Client Unable to Connect

At first , try to change you local OS MTU size


  1. open cmd.exe

  2. enter:


  3. use your mouse rigth click to select and copy to clipboard your network interface name. Usually it is “Local Area Connection” for cable and “Wireless Network Connection” for wi-fi. Its possible that you have more then one. Choose the correct  - the one you use for internet access. If in doubt, change every interface you see :). Dont worry, the change is reversable.:



  1. use the netsh commands to set MTU from default 1500 to 1400. Use mice right click to paste your clipboard just in right place. Note the quotation marks around its name.   For the found name Local Area Connection (its possible different in your case):

    netsh interface ipv4 set subinterface “Local Area Connection” mtu=1400 store=active

to check with current value, use the ‘show’ key:

netsh interface ipv4 show subinterface "Local Area Connection"
  1. try to connect the game. On fail, try set MTU to 1300, then 1200 … down to 600. But note: the lower MTU, the more laggy game will be.


On success, make the change persistent with store=persistent key:


netsh interface ipv4  set  subinterface “Local Area Connection” mtu=1400 store=persistent


HINT: to calculate your maximum MTU value, use mtupath.exe and ADD 28 to its rightmost value of the “MSS IN RANGE”.  

For the screenshot above it will be: 1432 + 28 = 1460

OMG I am in game now it worked!!!


I set my MTU to 1400 and i am playing my first match, also assigned as captain and lost right away yayyyy


thank you so much Dmitry i love you take my money.


I hope this new MTU size does not affect my internet speed during browsing, youtubing, and downloading.


Packet Loss is at a steady 5%-8% in game.

actually you can set MTU to 1460 and it will be your maximum value.



You have no idea what you just did: You fixed my Battlefield 3 error which has been annoying me for 10months!!!


Game disconnected: you were kicked by PunkBuster. Stated reason: PunkBuster kicked player ‘’ (for 0 minutes) … No Packet flow”


I tried everything, hardware and software, searched Google up side down, in order to fix this and I eventually gave up and stopped playing my favorite shooter.


Just now, by setting the MTU to 1400 as you mentioned, it no longer times out in BF3 and I can play a full match without any disconnection. First time in 10 months!!!


This solution for the Punkbuster disconnection error is no where on Google!! Dozens of people are complaining about it and no one has figured it out yet!!!


You deserve a raise.

well, you can point everyone who have (or might have) such trouble with other games in here to make them happy too =)