CDF Alliance

no i’m not. 


RadiX is the robobunny mafia. 


which means all my corp mates are robobunny mafia members.


ImInUrBase is a snow rabbit from canadia. 

you have no proof, I live where the flying spaghetti monster lives eh

There is a red acorn leaf in ur sig.

There is a red acorn leaf in ur sig.

Thats the terrible logo for the corp I am in.

There is a red acorn leaf in ur sig.


Here, have some acorn leaf cookies made with real acorn syrup.



Those are terrible…

And not real. Just pixles.

no i’m not. 


RadiX is the robobunny mafia. 


which means all my corp mates are robobunny mafia members.



Gratz, you are the world’s least-threatening mafia… I’m more scared of the pink panda mafia, lesbihonest here…

Who are the CEOs or VPs of FDEF and SRO? Also, how may I contact them?

Xelevian is the CEO of FDEF, and myself Im a VP but only for the rest of this week after that Im back in Viking

Here, have some acorn leaf cookies made with real acorn syrup.



delicious! truly delicious! I’v’e decided to be a canadian for halloween. I just think it will be so much fun. Canadians, you should try being americans for halloween. 

delicious! truly delicious! I’v’e decided to be a canadian for halloween. I just think it will be so much fun. Canadians, you should try being americans for halloween. 


We welcome Planetary Dynamics to the CDF!

PlDyn, Welcome.


Best wishes and good hunting. Stay out of our line of fire!


-Inconstance Leadership Team

Thats the terrible logo for the corp I am in.




I make logos.

Removed by Author 

Thx. We’ll make sure to kill… ah… many?


My Dear Allies.

About a week ago, a small team of CDF members descended upon the Ellydium Base, managing to smash opposition without any losses (other than one guy who self destructed) in a respectable 9:58.
R4ge, or at least Gekaler, have challenged us. They claim to have attained a time of 7:53. We cannot stand for this. In the spirit of friendly competition and outright war against the Rage nation and their puppy abducting ways, we accept the challenge. Bring it on.

So now, a team is to be formed.

There are two places available. Our current loadout is below, as well as the plan.

starcoaster -   Wolf with Assault Rail Mk4, RoF.
      Crusader S fitted maximum DPS maximum Regen, Pulsar. Heavy blasters, octopus missiles.
      Cerberus “Maximus Bruticus”. Coil Mortars, RoF, doomsday missiles. Regen and stealth, RT installed.

Jimothybob -    He’s flying some kind of styx. It’s a nice styx. I like that styx.

Plan -

Round 1 - starcoaster gunship charges the generators, forget about the turrets entirely. Seriously, don’t bother. Jimothy will LR with eclipse launchers and drones, a command ship will be on front line. Put valkyrie on the moment starcoaster lets the wolf bite. We’ll need maximum DPS. Preferred command fighter listed later. A LRF should be providing support fire, preferably coils or blasters. Keep the enemies off of us but don’t forget the generators.

Round 2 - starcoaster switches to Cerberus, command and gunship group at the transports, styx and cerberus down at the turrets. this round cannot be done quickly due to the transports, just keep those transports alive like you would usually. Guard star’s LRF if it starts getting low, i can deliver crushing DPS but i can’t cover my back.

Round 3 - starcoaster switches to Crus S. equipped with 2x mk4 shield regen, mk4 liquid metal, mk4 pulsar. blasters on shared cooler. Can take a beating. Engi stays close and heals guard’s shields. Command fighters apply weapon damage buff only once starcoaster is locked and firing on the guard. Maximise DPS. All eyes on the hunter. Bubble gunship dedicated to wiping out reinforcement morphs needed. Gunship is to come in for healing when needed, we’ll try to guard you but star will be focusing fire on the hunter. Lure the enemies close to star and let the pulsar do the talking when you come for heals.

please make sure that the COMMAND FIGHTER attracts the aggro from the boss! As good as star’s crus is, it won’t stand up to the hunter’s cannon. Command can dodge it whilst remaining close.

Required ships.

If someone could bring the following, needs to be split over 2 people.

1.)Desert Eagle fitted for sing cannon. Use in rounds 2&3. Supernova Deflector, don’t be a wally, we need all the damage it can provide.
2.)Dragonfly, Katana S, Strong or Prometheus. Prometheus X is a limp fish. PLEASE have at least mk2 shield, hull and damage aura.
3.)Ira Deus/Cerberus. Use in first round, make sure a range of over 3.5k is possible. Flat reflector blasters will be nice or RoF ammo coils. Please make sure you have a shield and hull regen and your ship is set up to resist incoming damage, not tank it. Less healing time the better.

If, after all this, we cannot beat 7:53, we are to commit ritualistic seppuku.

Good luck, please contact me if you have any of the ships or are willing to help.
Glory to the Alliance.

starcoaster, CEO of Inconstance corp, Head of training in Inconstance, Ex-PREYbird and a proud Potato exploring a brave new world.

when is it going to be, so I can see if I can be there, I can bring dragonfly, ira deus, or a blood tormentor, the reason why a mention the guard its the best type of ships I can fly, Jimothy can vouch that I can handle gurard


if for some reason I cant be there go to the CDF teamspeak and ask any viking to help, ill put out the word in the daily message of viking corp chat, just tell them to read it and they will know


and vikings dont commit to seppuku, they commit to looting and plundering

when is it going to be, so I can see if I can be there, I can bring dragonfly, ira deus, or a blood tormentor, the reason why a mention the guard its the best type of ships I can fly, Jimothy can vouch that I can handle gurard


if for some reason I cant be there go to the CDF teamspeak and ask any viking to help, ill put out the word in the daily message of viking corp chat, just tell them to read it and they will know


and vikings dont commit to seppuku, they commit to looting and plundering

please bring the dragonfly with all 3 auras, that will be of the most use to the mission. Carry on discussion on the page in the CDF forums

atention Ultra, GArc, Behem, SRO, Finn, Viking, INCON, FDEF, Planetary Dynamics, meeting today in the CDF teamspeak


Subject: Dreadnoughts, corp activity, and iridium usage.