carring in Detonation mode

O keep loose the bomb wile tring reach the beacons … i know some in some case this can happend due to modules … but it haoppened to mee already too often that i loose the bomb with none following me in good range , and without i used any mod nor the “F” ability … if this keep to happend i just disconnect from this game type ,

need an explanation to me

Tkx MFDSuraj

O keep loose the bomb wile tring reach the beacons … i know some in some case this can happend due to modules … but it haoppened to mee already too often that i loose the bomb with none following me in good range , and without i used any mod nor the “F” ability … if this keep to happend i just disconnect from this game type ,

need an explanation to me

Tkx MFDSuraj

First of all this is not a suggestion and thus misplaced. Proper place would be general discussion, game mode subforums

Second, to my knowledge some missiles can dislodge the bomb

Third, if you have an emergency shield barrier it will also cause the bomb to drop


Fourth minor subpoint. It helps asking for something in a polite manner rather then demanding an answer under threats.

5th , 6th , 7th ,8th, 9th 10th. needed to have a full table of law lol.

This like the other are polite , and is also a suggestion , just depend if one want see that or not.

You say a missiles , able to do that job  , would be better for me to know wich missile(s) do that , and if there are other manner , the thing isn’t clear …so the siggestion to make the matter clear keeps going for me ,

tkx for the partial anser anyway


p.s  If I quite a game is cause i asked that already many times , and who knows , simply like to keep for theyrself , the game not explain this matter, so the fact that i will drop is a consequence of this situation of which im tired , not matter of treath , and i know this will cause a bit of trouble to the team in wich one is if he drop , but still is my choice …like the other peoples that choose to keep silence on the matter.



Rage quitting hurts your team and and makings your rep in the community bad, also this is beta which means there is going to be issues with the game.


Are you saying the bomb falls off early and your not using the ship power or  emergency shield barrier and with out taking damage?

I agree. i also seem to loose the bomb for no reason what so ever…

yes i use any modules , also if i sow the example module for strnghtening shield or hull are possible to use (those that last for 8seconds) , …but i loose the bomb also when i just use only afterburner any other mod , and also (especially9 in interceptor , which can’t even Mount the Emergency barrier.



 p.s. i quitted just once till today anyway )

There are a few modules that do knock of the bomb.

Emergency Barrier, Federation Fighter Ability, Interceptor Phase Module, Empire Interceptor Ability, etc.

I’ve yet to lose a bomb to random occurrences however.

As i can read my previus post now , i admit it is not well written (on concept too , not only grammarly) , i got some anwsert , but would be better to everyone to able to know the games works so…

also i still not understand about detonation mode why i need ti stay around 2-3 seconds near the bomb in order to pick it  , instead sometime i see a fighter comming in full speed without even not slowing (just passing by) and flyong away with the bomb attached …is there also a key to press in order to pick up the bomb istantly  ?