Change the ship control+aiming device

The actual ship control mechanism is combined to the aiming/targeting pointer,wich is quite unconfortable sometimes…I suggest adding two changes to the game control.

1-The aiming pointer is moving away from the center of the screen,even if in the centre of the screen is a static “thing”…it would be much easier to aim and control the ship(or at least aiming)if the aiming pointer would be static,in the center of the screen,as the other thing…I say that because before StarConflict,I was playing shooters,and I’m still playing now,and if there are other guys that played them,at least CounterStrike,I think everybody played it,you know that the aiming pointer is in the middle of the screen,with a good reason,it’s much easier to aim that way.And also,as a balancing tool,you can withdraw the A1M1 autoaimer,or how is it named…

2-If the first change is implemented,it would be helpfull to make another way to control the ship,without the need of a mouse.The aiming will be done eith the mouse,and the ship will be handled with the keyboard,through WASD,and also for the controls that were already disposed to those keys,the can very easy be moved to other keys.


Of course,this changes souhld be added as an alternative to the already existing controls,every player will choose it’s favorite control combination.

Hope you will all like this idea,and think that this will help the gameplay.

So, aiming in the centre always? There are some problems, size of hulls and rotating speed of ship so you would not reach most of agile targets. In subject of 2, you can bind keys for rotating ship by yourself in the options, mostly used with free aim mode.

You can try out expert flying mode. I believe that makes your turrets and ship entirely independent of one another, although I’ve never tried it myself. You’d have to bind the keys in the options, of course, but it sounds exactly like what you’re trying to suggest.

Dude, no.  As was pointed out, dogfighting in interceptors would be impossible.


The ONLY way I see this happening is if everything in the game were scaled up HUGELY.




Frigates become the size of Corvettes, and travel at  speeds anywhere from 0-2000 m/s where 2000 is their maximum attainable speed.

Fighters become the size of frigates, and travel at speeds anywhere from 0-5000 m/s where 5000 is their warp drive speed, and can go to 3000 m/s with normal AB.

Interceptors become about the size of fighters, and travel at speeds of 0-10000 m/s where 10000 is their warp drive speed, and can go around 5000 m/s with normal AB.


All ship rotations are dependent on 


A) How fast the ship is traveling, since it uses more energy and would subtract from maneuvering thrusts.

B) Inertia, with speeds like this, inertia would be important to consider.

C) Angular velocities.


Take a look at most space-games; the battlefields are much larger and ships are simply more massive than SCon ships.  In the year 4000+ with interstellar ships, it doesn’t make sense to have such LOW speeds.  





So now back to the topic.  If you want center aiming, the above must happen to increase the time ships can take to aim at their targets.  Since distances between them will be greater (the maps will be larger because of higher speeds, and faster travel time), the overall feel of the game will be larger.  Sensor range will be increased, which would allow you to lock on and orient yourself in the appropriate direction.  And if a ship like an interceptor were to try to dogfight, then both would have to watch their speed closely as to not over-thrust and make it impossible to maneuver.  You will not see such radical flying in interceptors, and this will open the way for your suggestion.


But I do not see it happening, at all, really :frowning:

If you use a joystick, the aiming stay in the center. But it is not efficient to aime turret on frigate or fighter (I have tested) by quite nice on interceptor. I have suggested a use of joystick to directed the ship and the mouse to direct the aiming like in free mode. That would make is perfect I thing (though an option to ignore the mouse will still be nice).


By the way, the expert mode just make the camera locked in front of the ship, the mouse use for turning does not change (you just cannot use free aim).

I don’t think there would be any problems in tracking fast moving targets,instead maybe it will be easier.You will aim like you would look around,like in free view mode,but with a aiming circle in the middle of the screen.

Plus,it is optional,every pilot will be free to choose one of the two control schemes.

I think I didn’t understand what you proposed at first. Now I see you mean that the aiming reticle will stay in the center but the moving reticle will stay in front of the ship. But I wonder how you maneuver? with key for turning?

I think I didn’t understand what you proposed at first. Now I see you mean that the aiming reticle will stay in the center but the moving reticle will stay in front of the ship. But I wonder how you maneuver? with key for turning?


My explanation details why this would not work in the game currently.  Speeds are too slow to control rotation (which is too fast) and aiming at the same time.


If the game had realistic gravitational/inertial forces, this would be much more plausible.

The turning will be as usual,from the mouse,but the whole screen/image/field of view will turn when you move the mouse.Anyway,the ship is changing it’s direction at the littlest movement of the aiming pointer(if you move the pointer 5 pixels from the centre of the screen,the ship will turn slightly).


At least now,on my birthday,it would be nice if someone would agree with me…

At least now,on my birthday,it would be nice if someone would agree with me…


please use one thread for one suggestion


as stated try the expert mode for flying, this may suit your needs


this would not work in this game due to the different mobility of ships

You should find the expert mode flying in the game options. I think it’s very very close to what you want. But you’ll see it’s not very practical, not on all ships anyway.