Changing Squad Leader

It would be nice if the squad leader can assign someone else to be leader, it would be helpful. It may seem like a minor thing, but when you want to change leader right now, everyone has to leave the squad and be reinvited by new leader. It makes it more difficult to invite other friends of a squad member to the squad, and often players will need to write in global to be found, adding to spam. I think this will encourage pug squads and improve social interaction in the game, and in turn a more active community.



Add to that… when a squad leader logs out, leadership shifts to an online player in the squad.


yeah we need this. PLZ

+1 and what CA said above



People can abuse that privilege and assign people who are in the front line, oblivious that someone has tagged them or use it as an assault tool: fly in, kill a few ships, re-assign, get mobbed.


I’ll admit it’d give way to a few VERY interesting tactics, but idk…




Add to that… when a squad leader logs out, leadership shifts to an online player in the squad.

The game used to do that. Not anymore, apparently.



People can abuse that privilege and assign people who are in the front line, oblivious that someone has tagged them or use it as an assault tool: fly in, kill a few ships, re-assign, get mobbed.


I’ll admit it’d give way to a few VERY interesting tactics, but idk…

Squad leader has no effect on battles. The only thing they do is dictate who is invited into the squad and when the squad queues.



People can abuse that privilege and assign people who are in the front line, oblivious that someone has tagged them or use it as an assault tool: fly in, kill a few ships, re-assign, get mobbed.


I’ll admit it’d give way to a few VERY interesting tactics, but idk…


The game used to do that. Not anymore, apparently.


Someone is thinking of Captain in Recon missions… not squad leader in squad a squad of 4 people which is what we are talking about here.
