Chaos Vanguard Recruiting

Hello and welcome! My name is bobtron2000 or just bob for short, Let me start by telling your that the Chaos Vanguard is a multi-gaming community for games like Nether,Minecraft,World of Warcraft, Rust, League of Legends and many more, we have both competitive and easy going gameplay.We also have our own team speak and soon hope to have our own servers, we also are branching out into games developement! any or all things you can take part in, we also have over 300+ members!

We have recently started a Corp in Star Conflict but that is why your here :slight_smile:

We accept all races, We do expect our players to be able to speak english to communicate with our team, you Must be 18+ years old sorry young ones but we want a mature setting for our players, you Must also have a working microphone and when online join TeamSpeak 3. We do not accept racist remarks in the clan and/or on team speak we have people of all races from usa to most of europe and beyond.

Your gaming skill can be of any level too, we are looking to have fun as well as to win, it’s always nice to have both!

If this sounds like the clan for you then please write me a message and not send a pm they can be missed, on star conflict. send it too cvbobtron2000.

You can also get me on steam as: [CV] Bobtron2000.

Or you can register at :

you can always pop onto our TeamSpeak 3 @


When applying you Must answer the following** :**

1/ Whats your age?

2/Do you have a working microphone?

3/what ranks are your highest ships?

4/How often are you online?


you must answer these in the application or it could mean not getting into the clan!

Also once signed up you must contact myself to let me know so i can process it and get you sorted on team speak and invite you to the corp of course!

Once signed up on the forum don’t forget to read the forum rules!




Thanks for your time guys and i look forward to seeing you in game :slight_smile:



We now have 16 members and growing and more of our community are downloading the game to join us :slight_smile:

I wish you good luck and hope to see you out there

  • finemw1[NASA]

I wish you good luck and hope to see you out there

  • finemw1[NASA]

Cheers bud, which race do you work for for we know to keep an eye out for ye :wink:

Cheers bud, which race do you work for for we know to keep an eye out for ye :wink:

When I get to SCQ,  empire.

We are still recruiting! Keep the applications coming in!

BUMP! Plenty of room left for recruits!

28 members now and going strong, and we are still climbing the rankings :slight_smile:

Going up the rankings!

Still recruiting.


When applying you Must answer the following** :**

1/ Whats your age?

2/Do you have a working microphone?

3/what ranks are your highest ships?

4/How often are you online?


Thank you

Going up the rankings!

Still recruiting.


When applying you Must answer the following** :**

1/ Whats your age?

2/Do you have a working microphone?

3/what ranks are your highest ships?

4/How often are you online?


Thank you

A little off Topic:

[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/21761-well-christmas-pilots/?p=245201)

Still plenty of room in Chaos Vanguard, Sign up today !

We still have some spaces come on over and Lets get ya signed up :smiley:


Need more pilots to help take back what is rightfully ours! The Galaxy!

Still recruiting and going strong!!

More pilots! MOAR PILOTS!

Don’t forget we need poilets aged 18+ no exceptions!

join our corp and clan, our growing community of 300+ gamers :slight_smile:

Please, may I ask you to try to bump the thread less frecuently, you will go under page 2 without any pilot asking for a place on your corp. Thanks you.



Tip: There are plenty of threads of people asking for corps, go there and offer them a place into your corp, that’s going to help you more than spamming here.