CBT Forum access

I have recieved beta access but I don’t see the CB forum section.

That right there^

Nickname- Cronik93

No beta forum access

Email: bored_ziminzke_97@hotmail.com

Nick: xPyrex

Two things, I got my beta access, double checked my yuplay profile for My Purchases and saw Star Conflict there.

I don’t have beta Forum Access.

At the same time, I am getting the error message, “Cannot connect to server.”


ID: Sinn3246

E-Mail: sinn3246@hotmail.com

Edited and removed due to privacy

Cant log in in the CB forum



That right there^

Nickname- Cronik93

I got an email and still can’t get in.

I Have acess too the game but not forum.

Nickname: Nebukader

Email: Nebukader@gmail.com

All are in, guys!

I get the acess and cant see the beta forum.




invite CB forum

Same here. Same Email address for both accounts used, no beta forum visible.

Likewise, no access to beta forums. Thanks :slight_smile:

no acsess to cbf

email: hansi905@web.de

I need CBT forum access. Already playing the game.

Nickname: SuperBrain

No access to the CBT forums. Can already play

Nickname: snapdragon42

Been playing closed beta for a bit now and still can’t access the closed beta forum.

nickname: BlackHawkGS

cant get into the game no matter what

nickname magnys......xxmagnysxx@gmail.com

i just got access to the game but no acces to the cbt forum

email= rambl_bambl@web.de


I need access.

Written above - in.