CDF Alliance

fify (yes you are in an alliance with OWL, but Arch is quite fond of OWL players, I mean, TESLA helps us out in dreads more than he helps NASA)

That would imply that TESLA refused to help someone else in favorite of Arch, while, it is simply as you asked for his help more, since we could handle our affairs on our won most of the times.


Side note: There is a difference between bullying small corps and helping them.

Precisely, and at this stage bullying is what Arch (rather NuclearHail) doing , there is no more “helping small copros”, there is only Nuc’s hate towards NASA and myself.

 - He has been repeatedly threatened and bullied some corps to attack NASA instead of what they wanted to do

  • He send all these small corps vs NASA knowing all too well what will happen to them if we decide to defend vs them.

  • He decided who “gets the sector” in case such an event occurs.

That would imply that TESLA refused to help someone else in favorite of Arch, while, it is simply as you asked for his help more, since we could handle our affairs on our won most of the times.


Precisely, and at this stage bullying is what Arch (rather NuclearHail) doing , there is no more “helping small copros”, there is only Nuc’s hate towards NASA and myself.

 - He has been repeatedly threatened and bullied some corps to attack NASA instead of what they wanted to do

  • He send all these small corps vs NASA knowing all too well what will happen to them if we decide to defend vs them.

  • He decided who “gets the sector” in case such an event occurs.


You aren’t in Arch. You don’t know what our intent is. I was there when Nuke asked the other corps to help us attack NASA (which is apparently synonymous with “bully” in your books), and in the conversations I participated in, the CEOs were fine with helping us attack NASA, there was no pressure from Nuke’s end, nor was there any pushback from the other CEOs. I think you are just a bit butthurt that the small corps are willing to support Arch over NASA.


Also, I never said TESLA refused to help someone else in favor of Arch. I was simply stating that he always comes to our TS and wants to help us with dreads/fly with us. Sure, he has helped NASA in dreads, but the fact is he has participated in more battles with Arch than he has with NASA. And yes, we have asked him to help us, but if he were truly taking the stand that he as an OWL is going to support NASA no matter what, he wouldn’t help us with dreadnought battles, especially when we are defending against NASA.

Dirk you know all to well, I dont get but hurt, you were in NASA long enough to realise that. On top of that, atm we controll the situation, untill you can come and beat us in straight up fight sectors will stay with NASAOWLiance, plus you cant even take anyone elses sectors down, because we will come, and we will take it, and if you want it to stop, instead of zerging, you will have to do the opposite and focusi g on making 1 strike team. Untill then, all your efforts are futile.

Regarding TESLA-OWL,we are not forcing any one to make any choices, I dont even mind if NASA pilots leftout of wong help defence whoever vs us, atleast some who is not afraid of fighting.


do you know why we played as BEAST? Because Nuc went to far at threatining them.

P.p.s. and i know current Nuc’s intent, he made it very clear.



Before there are any more misunderstandings I just want to say that we should stop arguing about this and try to find a peaceful solution to our internal issues before blabbing on the forums anymore.


I know the moderators don’t like it when we do this, I think we should talk with our corps, to cross-examine our standpoints on this issue (find where we are wrong, and where we have reasonable points), and eventually talk with each other about this and work it out. We are supposedly civilized human beings, so I see no more point in dragging on this dispute any further.



Before there are any more misunderstandings I just want to say that we should stop arguing about this and try to find a peaceful solution to our internal issues before blabbing on the forums anymore.


I know the moderators don’t like it when we do this, I think we should talk with our corps, to cross-examine our standpoints on this issue (find where we are wrong, and where we have reasonable points), and eventually talk with each other about this and work it out. We are supposedly civilized human beings, so I see no more point in dragging on this dispute any further.

As long as you let moderators know, you are not in NASA you will be fine from any consequences.

Peaceful solution?

Peace treaties are made for mutual gains in one way or another, currently Arch, has nothing to offer to NASA.

The more you Zerg, the more you reassemble THE [CORP], and that solely is up to you to change that image.

there is only Nuc’s hate towards NASA and myself.


he is one of many 

Oi, Nuc is also pushing the bullying onto BEAST merely because “we own too many sectors” which is absolutely childish.

He also “declared war” on Beasts of Jericho, which honestly I see no point in that.

But hey, I’ll play along.

When a player from Malaysia is on a US server, yes, there is extra wobble because of ping (on his end). And the wiggling lead indicator is a bug unique to dreadnought battles.

I know, i live with wobble and ping issues every day and every moment i play SC2; all that i sayed after “EDIT” relates to PlanetSide 2, in other words: wobble only and solely happens in SC2, not in any other game.

Well CDF is surely not good at dreadnaught battle, after all we rarely hold sectors. But we do win, we do make coordinated plans, so its a good place to be if u are a casual player and want to fight dread battles sometimes.  


