterburning all around firing torpedoes, using pulsar and engine suppresion so people can’t outrace you and die to your pulsar and heavy blaster.


You should use heavy blasters in federation guards btw. It is a great weapon for sustained fire and head on encounters. Positron cannons are good, but if you fly a federation guard made for speed tanking, they are not that good.


Finally, you can fit anything in a federation frigate, not only federation themed modules. Don’t be afraid of fitting other faction themed weapons, like coils, lasers or whatever.


Search in youtube videos for guards. I have one in my channel flying the Trex Mk2, and Rakza is the guard master supreme in this forums. Search for his guard guides and builds. And ask him for advice, he is always ready to help.

  1. Weaker u say … hmm 


  1. My T-Rex Mk 2 with positron cannon don’t have a slightest chance to beat those Jericho Shields . the definition of Balance mean  that  two sides have a equal chance to win . NOW they don’t 


  1. Fast u say … Durable u say … hmmm 


  1. P2W much ?? 


  1. Are u saying Positron Cannon is weak ???   SO u are saying Federation have weak gun ???  HMM 


  1. Im not  … Positron Cannon . 


  1.  Let me see …  Beam Cannon , Heavy Blaster …Blaster ,  Positron Cannon , Coil Mortar , Eclipse Launcher , Destructor …  NOPE no Burst Cannon and NO Gatling . 


And what are my Rules ??? Cause i don’t remember talking about any rules .  

i just pointed that the game is Unbalanced . EEEEVRYBODY  should have equals chance to win/kill . but now they don’t . 

1.) LRF are weaker than Engi or Guard as standard. A resistance setup for LRF would yield more protection applied to an engi or guard.


2.) Find another strategy. Positron is heavy EM, guard with regen on and shields at EM will shrug it off.


3.) Fed are the fastest ships, using the shield multi-resist makes them durable at high speeds. They also have fairly balanced hull and shield strength.


4.) How in hell is that pay to win? Oh, let’s fly to another station, oh no! I’ve wasted none of my money at all! This is so pay to win!


5.) Positron cannon is better suited for long ranges. It’s not the easiest gun to use and whilst damage is high, reload time is slow, leaving it a little defenseless when they are reloading. Also, not all of the beams may hit.


6.) I know you’re not a positron cannon.


7.) Single mindedness would not see that the heavy blaster fulfils both roles simultaneously.


8.) If everybody had an equal chance to kill someone, T1’s would be killing secret project ships. I think that’s the most hilarious thing i’ve heard all day.


SO why they add guard for  Federation . that is just … 


if there is GUARD for Federation it should be PLAYABLE like everything else 


Oh, I don’t know, haven’t you noticed that each faction has 2 subclasses per class? Fed guard is perfectly playable, providing you stop whining about it and change station to go to somewhere that specialises in guard frigates, no big deal is it now? Hm? You play as a mercenary, not a federation officer.

Positron Cannon are mean for a particular Gameplay as well as all others weapons have their own gameplays and possibilities.


Basing your all argumentation on “Positron are weak on T-Rex Mk2” only show that your experience ingame is limited to a small part of the tons of mechanics available.



A fitting for the T-Rex Mk2 with Positron exist based on Hit&Run mechanics in a guard, exploiting the Phase Shield bonus and Fed Mobility just for poking, More optimized fittings and also much more powerful fitting exist on the T-Rex Mk2 exists.




Rakza is the guard master supreme

I agree with this.^

Positron Cannon are mean for a particular Gameplay as well as all others weapons have their own gameplays and possibilities.


Basing your all argumentation on “Positron are weak on T-Rex Mk2” only show that your experience ingame is limited to a small part of the tons of mechanics available.



A fitting for the T-Rex Mk2 with Positron exist based on Hit&Run mechanics in a guard, exploiting the Phase Shield bonus and Fed Mobility just for poking, More optimized fittings and also much more powerful fitting exist on the T-Rex Mk2 exists.


I agree with this.^

All hail the Razka! He has blessed us with his guardian intellect!


There’s not really a gun which is weak on any ship. If you put a gun on a ship, set it up correctly and use it in the method the weapon was intended for, you’ll kill. There are going to be easier weapons than others, but all of them have the potential to be good if you know what you’re doing with them



I don’t get the faction problem you have. There are no federation guns etc, you mean the vouchers you need to upgrade the weapons? Just switch station to get the other vouchers, why do you need to stay in the federation hangar if you play federation ships? You can play whatever you want from whatever hangar you want. I really don’t get the upgrade problem. 

About the difference in ships…tbh i prefer FED guards because they are a lot faster than jerrys. 



