Client Unable to Connect



After around 6 months of smooth gameplay, yesterday my client was not able to “Triangulate” a match and showed the “client unable to connect error”. I tried all regions. Is it your server’s fault? my client? my modem? or my ISP? Please help me fix this :slight_smile:


I have attached the contest and the


(conntest below)

— Date: 2015-03-25 (Wed Mar 2015)

15:29:38.969         | //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
15:29:38.969         | //
15:29:38.970         | // Connection Tester (Mar  4 2015 17:38:50)
15:29:38.970         | //
15:29:38.970         | //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
15:29:38.970         |
15:29:38.973  CONSOLE| executing ‘connection_tester.cfg’
15:29:38.975         | There are total of 3 hosts to check
15:29:38.975         | ConnectionTester: new state ‘CTS_INITIALIZED’
15:29:38.975         | ConnectionTester: new state ‘CTS_RESOLVING’
15:29:38.978         | Resolving ‘’ …
15:29:39.033         | ‘’ is
15:29:39.033         | Resolving ‘’ …
15:29:39.074         | ‘’ is
15:29:39.074         | Resolving ‘’ …
15:29:39.286         | ‘’ is
15:29:39.287         | ConnectionTester: new state ‘CTS_PINGING’
15:29:39.287    ERROR| Pinger: Failed to create ICPM socket (err: 10013)
15:29:39.287    ERROR| Pinger: Failed to create ICPM socket (err: 10013)
15:29:39.287    ERROR| Pinger: Failed to create ICPM socket (err: 10013)
15:30:08.982         | Pinged for 30.0 seconds
15:30:08.982         | packets: 0/0 (  0% loss), avg: 0ms, min: 0ms, max: 0ms
15:30:08.983         | packets: 0/0 (  0% loss), avg: 0ms, min: 0ms, max: 0ms
15:30:08.983         | packets: 0/0 (  0% loss), avg: 0ms, min: 0ms, max: 0ms
15:30:08.983         | ConnectionTester: new state ‘CTS_UDP_TESTING’
15:30:09.508         | UdpTester(|35900): Connected. MTU size = 1492
15:30:09.508         | UdpTester(|35900): Sending request 1
15:30:09.682         | UdpTester(|35900): Received packet (len=1025)
15:30:10.511         | UdpTester(|35900): Sending request 2
15:30:11.511         | UdpTester(|35900): Sending request 3
15:30:12.514         | UdpTester(|35900): Sending request 4
15:30:13.514         | UdpTester(|35900): Sending request 5
15:30:14.517         | UdpTester(|35900): Sending request 6
15:30:15.520         | UdpTester(|35900): Sending request 7
15:30:16.521         | UdpTester(|35900): Sending request 8
15:30:17.524         | UdpTester(|35900): Sending request 9
15:30:18.527         | UdpTester(|35900): Sending request 10
15:30:19.527         | UdpTester(|35900): Sending request 11
15:30:20.530         | UdpTester(|35900): Sending request 12
15:30:21.533         | UdpTester(|35900): Sending request 13
15:30:22.533         | UdpTester(|35900): Sending request 14
15:30:23.536         | UdpTester(|35900): Sending request 15
15:30:24.540         | UdpTester(|35900): Sending request 16
15:30:25.543         | UdpTester(|35900): Sending request 17
15:30:26.546         | UdpTester(|35900): Sending request 18
15:30:27.546         | UdpTester(|35900): Sending request 19
15:30:28.547         | UdpTester(|35900): Sending request 20
15:30:29.547         | UdpTester(|35900): Sending request 21
15:30:30.547         | UdpTester(|35900): Sending request 22
15:30:31.547         | UdpTester(|35900): Sending request 23
15:30:32.550         | UdpTester(|35900): Sending request 24
15:30:33.550         | UdpTester(|35900): Sending request 25
15:30:34.551         | UdpTester(|35900): Sending request 26
15:30:42.651         | UdpTester(|35900): Sending request 27
15:30:42.652         | Finishing UDP test

[conntest.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=8913)

[](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=8914)


The servers had a little problem yesterday evening.  Many of us were kicked out of the game, and most couldn’t log back in.  After half an hour everything went back to normal though, and the rest of the evening went fine.