Its a very good corp for Casuals.

Before I say anything, first let me state that if you believe I am genuinely trying to make this game or Federation space  worse for anyone, you’re delusional and should seek self-introspection immediately, if not professional help.


I’m up at 6am writing this because I’m really, seriously tired of everyone running around in circles, calling names, throwing insults, whatever. This is the internet, you’ll never make any real progress by doing that. Stepping up and trying to build something better is hard, and yeah, I’m taking a risk by writing this. You all could just ignore it and keep going, and then I probably will actually quit. But if you stop and think for a minute, you’ll see that doing so isn’t a good thing, and never was.


It seems like people don’t actually know why some decisions were being made, and people rushed to incorrect conclusions without stopping to hear the reasoning.


My goal, and by extension Arkhos Core’s goal, was to give some number of small corporations a sector of their own, so that some of the weaker ones would have a safe space to play against their allies, train, and do so without having to go up against much more powerful opponents. Such games are guaranteed losses, and in the long run don’t get those corps very far. Giving them a safe space is an extremely useful way to get some activity going without dragging high-powered corporations into the fray. The heavy hitters can duke it out over the big game rewards elsewhere, and the little guys can still get to play.

Arch had picked up eight sectors, and I was starting to realize that it wasn’t the greatest idea. Rather than have the entire world go “I told you so” and really only make things worse, I decided that some good could come of having so much territory.


Giving away sectors was step one, since Arch had so many. With that, we could try to get specific corps access to said safe spaces. Once this was done, the regular sector competition could continue as normal. We’d go back to skirmishing bigger corps, getting better practices, and not trying to underhand each other for territory, instead getting productive games in that bettered everyone’s skill for it.


However, this was heavily impeded by the swath of corporations looking to take Arch territory - which made some sense, since we had a high sector count. So Arch picked its fights and did what it could to stave off the attacks, getting as many battles as possible in the process. Needless to say, it meant we played favorites - heavier hitting corporations would often be ignored in defense, since making two or more wings takes a toll on the number of top players that can be in a wing to fight back. Putting a C-wing against a heavy hitting corp’s A-Wing is a waste of time for everyone, and saving 20% from two other incoming attacks better let us hold the territory in the hopes we could give one out elsewhere and still have something to hold on to.


Now NASA didn’t like that much, since from their perspective their only real Fed space competition was chickening out. Truth be told that wasn’t the case, and I repeatedly tried to clarify things to the Officers and VPs that seemed to be receptive. Unfortunately, the message never got through, and people fell either to peer pressure or ignorance. Repeated attempts to offer contracting out for defense while the situation settled met with consistent failure, and NASA kept attacking when I’d said just a few minutes earlier to them that we wouldn’t be able to defend. You can see how this is frustrating for everyone - NASA gets no game and blames Arch, and Arch’s attempts to better things fall on deaf ears.


As for Kazumi, I could never quite understand why they got so upset, since at the time BEASTS was one of the smaller corps I was trying to help. They already had a sector when I started telling them to back off, as I was trying to get a sector given to another small corp. This never really got through, and here we are.


So to anyone who might be wondering: I am not your enemy. Arch is not your enemy.  If you want to make this a better place, then stop fighting it on a personal level. Friendly rivalries are great. Unfriendly ones destroy communities. Nobody walks away happy.


As for OWL or anyone in it, or anyone in any other outside corp, I’d prefer not to drag anyone unnecessary into this. People should be able to have their friends and their games without being part of something that only alienates them from both sides.


I don’t have to “offer” anything. You need to wise up and man up. This is ruining the game for a lot of people, and it’s on you to start trying to fix it. I’m already out here doing that. So get on board, or stop talking. Being loud doesn’t make you right.

That has nothing to to with CDF. Talk about your stuff in a new topic please.

That has nothing to to with CDF. Talk about your stuff in a new topic please.


Duly noted, I am creating another thread for this discussion



Btw. the following Corps are currently in CDF:


Ultra SRO FDEF Viking Knights

Well CDF is surely not good at dreadnaught battle, after all we rarely hold sectors. But we do win, we do make coordinated plans, so its a good place to be if u are a casual player and want to fight dread battles sometimes.  


Its a very good corp for Casua


Well i was surprised to see Viking Knights at Top 5 in PvE and PvP…and i was impressed. Now if Vikings boasts some sectors i will admit my errors and claim that Viking Knights are the Corp for u if you want to be CDF and Pro.

Well i was surprised to see Viking Knights at Top 5 in PvE and PvP…and i was impressed. Now if Vikings boasts some sectors i will admit my errors and claim that Viking Knights are the Corp for u if you want to be CDF and Pro.

Yea, GJ.

Also FDEF was practically handed a sector by Arkhos, so I don’t really consider it a “win”…

But that is merely an opinion, and nothing to fight over (not attempting to stir debate here).