Champion's Cup [Module]

Name: Champion’s Cup

Type: Multipurpose Active Module

Recharge: 12 seconds

Tooltip: Ejects a glimmering gold trophy cup at your crosshairs. It does nothing, but can deal considerable impact damage.


Crafted using the Spaceball Cup trophy item.

10 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Name: Champion’s Cup

Type: Multipurpose Active Module

Recharge: 12 seconds

Tooltip: Ejects a glimmering gold trophy cup at your crosshairs. It does nothing, but can deal considerable impact damage.


![:015_2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/015_2.png “:015_2:”)  ![:01414:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/01414.png “:01414:”)  ![:fed014:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/fed014.png “:fed014:”) 

IR Flares 2.0?

It’s brilliant I know.


I mean we gotta put that cup to use somehow, right?

I’m not doing mission for cup.


Good solution for its use would be that cup would generate some resources every few hours.

1 hour ago, GatoGrande said:

I’m not doing mission for cup.


Good solution for its use would be that cup would generate some resources every few hours.

That’d be nice. Esp if computing chips and tungsten were given.
