Chatban and friend whispers

Currently chatban disallows people from whispering anyone (including people on their friend list). A friend of mine is chatbanned and i have to invite him to squad everytime i want to speak to him (squad chat is allowed to him)


I suggest changing that, and allowing chatbanned people to message people in their friend list


If someone is chat-banned, they are banned for offences against others and are disallowed from speaking to anyone else.  You can whisper your TS info to them, and get them on your channel.


But no, it would not be acceptable to allow them to talk to people on their friends list while banned.

If someone is chat-banned, they are banned for offences against others and are disallowed from speaking to anyone else.  You can whisper your TS info to them, and get them on your channel.


But no, it would not be acceptable to allow them to talk to people on their friends list while banned.


they should be banned from squad and corp chat then o_o

they should be banned from squad and corp chat then o_o


…are they not? I totally thought they were.

Thanks for the suggestion. We will think about it.