Combat Drones

I personally think that they should be changed because although the extra shield recharge once your shields are below 50% is nice I find that I die more from it because I cant turn fast enough to attack an interceptor that is circling me and the drones are the only things that could kill it. So maybe change it to recharge your shields when no one is in range for them to attack? 

I personally think that they should be changed because although the extra shield recharge once your shields are below 50% is nice I find that I die more from it because I cant turn fast enough to attack an interceptor that is circling me and the drones are the only things that could kill it. So maybe change it to recharge your shields when no one is in range for them to attack? 

Any good interceptor pilot will kill them with a single rocket anyway. You should use cover and walls to defend against interceptors, and also, you can use torpedos (into the face) and attack drones.


You have much more survivability thanks to repairs and buff HP. You can take a torpedo and he can’t

I personally think that they should be changed because although the extra shield recharge once your shields are below 50% is nice I find that I die more from it because I cant turn fast enough to attack an interceptor that is circling me and the drones are the only things that could kill it. So maybe change it to recharge your shields when no one is in range for them to attack? 


It’s working as intended. Drones are balanced, so any buff or nerf is not necessary.

agree to Koromac, you are healed by your aura anyway