Come on ... Balance this game

Nor is it P2W in any way. Changing hangar by flight costs nothing, and in a federation r14 guard, i’m sure you’ll cope!


Take a recon or a fed cov ops. 10 minutes max on direct route. fly high, fly fast, avoid flint. No problem. Or 800k max to change station instantly.


Stop complaining.

So you tier rushed to the SECONDARY Fed Frigate, and you’re complaining that you can’t compete with the PRIMARY Frigates of the other factions, which are likely flown by pilots who didn’t tier rush and who instead levelled all three factions?

So you tier rushed to the SECONDARY Fed Frigate, and you’re complaining that you can’t compete with the PRIMARY Frigates of the other factions, which are likely flown by pilots who didn’t tier rush and who instead levelled all three factions?

sounds like it tbh


“oh no, i’m a hopeless pilot with no real skill in this ship, All other ships must be nerfed, i want ultimate power on my ship! I want 9 weapons because I can’t fly this ship! I want more weapons for my ship! I must have all of the vouchers now!”

Aaaaaah that’s what you did, that’s why you can’t upgrade your modules, because you don’t have the contracts available since you didn’t play the other factions at all. I understand now. 

In this case yes, you have a valid point, you can’t upgrade your stuff, but I’m afraid this is not the way the game should be played. You have 3-4 ship slots for a reason, to be able to level 3-4 ships at the same time. Preferably of different factions. A payed shortcut solution is to buy a premium ship of Tier 3 for example to unlock T3 contracts. Or even T5 if you can afford it, for the faction where you need the contracts. 

The thing is most people don’t have your problem because everyone plays several ships at the same time, of different factions. 

Hello, it is advised to play all 3 of the factions. You will miss out on their ships / vouchers to get mk3 modules for your ships if you only play one faction

Tierrushing causes problems. Fleet strength 55 and only 3 t4 ships. I level everything up in turn to make sure I get the most out of the game instead of just rushing through

and that is stupid … game is forcing u to play ships and factions u don’t like …  now it will take forever to collect  jericho vouchers with only one ship … and i don’t even like those Red Fks … 


instead of enjoying and mastering Ship that i like …


or like Syrinx said PAY for premium … and that is P2W . 



if they really want to Balance the game they should bring back Mk3 upgrades kits  … 


GAMES SHOULD BE FUN … and not forcing you to grind 

So because the game punishes players for not having a balanced roster it’s pay to win?

Everyone else seems fine playing all three races, and funnily enough none of us feel like we have to spend real money to upgrade our ships.

maybe you’re just a troll… yeah, that’ll do it

and that is stupid … game is forcing u to play ships and factions u don’t like …  now it will take forever to collect  jericho vouchers with only one ship … and i don’t even like those Red Fks … 


instead of enjoying and mastering Ship that i like …


or like Syrinx said PAY for premium … and that is P2W . 



if they really want to Balance the game they should bring back Mk3 upgrades kits  … 


GAMES SHOULD BE FUN … and not forcing you to grind 

If you want a game without grind, you are in the wrong place.


Al the free to play games use the grind as a excuse to sell you their premium subscriptions. You can play without premium, but you will have to play less games (grind less) to have the same stuff if you pay!


The problem is that this game is so good that it doesn’t feel like a grind at all. I just have fun playing

and that is stupid … game is forcing u to play ships and factions u don’t like …  now it will take forever to collect  jericho vouchers with only one ship … and i don’t even like those Red Fks … 


instead of enjoying and mastering Ship that i like …


or like Syrinx said PAY for premium … and that is P2W . 



if they really want to Balance the game they should bring back Mk3 upgrades kits  … 


GAMES SHOULD BE FUN … and not forcing you to grind 

Every game mode has different needs. Leveling and playing one ship only will hinder you and your team. Not to mention no matter what ships you

fly you will need to complete contracts from all factions to level the modules anyway.


Leveling multiple ships will help you greatly in the long run.


or like Syrinx said PAY for premium … and that is P2W . 


