Combat Recon - Disable Destroyers for Team Captains.

Basically, because they are impossible to kill and already have a 75% damage increase on top of a gun that already does over 10,000 damage per second.



A shout in the void…


Yeah I form see what the problem is. Did you get killed one too many times by an enemy dessy captain? Xp

I’m really tired of destroyers. If I wanted, I could build a rank 11 destro right now, but I don’t want to because I feel it’s a cheap way to kill enemies and win battles. Today I’ve also seen a destroyer getting inside his own black hole in order to make me unable to plasma-knife him…

It’s just madness.


Changing this won’t do much, and also it’s hard to implement technically. 


Still, +1. 

I think we should also disable destroyers for detonation, capture the beacon, domination, beacon hunt and team battle. Just to be fair

It’s easy. Just implement a code that means, if you are the team captain, your Destroyer suddenly becomes unavailable. Or, if it’s all in your lineup, you won’t be captain at all :slight_smile:

-1 to this.

It’s easy. Just implement a code that means, if you are the team captain, your Destroyer suddenly becomes unavailable. Or, if it’s all in your lineup, you won’t be captain at all :slight_smile:

You’re right, the system could just exclude you from the “captain selection” script. My bad.