CEO Requests

Ok As a CEO of a Corp I have noticed a lot of things that I would like to see in the future. Some of these things Need to happen to make sure that we can track things in the corp, others are suggestions for things to help the game along.


Need to have.


Who has joined and left the Corp

Who has donated to the Corp

Playtime and Number of each type of game (is the player doing PVP, PVE or in Invasion)



A corp Tax system

The tax system would allow the corp to generate money to give to other players.


Corp Message board

Allows members to post things to all members

Ok As a CEO of a Corp I have noticed a lot of things that I would like to see in the future. Some of these things Need to happen to make sure that we can track things in the corp, others are suggestions for things to help the game along.


Need to have.


Who has joined and left the Corp

Who has donated to the Corp

Playtime and Number of each type of game (is the player doing PVP, PVE or in Invasion)



A corp Tax system

The tax system would allow the corp to generate money to give to other players.


Corp Message board

Allows members to post things to all members

I like the logs idea.


But corp tax? No way. 



Yes! Taxes would have to come from someplace, and would need to be small though. Perhaps rename it to “welfare” where the faction pays a small amount based on the size of the corp?


Example- A corp with 50 players gets 10 credits and 10 free synergy per player, per 24 hours. this is kept for any number of players, so a corp of 150 “makes” 1,500 credits and free syn, evenly distributed across the players in the corp.

I like the logs idea.


But corp tax? No way. 

He meant to say welfare, as that’s what I’m reading it as.

Well I could see it being done in a different ways. The corp could setup a Tax or membership rate to the members. They have to pay an amount to the corp toward the maintenance of the corp. Basically I would say a 1% or a 5% tax or even set by the CEO. Second part could be a stipend from the factions. I would say each ship from each faction that is in each players dock at 100% synergy. Just an Idea

I support this idea with some reservations. I particularly like the corp tax, as it will help players with “limited funds” to upgrade their stuff more easily. I’m always poor ingame (I spend all of my credits upgrading modules and buying new ships), and the welfare project would immensely help. Some of the longtime players in my corporation have entirely too much credits and nowhere to spend it because they already have everything.


However, this welfare should only go towards players that do not tier rush, because implementing this without restrictions would be disastrous to the upper tiers as a whole. Therefore, I think that a “minimum battles required” should be necessary for a pilot to start receiving welfare.

member change tracking - how would you benefit from this?

there is already and activity board - so nothing requried on this

donation board - one could think about but this could lead to a false competition, dont you think?

Corporate tax - a clear and loud NO

Corp mail - only dedicated to the CEO, VP by motd (really, every member should be able to send- this will create so many spam)


I hope I covered all


happy to discuss

member change tracking - how would you benefit from this?

there is already and activity board - so nothing requried on this

donation board - one could think about but this could lead to a false competition, dont you think?

Corporate tax - a clear and loud NO

Corp mail - only dedicated to the CEO, VP by motd (really, every member should be able to send- this will create so many spam)


I hope I covered all


happy to discuss

I agree with all of this, but donation board would be so cooooool

I agree with all of this, but donation board would be so cooooool

Like a corperate bank?

Where it auto-generates credits through accounts that use interest in a similar fashion to real bank accounts, only scaled so the interest is daily.

An account without compound interest (less money is gained over time, but it’s linear and adds up) would have an average interest rate with a low amount to start, overdraw fee (which will be an okay price) and base minimum amount applies. You can keep it forever, no restrictions on time.

An account with compound interest (my money makes money, to make more money off my money) offers a higher return, but it cannot stay forever (perhaps 1-3 months?) and it cannot be opened up 1 week after it is started. It would have a base amount to keep the account open (so you can’t just empty it) and a fee to be paid if you overdraw (higher than the regular perm. savings account, perhaps even double).  Higher starting price.

Like a corperate bank?

Where it auto-generates credits through accounts that use interest in a similar fashion to real bank accounts, only scaled so the interest is daily.

An account without compound interest (less money is gained over time, but it’s linear and adds up) would have an average interest rate with a low amount to start, overdraw fee (which will be an okay price) and base minimum amount applies. You can keep it forever, no restrictions on time.

An account with compound interest (my money makes money, to make more money off my money) offers a higher return, but it cannot stay forever (perhaps 1-3 months?) and it cannot be opened up 1 week after it is started. It would have a base amount to keep the account open (so you can’t just empty it) and a fee to be paid if you overdraw (higher than the regular perm. savings account, perhaps even double).  Higher starting price.

… No, a donation leaderboard.

member change tracking - how would you benefit from this?

there is already and activity board - so nothing requried on this

donation board - one could think about but this could lead to a false competition, dont you think?

Corporate tax - a clear and loud NO

Corp mail - only dedicated to the CEO, VP by motd (really, every member should be able to send- this will create so many spam)


I hope I covered all


happy to discuss

Responses are in the same order as your post:

  1. It would be nice to see who’s new and if someone left. Once you reach a certain threshold of players, sometimes one or two can leave out from under you and you might never notice.

  2. Agreed, no further comment

  3. A donation board would actually be really nice. There’s already a corp-exclusive PvP and PvE leaderboard, why would an Iridium Leaderboard have any more competition than those? And it would only promote more iridium in corp accounts, which honestly is a good thing. Sometimes it’s hard to get people to deposit.

  4. Agreed on corporate tax, honestly. Unnecessary and delves into the whole trading thing that the devs are steadfastly against.

  5. Nobody reads the message of the day. Trying to get people to do as little as that has been a huge undertaking. Allowing VPs and CEOs a bulk “mail everyone in your corp” option would be very, VERY nice.

Forwarded to the Devs.

We have a lot of plans related to modifying the corporations interface. So thank you for the suggestion it will be used in the dicussion.

a tiny little status icon on the profile of a Corp Officer, Private, and CEO and VP would be nice.

I’ve had people mistake me as the CEO of BEAST, or they ask if I was “an officer/CEO/VP/Someone” in BEAST.

A tiny little Icon of Corp Rank on a profile with a label would be beneficial as it would state:


[Corp, Corp Tag]

[Rank.jpeg] [Rank Here (Private/Officer/Vice President/CEO)]


I’ve already doctored up a general idea of what I’d like to see on a corp member’s profile.

Do note that anyone who is not in a corporation will not have this applied, nor will they have a placeholder.





Vice President:






