Coil Mortar constantly jams [NB]

I confirm this, beside jamming on turn, I have randomly jamming when trying to shoot during locking on target - I have no mods or imps that reduce that time.

tried looking for jams … couldn’t replicate


it jams alot and it sucks.

Dang gone problem is it will jam at the most improbable times…  talk about a get out of a jam free card for the opponent … then of course they recover and now you catch the wrath right down your throat… open wide,


Should not be jamming when they are directly in front of you. 

@Snib that’s exactly what I was saying - but ok. I think you misunderstand.


The bug remains - when shooting to either side, the weapon jams. To those who said it happens when they fire ‘to the front’ - your turrets were still at an angle when you fired, if you ‘look around’ or just finished turning your ship around, chances are the turrets are yet to catch up. If/when they’re properly angled towards the front, the weapon works fine.


My current theory (after hundreds of missions with coil mortars) is that the jam occurs in any situation where not ALL your turrets are able to fire. If you fire in such a situation, the next shot will be significantly delayed.


It’s a great weapon, but it would be nice if this was looked into and fixed as it is dropping the dps of the weapon significantly. In PvE this is somewhat bearable (besides for missions where time is of the essence, such as the pirate one) but in PvP this is a big problem.

@Snib that’s exactly what I was saying - but ok. I think you misunderstand.


The bug remains - when shooting to either side, the weapon jams. To those who said it happens when they fire ‘to the front’ - your turrets were still at an angle when you fired, if you ‘look around’ or just finished turning your ship around, chances are the turrets are yet to catch up. If/when they’re properly angled towards the front, the weapon works fine.

Actually I think you misunderstood. The jam occurs AFTER you fired to the side, not WHEN shooting to the side. Doesn’t matter where you shoot AFTER, you’ll still be jammed. :slight_smile:

You can verify it’s not the turrets because turning the turrets to the side should take the same amount of time as turning them back to the front. They will turn to the side faster than your firing rate.

That is what I am saying. “When shooting” not “When trying to shoot” :wink: We’re saying the same thing here.

So let me clarify - the weapon is jammed on the shot AFTER you’ve shot at any angle which has at least 1 turret unable to fire.


Edit: This was already glaringly obvious from my next paragraph - the above was already explained in detail.

Happens to me a lot when I’m dead center straightforward on my screen, shooting unmoving targets in PvE missions.

I have gotten it while firing forward as well, not at an angle. 

Yep, still a problem. I love this gun, but I’ve had to switch to positron because the devs are totally ignoring the bugs in the game.

Just adding my +1 to this.


i really like that it’s using each gun, but as other weapons aren’t hampered by this in quite the same way (reduced output) and  if it is going to cause issues for players (whether they are from a bug of not), perhaps making it fire 4/6 weaker shots or more like the singularity cannon would be preferable?


although it would change the weapon completely, I imagine that having 4/6 aoe but weaker explosions might be quite satisfying to use… and make it do higher damage against frigates and weaker but easier hit against intis…

Can we finally get this fixed please? We now have speeding federation frigates but no weapon to use on them because we can only aim forward or get jammed.

Its not so much jamming as since it blows up on the first solid object it comes into contact with, that would be your own hull, and they are Self fire, meaning you can hit yourself with them if your close to the explosion. Its a safety measure. There is no bug, Ive never had an issue firing my coil mortars.


  1. It Cycles between all available turrets

  2. Even on a dead fire (not fire due to hitting your own hull), it will still need to cycle to the next turret as it still counts as a shot fired and weapon heat goes up accordingly.

Why doesn’t it get fixed so it uses the best turret? The locking up makes no sense in a lot of cases, like you are firing to something in front of you and it jams, or it jamming for 10 seconds even though it should have shot in those 10 seconds.

I’ve never seen any other weapon have any type of jam.  Why only coil mortar?

Because the others fire from all turrets at once, if you shoot out to your right you will normally only see 2-3 projectiles moving depending on gun placement. The missing ones dont fire as they would be hitting you.

Difference is, those turrets keep firing no matter the angle, even if it is only 1 turret firing. Why doesn’t the coil mortar work that way? Especially with its CD(Which is insanely long…) it is a pain not being able to fire.

Because the others fire from all turrets at once, if you shoot out to your right you will normally only see 2-3 projectiles moving depending on gun placement. The missing ones dont fire as they would be hitting you.

Each turret has a physical cooldown depending on number of turrets. The problem with this cooldown is that is locks those turrets out from the firing sequence entirely. So if, by any chance, the turret out of cooldown is away from view, it won’t fire and neither will any of the others. In my view, this is somewhat broken, but understandable.


However, that’s not their problem. Even if you fire them straight forward for the past 30 seconds, they WILL jam. Straight out of nowhere and for no apparent reason. This isn’t a firing angle issue, they just jam, even if they have no overheat.

Yes it seems very odd, and usually after a target circles you and then is straight in the front ark.