Chat Box Tab Lock, and a whisper tab

I noticed I will be switched to wrong chat when going in and out of battle.

It would be good if the chat tab would stay where you last were when going in and coming out of battle.


A whisper tab should be separated from the corp chat. And a new tab should be added for each player in whisper.

I sometimes are in 3 whispers at a time. Sometimes there are things you don’t want to slip out.


And to keep things from getting to jumbled up have a X on the tab to close it.

Since some players are on for many hours maybe the whisper tab should have a time out of an hour.

I am trying to cover all the issues in one shot. Hopefully you guys understand me.

Up-vote my comment if you find this idea useful. :good:


You can already use squad/corporation chat for that same function, since it filters global spam(I mean chat…)


And yeah, I would love for the chat to stay consistent throughout sessions, as well as typed text. Suggested it myself quite some time ago, but nothing came from it sadly.

I would like for the whisper chat to be separate from the corp chat.

So many times I write things in the wrong chat, because it jumps so much, or I am just not 100% paying attention.
There are times I am talking about things that I would prefer my corp not hear.

I’ve had times where I was messaging some random guy, not a corp or squad thing.  We might be discussing some aspect of the game or whatever.  If I go afk, I have to search to find out where the last message was unless the chat log wiped it out of it’s history.

Chatbox needs an overhaul … not just whispers


Being taken back to global after each match

Not being able to mute the entire Global chat when you feel like it

Absence of a one click clear button

No shortcuts for different tabs


Support +1. Especially when going into battle, the tab resets to global from corp.

My reason for supporting Chat Box lock is different: I want to be able to take clear screen shots of my ships in hangar without clutter/interference.

I too would like to see a persistent chat context. Furthermore, the input buffer should also be persistent, so that for example the “squad leader is going into battle, are you ready?” dialog does not wipe anything you might have started typing.

My reason for supporting Chat Box lock is different: I want to be able to take clear screen shots of my ships in hangar without clutter/interference.


A nice Alt+z shortcut to remove UI items and replace them again would be nice for this.



I too would like to see a persistent chat context. Furthermore, the input buffer should also be persistent, so that for example the “squad leader is going into battle, are you ready?” dialog does not wipe anything you might have started typing.


Definitely agree.

Straightforward, helpful, seemingly easy to implement since most of the framework is already in place for it. Support.

Doesn’t ALT+H work in the hangar? It does in matches at least.
