Colored Text while typing, Option to show all eyes on target in any channel

Currently regardless of which chat room/channel you are in while typing, the text is white.

I suggest that text be changed to different colors, depending on which “chat room/channel” you are in.

Example: (When typing)

Typing in the main channel in the hangar the text would be a white color.

If you are in a battle and typing in main (party) channel it will be a blueish color.

Typing in corporation channel will be a green color.

Typing in group/squad channel will be an orange color.

**Edit Just added* Also when whispering to other pilots the text should be purple.

The colors chosen should be slightly darker or paler to what is used for the channel.

also the color of the “chat rooms” at the top will have the same color as the text in that room. E.g. ( English, Combat log, Corporation, Group)

The point of this is to minimize the chances of typing in the wrong channel. if i see my chat is green it is an extra reminder that i am typing in a certain channel.

During a battle All eyes on target text should also be shown in any channel (or at least have the option to do so), switching channels during battles can be a pain.

well, this is already established.


Please press the small eye right next to your text entry box of the chat.

Now you can select the chat you like to type in and the colour will change accordingly.


Note: if you relog und minimize it will remain at your last settings

Note2: while in battle you cant type in global atm

Gekaler how come you never understand what the OP wants or is trying to get across… :facepalm:

Read it again

ouh, thanks for the decent hint

(smash right in my face)



I forwarded your request to the Devs - actually a good idea

thanks :slight_smile:

During a battle All eyes on target text should also be shown in any channel (or at least have the option to do so), switching channels during battles can be a pain.



this, first thing i have to do when i goto battle, be sure not to be in main chat. this all eyes on is so spammy and usually you can see the highlighted red color. the chat just tells you enemy name. that doesn’t show where he is at. it also makes you lose ur eyes on the battle for a second. 

you can turn it off in settings

During a battle All eyes on target text should also be shown in any channel (or at least have the option to do so), switching channels during battles can be a pain.

this, first thing i have to do when i goto battle, be sure not to be in main chat. this all eyes on is so spammy and usually you can see the highlighted red color. the chat just tells you enemy name. that doesn’t show where he is at. it also makes you lose ur eyes on the battle for a second. 

I have been in several battles and i hear the all eyes on target sound but i am not in “Main” chat so i cannot see who or what is being pinged, the ping may be behind me which means i would have to free aim or turn my ship around to see what is being pinged. It is not just pilots being pinged, but also beacons and emp bombs as well, if i am to far away from either its difficult to know what is being pinged.

This suggestion might be added into the game in one or another way.

This suggestion might be added into the game in one or another way.




Semi necro? 17 days.

push to talk needs to work in hangar so you can talk to squad or wing

squads should be possible to join wing and use p2t in squad and in wing separately. in wing, squads should have own colors or everyone should have own color. it would help alot.


PM reply button

fully customizable chat Windows (play everquest and you know what i mean)

commands for sending messages to different channels from one tab. like /1 /2 /3 etc…

different backgrounds for all chat Windows. too easy to WC

fast battle messages like in CS/battlefield

couple other marks than “PING”


and my special idea: what if ships could run out of ammo ? then u need that fast button what sends message: NEED AMMO. separate support/engi and medic/engi ships

push to talk needs to work in hangar so you can talk to squad or wing

squads should be possible to join wing and use p2t in squad and in wing separately. in wing, squads should have own colors or everyone should have own color. it would help alot.


PM reply button

fully customizable chat Windows (play everquest and you know what i mean)

commands for sending messages to different channels from one tab. like /1 /2 /3 etc…

different backgrounds for all chat Windows. too easy to WC

fast battle messages like in CS/battlefield

couple other marks than “PING”


and my special idea: what if ships could run out of ammo ? then u need that fast button what sends message: NEED AMMO. separate support/engi and medic/engi ships

One suggestion per thread.