clear vs dimmed

From about 2-3 updates ago, pirates, rocks and enemies, especially in OS, are very… clear. So clear to see, that now it’s very hard to tell if it’s behind a rock or in front of it. Please, please do something about this. And ammo is not a problem, but if I put a gravi-lens in front of a rock/object and the pirates are far, behind it, nothing happens. Not to mention Photon Emitter. In Fire Support there are 2 groups of snipers which are exactly like this. And the first group can be destroyed with Photon but the second is behind a rock. And you see this only when you go there, not from 5-7-10 km away. Thank you anyway and keep up the good work! ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)


Yeah I noticed that things behind objects were a little hard to see properly too. It makes you need to look really close to see if they’re actually in front of the wall or behind it lol.

They added an option to toggle this behavior but didn’t set the old one as default, you can do it in Options -> Hud -> [] Transparency behind obstacles

4 hours ago, John161 said:

They added an option to toggle this behavior but didn’t set the old one as default, you can do it in Options -> Hud -> [] Transparency behind obstacles


I love you John! :)) Had no idea about this option