Change Dreadnought Battles 24 hour time limit per faction to per sector within each faction.

As of current it seems a bit weird, as those who would rather side with Jericho, Empire, or the Federation may have a disadvantage to do so because said faction is almost locked to them thanks to

a bad time. Making it per sector, and allowing the corporation that captures it to change the 24 hour time to a zone where they can properly defend it would make it fairer for everyone.

Of course, they would only be able to switch it once, so the timer won’t keep shifting around, and they’d have to set it within one hour of capturing the sector, or whatever time-limit you set for them.


This may seem a little weirdly worded, but my computer is dead, so I can’t really see how the mode works in general just yet. I can, however, see this particular problem as something that needs to be changed.

Don’t lock a faction from the players by turning it to a time zone that favors one side of the world over another. Individual sectors, yes, an entire faction, no.


More can be added to this later, but this is the basic idea. Fire at will within the comments.

Moved to Suggestions.

When you don’t have any sectors, it costs a grand total of 45 iridium to attack.


When you have five or less sectors, it costs 400*(sectors owned)+5 iridium to attack something not in the same system (rectangle group thing), including sectors in completely different faction spaces. It costs 200*(sectors owned)+5 iridium to attack something in the same system.


When you have six or more sectors, it costs double the amount of iridium it cost to attack the previous sector each time you get a new one.


So basically, if a corp wants to attack Jericho, but has a federation dreadnought, it just needs to grab a sector in there, and costs are suddenly reduced by half. And if it doesn’t get a sector, it’s just 45 iridium.

The suggestion revolves more around the time you are able to attack, and not the dreadnoughts themselves, nor the cost to attack a sector.

That being said, thanks for the info :) 

Oooh, I see.


Yeah, that’d be really weird, but I think I like the suggestion. Obviously you’d have to put a limit on how far the time can be moved – otherwise, it’d be possible to abuse it by moving it to a time where nobody’s on.

this is why the movement of the dread is so damn cheap

this is why the movement of the dread is so damn cheap

He’s talking about how the timing of dread battles is less than convenient for some people, so he’s suggesting that sector owners get the ability to change the battle time by an hour or two.

He’s talking about how the timing of dread battles is less than convenient for some people, so he’s suggesting that sector owners get the ability to change the battle time by an hour or two.

Accommodating for these “some people” will make it worse for everybody else in general, the only thing that is keeping dreads active regularly is the hardcoded time when everybody put together, you spread that, and you will be lucky to see multiple simultaneous attacks.

Accommodating for these “some people” will make it worse for everybody else in general, the only thing that is keeping dreads active regularly is the hardcoded time when everybody put together, you spread that, and you will be lucky to see multiple simultaneous attacks.

And time conflicts are serious problems, too. Just making it more transparent for everybody’s favourite suggestion-forwarding German.

For instance, the corporation who gains a sector, if you don’t want to change the big three time slots, could change the sector’s battle time to any one of the three. I’d suggest perhaps adding in 2-4 more time zones, but it’d certainly Allow for better corporation involvement in All 3 factions. This way, if you gain a sector, you can’t complain if you lose it. Aside from that, this will allow corporations to have a reason to hire pilots from different time zones, instead of selectively choosing people in one zone for time, rather than ability. Instead, both would be looked for in a hired pilot.

I feel like this would cause more harm than good. Like Kost said, when you change something to please the minority, it often ruins that same thing for the majority.


The battle times currently work for the majority, and I don’t think adding more time zones is a great idea, judging by how confusing it is with fed space being split in two.

We will keep monitoring the situation.