Chat Commands

/i player_name  or  /invite player_name = invite player to squad


/f player_name  or  /friend player_name = send friend request to player


/k player_name  or  /kick player_name = squad leader kick player


/mute player_name = add to ignore list the player


/unmute player_name = remove from ignore list the player


/og your_message = show in Global channel while player in battle or invasion (open global)


/c your_message or /corp your_message = show message in Corporation chat (so a player don’t need to click on the EYE button so often to switch chat & type something)


/g your_message or /group your_message = show message in group (squad)

this is the only one you need - 


/help    :012j:

this is the only one you need - 


/help    :012j:


'cept that documentation is absolutely awful in game. Doesn’t tell you what arguments to use, nor what to expect when you use them. Plus, most commands require UID rather than player name, which just adds the entirely unneccessary step of having to /who someone.


I’m rather used to /help (command) giving help for (command), not throwing an error. I’d suggest adding that in, as well.

We’ve been promised a better chat system since closed beta and probably longer. Don’t wait for it.


'cept that documentation is absolutely awful in game.

The documentation is fine. /help gives you the list of commands, then type those commands to get further help. E.g. /squad will give you the list of possible squad commands. Pretty standard.

The documentation is fine. /help gives you the list of commands, then type those commands to get further help. E.g. /squad will give you the list of possible squad commands. Pretty standard.


More standard would be having documentation for /help (command). Like, say, IRC, or a good deal of command line interfaces. The game doesn’t always return documentation if you type in a command without arguments, either. Obviously, /quit and /clear don’t. /whisper is nice. /uid has no documentation. /filter doesn’t say much. /combatlog documentation is extremely useful (coughcough). /squad , /clan , /friends , /social , /ignore , and /watch have useful documentation, minus that /who is broken, rendering them all useless.


I’ll give it to you that most of them do have documentation, but only /whisper works out of all of them. I, on the other hand, am used to fully functional commands with such extensive documentation that even the help command has a help page. Even if you don’t like the suggestions, chat commands sorely need attention.

More standard would be having documentation for /help (command). Like, say, IRC, or a good deal of command line interfaces. The game doesn’t always return documentation if you type in a command without arguments, either. Obviously, /quit and /clear don’t. /whisper is nice. /uid has no documentation. /filter doesn’t say much. /combatlog documentation is extremely useful (coughcough). /squad , /clan , /friends , /social , /ignore , and /watch have useful documentation, minus that /who is broken, rendering them all useless.


I’ll give it to you that most of them do have documentation, but only /whisper works out of all of them. I, on the other hand, am used to fully functional commands with such extensive documentation that even the help command has a help page. Even if you don’t like the suggestions, chat commands sorely need attention.

Maybe you’re just not used to command line interfaces, if you throw up a command prompt on your operating system the documentation/help system there works basically the same. Same for other games using /chat commands (if they provide in-game help on them at all).

/who is indeed disabled since Invasion release, but all it did was list the players in your active chat channel, it has nothing to do with the other commands. Everything else works fine and I use it all the time.

/uid needs no documentation because it has no options, you type it and you get your uid. This is the uid that you need for the other commands that ask for <uid>. Why they did not use <playername> instead is beyond me, but that’s not a documentation issue.

Maybe you’re just not used to command line interfaces, if you throw up a command prompt on your operating system the documentation/help system there works basically the same. Same for other games using /chat commands (if they provide in-game help on them at all).

/who is indeed disabled since Invasion release, but all it did was list the players in your active chat channel, it has nothing to do with the other commands. Everything else works fine and I use it all the time.

/uid needs no documentation because it has no options, you type it and you get your uid. This is the uid that you need for the other commands that ask for <uid>. Why they did not use <playername> instead is beyond me, but that’s not a documentation issue.


Is it? Well. I was clearly wrong. With the exception of /combatlog , which would do well with some better documentation. And “help command” still works in windows and (kinda) python, probably a good number of others as well. You can enter a command in windows command prompt sans arguments and get help most of the time, but “command /?” or “help command” gets you help all the time instead.


The suggestions OP made still stand, though. Playername instead of UID for all those commands, and commands to chat in different rooms.

The suggestions OP made still stand, though. Playername instead of UID for all those commands, and commands to chat in different rooms.

No doubt, as I said we asked for that since the start really.



/og your_message = show in Global channel while player in battle or invasion (open global)



at least give us this already omg !

the Devs stated they want no chat command

