Attention! Special thread for Flood and Flame is here!
This is a topic-marathon, which is open for a some time. In most of the cases - holidays or weekends. Here, each pilot can let off steam on updates or situations in battles, discuss or offer to discuss other stuff. Without moderation.
Strict moderation will not be there. However, some paragraphs from the Rules are still active - it’s 3.1, 3.2, 3.8, and 3.9. It’s necessary to keep the mood nice and friendly)
Important! We exclude some topics from 3.1 paragraph, like “trolling, flame, profanity, personal insults of forum members or administration or developers, rudeness, vulgarity”. Abusive language is not welcomed.
Developers or administration staff also can participate in the discussion and fully enjoy it ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)
Скрытый текст
3.1. The forum prohibits: trolling, flame, profanity, personal insults of forum members, rudeness, vulgarity, drug propaganda, political and religious agitation and propaganda, all manifestations of Nazism and racist statements, calls to overthrow the government by force, incitement of ethnic hatred, humiliation of dignity of persons of either gender, sexual orientation, religion, and all the actions pursued by international law and the legislation of the Russian Federation.
3.2. It is forbidden to disseminate personal information about users without their consent. In addition, publication of slander and false information is also prohibited. This prohibition applies to both public messages and personal messages and complaints.
3.8. It is prohibited to discuss ways to crack the protection of the game and discuss any illegal ways to circumvent security software of Gaijin Entertainment.
Publication of threads and messages that promote piracy and counterfeit products, as well as placement of links to online resources that offer pirated content is forbidden. It is forbidden to discuss counterfeit software in any form.
3.9. It is forbidden to publish messages proposing the sale / purchase of accounts and any in-game valuables, as well as any other messages calling for a violation of User Agreement.
Let’s go!