Combat Reboot

I have a question about the mechanics of combat reboot. The descrption says that it interrupts ALL negative effects and prevents new negative effects. The ship also gains temporary invulnerability. There have been multiple instances where an ECM activates their ion diffuser or stasis generator and I am unable to break free. Does this mean that the combat reboot only actually interrupts effects like engine suppression and target painting? Should combat reboot break free of an ion diffuser or stasis generator? Discuss!

If you can activate it you are fully invulnerable. Note the if.

But shouldnt you be able to actiavate it at all times? the description says ALL negative effects, not some negative effects. Ion diffuser and stasis generator is a negative effect, is it not? The combat reboot module should cleanse everything and everything.

you cant activate under stasis/ion beam effect, but you can cleanse negative effects like drones/plasma web/tacklers debuff and such

If you get an ECM to stasis you you’re 99% dead.
That module should work to remove that debuff aswell.

the ECM still has 2 more modules to mess you up tho.
i’d say its a fair trade

If you get an ECM to stasis you you’re 99% dead.

That module should work to remove that debuff aswell.

the ECM still has 2 more modules to mess you up tho.

i’d say its a fair trade

that is a nice bucket full of BS

If you get an ECM to stasis you you’re 99% dead.

That module should work to remove that debuff aswell.

the ECM still has 2 more modules to mess you up tho.

i’d say its a fair trade


Aww… someone’s mad that they died to an ECM.

Radiance has been posting against ECM all over the forum, don’t know why, perhaps he got owned/humilliated by the same pilot many times in the same match, or simply he hates that a ship has 3 modules that “nullifie” you for 3 miserable seconds that give you time to do nothing if you’re not in a squad or with a semi-competent team, idk. If something, ECMs are the weakest interceptors, usually I find harder to kill Recons/CovOps.

Yeah, stasis only kills me when im being focus fired, they are balanced fine for their support roll

Yeah, the last time we had someone raging about stasis, I just pointed out that they were probably being focus fired on from three or four ships, and he did something to get targeted by three or four ships.  No reply from him.

Combat reboot should still work against ECM , there is honestly not much you can do if you fly a fragile ship and it decides it wants you dead.
that and focus fire.

Radiance has been posting against ECM all over the forum, don’t know why, perhaps he got owned/humilliated by the same pilot many times in the same match, or simply he hates that a ship has 3 modules that “nullifie” you for 3 miserable seconds that give you time to do nothing if you’re not in a squad or with a semi-competent team, idk. If something, ECMs are the weakest interceptors, usually I find harder to kill Recons/CovOps.

I find that to be the opposite for me, those ecm just rape the weaker fighters, don’t do much against frigs tho

What’s your take on recon’s one button press shield elimination, even on Jericho fighters?

i can usually just pop them before they do any real damage

Really, ECMs ain’t hard to kill, nor game-breakers. They’re weak, slow, they don’t have any means of “mass” damage, and their de-buffs only last for a couple of seconds. A single ECM coming at you is dead meat most of the time, unless he’s being backed-up by another ship.

Really, ECMs ain’t hard to kill, nor game-breakers. They’re weak, slow, they don’t have any means of “mass” damage, and their de-buffs only last for a couple of seconds. A single ECM coming at you is dead meat most of the time, unless he’s being backed-up by another ship.


That is why I use Hit and Run tactics in my ECM. Swoop in, hit them with everything you got, get out of range, recover, and repeat.

Never managed to get out of a 1 v 1 fight with my fed gunship alive.
even if i do survive the debuffs i get picked off rather easily with a missle or two.
Don;t know how well that bodes for empire ships since they are beefy as hell, fed ships are kind of cardboard and glass.

I always seem to get away in my wolf, what have you been doing?

In a 1 v 1 youll never get away from a tryhard ECM.

Wish CR worked against ECM…those IWIN button fags grind my gears

You seem to misunderstand the work “IWIN”