You can get the equipment faster. It doesn’t make the equipment better.

the grind is a problem, which actually causes the tier rushing.

the grind also causes mostly players to stay, who are challenged by it; while people who would specialize or just play for fun, leave often too fast.

it makes people focus on progression. they try to reach up as fast as they can, because staying in a tier and going for equipment is incredibly slow, and there is not enough time invested into skilling up.


nevertheless, even if i agree, that this game needs 10x-100x the speed in progression or rewards, even as a f2p title, and something else, than “have all ships” as endgame (instead, once you have all ships, the game should actually really BEGIN, and there should be other incentives, than GS or yet another tech, or yet another ship to look forward to), I can’t agree to the OP QQ, and just say the same thing as all others here: don’t tier rush. go tier 2 or tier 3. play the ships until you get the gamemodes. slowly work up to tier 4, while you finish up all holes in t1-3. then start building your t5 deck, and hopefully also in that timeframe, join a corp and fly as squads.


it does not matter, what you think about yourself, and what you enjoy at this moment, since it will change, beliv meh. you should play guards, if you enjoy guards, and play fed if you enjoy fed. but keep in the tier of your skill and playstyle. it is cheaper to experiment in earlier tiers. read forums. set goals. you will see, that other factions can be played aswell.

you only need to unlock the other factions; you do not need to play those ships. just play what you like, put free synergy into ships you dont want to.

don’t take yourself the fun out of the game by focusing on progression. love each ship and care for each ship, and you will have fun.


with such statements, those who demand faster progression will only have a weaker cause, because, even if say, “faster progression”, i do not mean “reach t5 in a week” or “only play one type of ship / faction until the end of my days”. because understanding another ship also makes you play your favourite ships better against it. because the ultimate goal of this game is to play in teams, and understand that each ship has strengths and weaknesses, and that endgames are played by actually people who have progressed through all roles at least a bit.

and because, many who believe that you should be forced to play a bit with a ship, so you do not overestimate yourself, also think, that grind will do that job (which it doesnt, but well, it seems the naive approach)

Mr g4 since when goal of team based games is teamplay?  :008j:

Mr g4 since when goal of team based games is teamplay?  :008j:

Time for scientific papers to be written. But u know it’s g4b. U know it.


U know it


So because the game punishes players for not having a balanced roster it’s pay to win?

Everyone else seems fine playing all three races, and funnily enough none of us feel like we have to spend real money to upgrade our ships.


Well, i’m sure i’m not the only one who have paid to upgrade some weapons because it takes forever to amass the vouchers…

I have paid under old progression system to up some passives/weapons, but now, as long as you have a license you can a mass vouchers for respective tier in no time (meaning if you fly T3 you get enough for upping T3 modules). Quite often people complain about slow voucher progressions where, they fly prem T3 and try to mk3-mk4 T5 weapons

I would pay, if it were a lot cheaper.

and that is stupid … game is forcing u to play ships and factions u don’t like …  now it will take forever to collect  jericho vouchers with only one ship … and i don’t even like those Red Fks … 


instead of enjoying and mastering Ship that i like …


or like Syrinx said PAY for premium … and that is P2W . 



if they really want to Balance the game they should bring back Mk3 upgrades kits  … 


GAMES SHOULD BE FUN … and not forcing you to grind 


This game isn’t forcing you to do anything. You can play the roles you want, whenever you want, no one/nothing is stopping you from doing that. In fact, most people in this game play the roles they like best most of the time (Rakza plays guards, Tillo plays LRF and wiggle-wiggle ships, etc.)


Upgrading modules is part of the grind. Changing stations has no affect on your gameplay (aside from invasion), and allows you to upgrade modules from other factions. You made the statement that fed ships have far more upgrades from more factions than other roles, this couldn’t be more wrong. The amount of upgrades is the same for every ship (of that rank group), and the variety depends on your build. There are hundreds of module combos, so nothing is forcing you to use modules from all 3 factions.


Also, paying for premium isn’t P2W, it is pay to progress faster. Nothing in this game is truly P2W.


This game is fun, despite the grind, ask any of us. This game would suck if there was no grind, as everyone would be in end-game content on their first day of playing, which is bad for gameplay, and reduces the fun. We all know the grind is too much, but we still play the game and enjoy it.

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