Combat Chat

A separate chat for global, combat, and squad/corp would be nice. Instead of being stuck in blue chat while in battle you could still keep up a convo that was going while waiting.


Did you try looking through options?





I think you mean this:

Am I missing something…?

I looked in chat settings but saw nothing in relation to seperation of chat tabs.

If memory serves it is an option for “global chat in combat” or something of the sort.


It is really annoying though. I removes the one frikkin way you can always communicate with your team in general PVP…

Wich is why I propose a separate tab.

A separate chat for global, combat, and squad/corp would be nice. Instead of being stuck in blue chat while in battle you could still keep up a convo that was going while waiting.


I don’t understand maybe…


You want something like that ?


like one tab for “global”, one tab for “combat”, one tab for “combat log”, one tab for “corporate”, and one tab for “group/wing”.

So, you want to separate global chat from combat chat ?

Yes, exactly! ^^


There are not many (if any) advantages of being able to type in English chat while in combat.

If your conversation is important enough to stop you from playing your match, then just switch to PMs, and explain to the other person that you just got a game.

Usually you want to finish your conversation in an argument, verbal fight or in a silly contest. It really isn’t worth finishing.

double topic - already forwarded to Devs