To Upgrade Federation GUARD with useful and strong Guns and Modules take way too much more time than other Factions . 

unless u P2W HARD 






Seth, with all due respect, federation guards are playable, and they are really good.


You need to adapt to each ship capabilities. One of the best features of this game is that every ship, even of the same class, can work with different setups and still be viable.

For example, the Trex MK2, which is a really powerful guard, it is best flown with 1 or 2 adaptive shieds, 1 em shield resistance, 2 energy regeneration modules, and just perma afterburning all around firing torpedoes, using pulsar and engine suppresion so people can’t outrace you and die to your pulsar and heavy blaster.


You should use heavy blasters in federation guards btw. It is a great weapon for sustained fire and head on encounters. Positron cannons are good, but if you fly a federation guard made for speed tanking, they are not that good.


Finally, you can fit anything in a federation frigate, not only federation themed modules. Don’t be afraid of fitting other faction themed weapons, like coils, lasers or whatever.


Search in youtube videos for guards. I have one in my channel flying the Trex Mk2, and Rakza is the guard master supreme in this forums. Search for his guard guides and builds. And ask him for advice, he is always ready to help.


Thanks for that edvice 


Adaptive shield … that is Jericho upgrades 

EM shield Resistance … that is also Jericho upgrade 

Engine Suppress … Jericho 

Heavy Blaster … Empire  



this is like AMD would use Nividia parts … 


im just saying … that is just wrong … 


to fly and enjoy Federation ship i have to work for Jericho and Empire

but  to fly and  enjoy Jericho  ship i can work for Jericho 

and to enjoy Empire ship i can work only for Empire 

There’s nothing P2W about changing stations to get upgrades. If you’re spending GS on upgrading weapons and modules, what are you doing with your life. An upgrade from mk3 to 4 maybe, but GS’ing them all up to purple is a waste of your own money.


As far as I can hear, there’s someone complaining about having to move around to get the best deals. Well, tough. There’s no delivery trucks in space. You work for your stuff. If that means you have to search for a place that gives you what you need, so be it. It adds fun to the game, flying from station to station, collecting your resources to build a monster ship.

Also, to enjoy a federation engineer, you can stick with federation, but wait, what’s that? your hull heal is empire? oh no, P2W!! P2W!!



to fly and enjoy Federation ship i have to work for Jericho and Empire

but  to fly and  enjoy Jericho  ship i can work for Jericho 

and to enjoy Empire ship i can work only for Empire 




If you fly a Jericho tackler, you will need federation vouchers.


If you fly an empire engineer you will need federation vouchers.


Almost any engine and cap slot module need federation vouchers.


You seem biased, and it usually happens when you still haven’t played that much, but I can assure you that the most valuable vouchers are the federation ones, because energy and engine modules are used for all the factions, while hull and shields are not.

A faction will supply parts for the ships that they use as originals. Like federation providing the special weapons for tacklers, most of the engineer kit, most of the CovOps kit. It makes sense to have it this way. There are some mixes to make sure you can’t just coast through the game and you will need to search around.



If you fly a Jericho tackler, you will need federation vouchers.


If you fly an empire engineer you will need federation vouchers.


Almost any engine and cap slot module need federation vouchers.


You seem biased, and it usually happens when you still haven’t played that much, but I can assure you that the most valuable vouchers are the federation ones, because energy and engine modules are used for all the factions, while hull and shields are not.

energy, capacitor, most of the engineer class, a lot of tackler stuff, most of the cov ops modules. All Fed. All powerful.


In all honesty seth, no offense intended but you sound like you’ve only been playing the game for 20 minutes. You’re biased and basically having a paddy. “I want it all and i want it now” does not happen. “I want it all so i’m gonna go hunt it down, kill it all and then claim it as my own”, funnily enough, does.

The factions are just a way to spread the voucher gain. The name does not matter. You fit your ship with the modules you find best. You see what vouchers you need to upgrade a certain module. You go to that faction’s hangar and play the game to get the vouchers. It’s not more time consuming to get FED vouchers then Jericho vouchers, it’s the same thing. You just need to take 5-10 minutes in a recon/fast ship to switch hangars, or you can use ingame credits to switch the hangar. Really, it’s not a big deal, it doesn’t involve spending more time than on anything else. 


You seem to be more bothered lore wise maybe? Because practically speaking, there’s no difference. 


Edit: Also after you have upgraded something for your Federation guard, you can switch that item to a same tiered Jericho guard. You’re not necessarily getting a module for 1 single ship, to say “I need to upgrade my Fed ship in Jericho space”.