Check fitting when waiting for battle.

Ok so, here the thing,


We whould love to have the possibility to check the fitting of the ships and the ship tree when we are in queue. We understand that the fitting need to be locked but at least have an eye on it would be cool.



And maybe be able to see fittings on ships that are not in queue, and there be able to change modules.

This has been asked for before, but I can’t remember why it was refused. Probably something along the lines of “we are constantly improving mm so you spend less time in queue”.

I hope this time the devs consider this seriously as it would really improve the time we spend in queue, and make it not seem wasted. (currently I just alt+tab and come on the forum or read an article somewhere)



Often requested, such small polishings are actually worth a thousand Dreadnoughts.

Seriously, this needs to be implemented. I understand not being able to change modules and ships around when waiting, but we should at least be able to see our loadouts and ship tree so we can see if we need to leave the queue to change anything. I can’t tell you how many times I have gone into a battle forgetting I had the wrong weapon on a ship or wanting to give people my builds while I am waiting in queue.

x != <= 0

Chop chop let’s get to it.

yeah and it say, you have 5 seconds before you finish your fittings and get launched so that you can change it while in que. 

I think this topic has been brought up a few times. I don’t know if there was ever an official response, but… this is the way the game has been from the very beginning. I don’t see this being changed.





Often requested, such small polishings are actually worth a thousand Dreadnoughts.


Like I mentioned in another post, these tiny features are what improve the user experience, but they don’t get too much love.


Actually checking your fit already works. 

How to: 

Get in a queue. -> switch hangars -> voila, your ships appear as if they are not in the queue (no queue timer/bar/anything), even if they are. You can check your fit, you can also modify it, but when you get a game you will get an error. If you don’t modify your fit, you will enter a game without problems. 


This solution costs only 800k a pop but hei. You can do it. Working as intended :smiley:

Actually checking your fit already works. 

How to: 

Get in a queue. -> switch hangars -> voila, your ships appear as if they are not in the queue (no queue timer/bar/anything), even if they are. You can check your fit, you can also modify it, but when you get a game you will get an error. If you don’t modify your fit, you will enter a game without problems. 


This solution costs only 800k a pop but hei. You can do it. Working as intended :smiley:

You also drop out of the queue…



Also this would allow you to send ships off on assignments while you are waiting in queue.

You should be able to view everything about your ships, including the ship tech tree, when waiting for battle.  You can’t change anything, but that doesn’t prevent you from simply OPENING anything and looking at it.  There are times where I want to look at how much a ship cost, but I can’t because (especially in a squad) I am back into battle <5 seconds after finishing one.


So lock everything but “Install ship into slot #” and anything that changes the fit.  If you can change your implants before battle, then you should at least be able to look at the fit you’re affecting with those implants.


thanks for your input - forwarded to Devs

You also drop out of the queue…


You don’t actually. You just don’t see it anymore as searching. Then you’ll just pop right into the game when a game is found. 

You don’t actually. You just don’t see it anymore as searching. Then you’ll just pop right into the game when a game is found. 


Well then obviously it can be changed since it’s not a problem then :wink: