Chat Sub channels

Chat Sub channels


I want make a sub channel in chat, or move with my friend to other channel.


But I cant find this options.

They have not implemented this into the game yet. Keep in mind it is still in beta. New updates every thursday evening.

On the subject of social interface though…


There needs to be a good bit of improvement with regards to things like corporations and such.  Most of the whatnot regarding squads, corps, and so forth are effectively “hidden” and don’t have any obvious method of use while in-game. 


You can’t really apply to join a corp, or anything like that in other words.  Unless you go to a corp’s website out of game or talk a lot with them in chat and whispers. 

They have not implemented this into the game yet. Keep in mind it is still in beta. New updates every thursday evening.


Far from every Thursday.