Coil Mortar constantly jams [NB]

I’m not talking about overheating here, im talking about every time i use it ill randomly get a situation in the middle of a fight where ill click and nothing will happen, there will be no heat and it’ll just jam for twenty to thirty seconds at a time… my friend also gets this same issue, and after the jam happens and it unjams, the first coil brings the heat from 0% to about 80% heat… making it even more gimped after this bug, it’s really ridiculous :l im surprised this hasn’t been posted already


this is a short jam by comparison

Coil mortar doesn’t use all the guns, its mechanic is one gun fires after another.


So my theory is that the gun that is supposed to fire is in an angle so that it is prohibited to fire at the intended target, happens a lot in cases of someone is too close to you/ at your blind spot.

Nah, i thought that at first too but when i fire in a complete straight line it happens too. cause i could spread my crosshair in a 360 degree and fire in every angle and still not be able to fire, but when it unjams i could fire in an angle i previously tried, also this happened earlier today within 15 seconds of starting a match, on my FIRST shot i locked up and got zerged by a recon and died. so no its not because of differing fire rate vs recharge rate on individual guns.

Coil mortar doesn’t use all the guns, its mechanic is one gun fires after another.


So my theory is that the gun that is supposed to fire is in an angle so that it is prohibited to fire at the intended target, happens a lot in cases of someone is too close to you/ at your blind spot.

No, it’s something else, it happens on straight forward firing arcs as well. I think it’s lag related, but not sure.

Additionally, in PVE missions when it jams, i can still fire “invisible” shells that do damage but have no animation and dont show up heat, which leads me to snibs conclusion as well.

I had that too when I tried Coil mortar.


Seemed to be a animation bug.

an  animation bug doesn’t cause you to be unable to use your weapon 30-50% of the time, in addition to already ridiculously high heat generation. i enjoy it but i physically cant use it since the randomness of the jams just cause me to die.

I would suggest trying the Positron Cannon with Accel Coil Modules while waiting for the Coil to be looked at.

In my experience this happens when you fire either to your side or behind you. After this, you are unable to fire for a period of time.


This behaviour seems fairly consistent and can be reasonably irritating. It’s best observed/tested when grabbing a frigate into a quick PvE mission, plenty of targets to fire at.

Frigate lasers also regularly stop dealing damage for short periods. Feels like the server is skipping a beat. Considering I’m also seeing entire sessions time-warps in PVP resetting ship positions all over the place when the server catches up there definitely are lag related issues at work.

However, considering we also have things like the singularity randomly shooting straight upwards instead of where you aim, something the old heavy lasers used to do as well, and we might have a more deeply rooted issue.

tried looking for jams … couldn’t replicate


as for lag being the cause … even harder to say


I suffer lag all the time with wobbly interceptors; even fighters now in-fact when server pop goes +2k


but i don’t have guns jamming on me.

I often get this problem while turning and firing. However, it still gives me heat even though I’m pretty sure the weapon didn’t fire.

Blind spot cause of the Firing Barrels rotation.

I’ve also been noticing this bug for quite a while now, as Coil Mortar is now my go-to weapon for PvE.


It usually occurs when, upon clicking, the weapon would not fire, and the weapon’s heat gauge pauses - it does not heat up or cool down. When it does fire again, weapon heat spikes like crazy.

It does jam even very VERY many times even when the target is not in a blind spot / unreachable angle. Mainly using coils on frigates and the bug is there for real.

Only time I can get it to not fire is if turret LOS is blocked.

If you work out the shot sequence you can actually have it not fire but the first shot by rotating your cursor around.


It will overheat without firing because it’s tied to your mouse click not the actual shot.


As for not firing while facing forward unobstructed … that I cannot replicate.

It does jam even very VERY many times even when the target is not in a blind spot / unreachable angle. Mainly using coils on frigates and the bug is there for real.


Having flown at least 200 pve missions with it since it was released, in many different frigates (15+) - I have to disagree. The only time it jams is when it either overheats (intended) or you fire in an arc which isn’t directly ahead of you (unintended). The behaviour you describe I haven’t been able to replicate, and trust me - not due to a lack of trying.

Having flown at least 200 pve missions with it since it was released, in many different frigates (15+) - I have to disagree. The only time it jams is when it either overheats (intended) or you fire in an arc which isn’t directly ahead of you (unintended). The behaviour you describe I haven’t been able to replicate, and trust me - not due to a lack of trying.

200 PVE missions since 0.9.0? Was it as exciting as I think it was? :shocked:

That aside, I don’t think what you say actually contradicts what he says. Shooting to the side - successfully - has a chance to jam your next shot even if you aim directly ahead of you. You were never trying to fire to a blind spot of your currently active turret.

I’m working under the assumption that he waited for the barrels of his turret to finish rotating in the right direction before firing.


As for PvE, no - a lot of it was quite tedious. A lot of it was helping new players in lower tiers and didn’t need any focus whatsoever. And about a third of it (possibly more, up to 100) was the ‘new’ Pirate mission, which is reasonably entertaining. We got that one down to about 7-10 minutes, so 6-8 times per hour.

I’m working under the assumption that he waited for the barrels of his turret to finish rotating in the right direction before firing.

Then I have to disagree with you, turret rotation speed is not the issue at hand.

After testing this myself here are some easy steps to reproduce (using free look):

  • Aim forward, hold down the left mouse button.
  • After the shot to the front, still holding down the left mouse button, instantly aim to the side (or any direction) far enough for your view to shift.
  • Note the delay between the two shots
  • After the shot to the side, still holding down the left mouse button, instantly aim to the front again.
  • Note that the delay between the two shots is several times longer.

And that’s the jamming bug.


The heat bug is another one:

  1. Aim anywhere enough that your view shifts.
  2. Hold down the left mouse button.
  3. You will not fire with the turrets that have no firing angle - that part is working as intended (do however note that the firing angles are based on the turret and not the ship model - you can both have a turret blocked although it has line of sight and a turret firing straight through your ship)
  4. Once an unblocked turret fires again you’ll notice your heat jump up because the blocked turrets did nevertheless accumulate heat for the shots that could not be taken - that part is a bug.

Both are 100% reproducible in 0.9.1 still.