CDF Alliance

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Welcome SkyLyne Arc to the CDF! We are proud to fly with u guys!


Also we need more pilots for dreadnought battles, so all pilots who want to fly with the dreads and have not yet a corp are invited to join us.

U can come to out TS anytime:

Speak to any of our officers there about recruitment, they will help u. Remember u need to have at least tier 3 ships and some experience with em!

Oh god.

So this is what Nuke got when he asked for better buddies.

Also we need more pilots for dreadnought battles, so all pilots who want to fly with the dreads and have not yet a corp are invited to join us.

Just keep in mind, Arch cant protect all of you or rather any of you  :006j:

Just keep in mind, Arch cant protect all of you or rather any of you  :006j:

just like NASA can’t protect itself? 

just like NASA can’t protect itself?

we have a different concept of itself.

we have a different concept of itself.

that’s okay, english isn’t your first language. ;) 

just like NASA can’t protect itself? 

Just like how RadiX doesn’t even turn up for dreadnought battles.

that’s okay, english isn’t your first language. ;) 

So,I presume, we will see you at Federation NA dread cycle?


P.S. it is not even 2d.

Just like how RadiX doesn’t even turn up for dreadnought battles.

says the guy who won’t queue t3 while my squad is.


i mean it’s smart to preserver your win loss, but refusing to queue in a squad isn’t the way to go. 

says the guy who won’t queue t3 while my squad is.


i mean it’s smart to preserver your win loss, but refusing to queue in a squad isn’t the way to go.

says the guy who repetedly bailed from the dread, leaving the corpmates alone, the moment you realise that you gonna fight nasa.

says the guy who repetedly bailed from the dread, leaving the corpmates alone, the moment you realise that you gonna fight nasa.


People do have lives outside this game Kost. You of all people should be well aware of that. There is a difference between bailing on dreads and having to attend to matters in real life. You should figure out which one is which before you accuse people of abandoning their corpmates.


Side note: It also doesn’t help that the devs don’t understand the simple concept of daylight savings time, so the dread battle time was moved even later than it was supposed to be, resulting in more people not being able to participate, including ArcTic (?), and sometimes myself

People do have lives outside this game Kost. You of all people should be well aware of that. There is a difference between bailing on dreads and having to attend to matters in real life. You should figure out which one is which before you accuse people of abandoning their corpmates.

And how do you know i didn’t? His own guys told us that.

Plus, it is a one thing when you can not show up and have to go, and the other when you disconnect from the game, the moment your next opponent is found out. I’d give him a doubt once, even twice. But more than that? Please.

says the guy who repetedly bailed from the dread, leaving the corpmates alone, the moment you realise that you gonna fight nasa.

i scheduled the attack kosty. :wink:


People do have lives outside this game Kost. You of all people should be well aware of that. There is a difference between bailing on dreads and having to attend to matters in real life. You should figure out which one is which before you accuse people of abandoning their corpmates.


Side note: It also doesn’t help that the devs don’t understand the simple concept of daylight savings time, so the dread battle time was moved even later than it was supposed to be, resulting in more people not being able to participate, including ArcTic (?), and sometimes myself

I did indeed have to spend time with my family. they wouldn’t lemme play. :frowning:


about kostyan being well aware of real life matters, no comment.


And how do you know i didn’t? His own guys told us that.

Plus, it is a one thing when you can not show up and have to go, and the other when you disconnect from the game, the moment your next opponent is found out. I’d give him a doubt once, even twice. But more than that? Please.

you do realize that the day i couldn’t play was the 4th of July, right? And you’re also still stuck on that disconnect thing from a while ago? It didn’t tell any of us that there was still a battle. we were pretty confused and we didn’t register for a stage 2. we didn’t disconnect because we never connected.

Don’t worry about it guys, Kostyan’s just salty that his corp started falling apart and that he has to keep switching to a new alt account every day to try and harass me over PM. :wink:

Don’t worry about it guys, Kostyan’s just salty that his corp started falling apart and that he has to keep switching to a new alt account every day to try and harass me over PM. :wink:

oh and what happened to you little fit 2 nights ago?

where you said you swore to quit star conflict?

You still won’t be missed, btw.

Take advantage before I actually start to care.

oh and what happened to you little fit 2 nights ago?

where you said you swore to quit star conflict?

You still won’t be missed, btw.

Take advantage before I actually start to care.

The sodium cup overfloweth tonight!

Don’t worry about it guys, Kostyan’s just salty that his corp started falling apart and that he has to keep switching to a new alt account every day to try and harass me over PM. :wink:

heh, me harassing you, i just sent you a “Hi” and you kept on going for hours on how you are awesome. Tonight you missed the chance to take the sector from NASAOWLiance, so much effort with bulling small corps to attack us or not attack at all, and all goes to waste, shame really. Oh and NASA is doing better than ever in past year, thanks for your concerns.

So much gossip, chill out guys, you look like a group of aged womem.

EDIT: instead of doing scandal come and join muscle and I in planetside 2 :smiley:
EDIT 2: also, we are always playing at USA servers and theres no crazy thing such as wobble or extra leading because of ping :slight_smile:

heh, me harassing you, i just sent you a “Hi” and you kept on going for hours on how you are awesome. Tonight you missed the chance to take the sector from NASAOWLiance NASA , so much effort with bulling small corps to attack us or not attack at all, and all goes to waste, shame really. Oh and NASA is doing better than ever in past year, thanks for your concerns.


fify (yes you are in an alliance with OWL, but Arch is quite fond of OWL players, I mean, TESLA helps us out in dreads more than he helps NASA)


Side note: There is a difference between bullying small corps and helping them.


EDIT 2: also, we are always playing at USA servers and theres no crazy thing such as wobble or extra leading because of ping :slight_smile:


When a player from Malaysia is on a US server, yes, there is extra wobble because of ping (on his end). And the wiggling lead indicator is a bug unique to dreadnought battles.


The sodium chloride  cup overfloweth tonight!

