Coil Mortar really is a game breaker (for me) atm

I get that it’s important to be able to kill the Engie’s drones and such, but man. It hurts to see. I cringe every time I see a Mortar flying towards me when I’m out of cover.

There’s a reason they were the only thing that could beat me back in t2 frig duels, especially in TB/Combat Recon.


While you venture back into T2 try Hydra 2 with Coil Mortar and manufactured irdrum(sp) or if you get really bored Explosive shells  


Makes a world of difference  :005j:    reduction of 75% spread   oh ya …  

You don’t need special ammo; Hydra 2 with coils can beat down anything.

You don’t need special ammo; Hydra 2 with coils can beat down anything.

You won’t beat anyone good with that. You don’t have tank, you are not energy stable, and coils are not that good in tier 2.


All it takes is any interceptor closing to less than 2000 m, a guard player who actually understand the phase shield (well, that is hard), a gunship player in overdrive, even my razor with her 4800 m range gauss.

I found that in t2 my heavy blasters worked great, fitted them on my Hydra 2 and Alli-M, both of them were able to kill anything. Pop out of cover, set the drones on, zoom in, fire up, smash them, drop back into cover, heal shields, repeat. Nice thing is that nobody knew how to fly guards, they’d have the shields tuned to kinetics whilst I smashed them down with blasters.


Curved blasters on a Acid Hydra got me about 5.5k DPS, which was pretty good. Mixed with torps it can (still) do Crimson Haze with ease. Cargo ships are under 20 seconds to kill.