[Info: connection losses, high ping and related issues](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/25324-info-connection-losses-high-ping-and-related-issues/)

I have uploaded a screenshot of the tool SC-Active_srv-nettest


the packet loss tool is running forever after finding a DS entry, so I wasn’t able to get a screenshot out of it.

Guys can anyone please help me with this?


I am still facing the same issue after the big patch: client unable to connect (after triangulation). When it finds a battle, the ping appears low at around 100ms then during ‘Triangulation’ packet loss appears and immediately jumps to 100% and i get “client unable to connect”.


I was playing with no issues for the past 6 months.

Guys can anyone please help me with this?


I am still facing the same issue after the big patch: client unable to connect (after triangulation). When it finds a battle, the ping appears low at around 100ms then during ‘Triangulation’ packet loss appears and immediately jumps to 100% and i get “client unable to connect”.


I was playing with no issues for the past 6 months.

The guys will take a look on monday.

No news yet :slight_smile: ?

Sometime ago was DDOS attacks to our datacener. Is troubles now?

yes, my client is still unable to connect during matchmaking. I have checked everyday since my first post. Please see the logs.

Try to use this [manual](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/25324-info-connection-losses-high-ping-and-related-issues/)

im still trying to play this game, and twise succided to logg in but when conection gone with arc server i couldnt logg back in and geting a error message that arc server have some issues. now i cant logg in, made uninstall 3x and try to logg back in, nothing happends stil same message  error to conect to arc server  im geting in a bad mood bc of this and cant get online.

I extracted the exact error log that describes my problem. Can any of the network specialists please help me solve it? Note that I was playing fine for 6 months before suddenly the “client is unable to connect” in the end of March 2015.


22:35:42.015         | MasterServerSession: connect to dedicated server, session 10922416, at addr|35018
22:35:42.043         | client: start connecting to|35018…
22:35:42.412         | client: connected to|35018, MTU 1492. setting up session…
22:35:42.527         | client. send version check message
22:35:57.016  WARNING| client: couldn’t connect by timeout (frameTimeReal = 0.009605)
22:35:57.016         | client: avgPing 0.0/0.0; avgPacketLoss 0.0/0.0%; avgSnapshotLoss 0.0/0.0%
22:35:57.016         | client: connection closed. DR_CLIENT_COULD_NOT_CONNECT
22:35:57.016         | Network stats (bytes per second): avg pushed 1, max pushed 3, avg sent 37, max sent 61, avg received 76, max received 145


I can successfully ping and traceroute the server on without any problem. Could this be a port or an MTU issue?

all and full logs needed

use chat command

/netlog 2 

to enable extended network logs


check with [this post,](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/25744-the-client-is-unable-to-connect/page-2)possible it is your case too

Thanks, I have already uploaded the full logs in my main post. I will reupload again here.


[](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=8998)

[game.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=8999)

Thanks, I have already uploaded the full logs in my main post. I will reupload again here.


please, enable extended logs (see my post above)

Sorry for this, I thought I had it enabled.


I will repost the full extended logs when i get back home.

Extended logging enabled, new logs and a screen shot are uploaded in this post.

game.log shows how it gives “Client unable to connect”.


A quick reminder: Starconflict was working fine since October 2014, same laptop and same connection. This error first came up in late March 2015.


Many thanks for your time.

[game.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=9003)

[](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=9004)


please check with maximum MTU value to the server.
1. The quick way
open cmd.exe and run the command (just copy and paste it):
ping -l 1000 -f

ping -l 1472 -f

IMPORTANT NOTE: here, -l is low-cased ‘L’
If you’ll see the messages like:

Packet needs to be fragmented but DF set.
Packet needs to be fragmented but DF set.
Packet needs to be fragmented but DF set.

then you have a problems with your router. Check with its config to tune the MTU size. Normally it should have a 1492[/size] value 

2. More advanced way.

  1. get the mtupath.exe from here and put it into c:\

  2. Open cmd.exe and enter command:

    cd \

  3. Then enter:


  4. post the screenshot with results

Thank you so much for the instructions. Attached are 2 screenshots: The ping results, and the mtupath scan results. Please advise me on what might the problem be and how to communicate it to my ISP if necessary.


