Cargo Drones

Where are these Cargo Drones. I can’t find them. Are the only in Rank 10 sectors or specific sectors?

usually next to different warp gates. not every sector has one

They appear only in certain sectors. Most are next to Warp Gates (some of them are too close to a gate to be used properly). In some sectors (Vanguard Outpost and Service Shop in particular) they are not close to a gate.


Maybe we should compile a guide of known cargo drone locations.

Things about cargo drones i think need fixing.

  1. Drones need to be mover slightly farther away from the warp gates.Some drones are to close to the warp gates and im constatly trying to get just in range of one with out warping away. (especially if it is laggy, or the type of ship im using)

  2. Drones should be marked with their own icon (like how beacons have theirs) either permenatly or once you get to a certain distance from it. (Im thinking a solid orange color, circular, and smaller icon then the others)

  3. It is annoying how some warp gates have cargo drones nearby while others do not… ive wasted to much time flying to every warp gate in the sector on a frigate looking for a cargo drone. (especially if i run into something i have to kill i can’t pick it up).

  4. Maybe make different types of drones for each side of conflict. Just to differentiate the sectors more. I suggest different style warp gates as well (assuming humans are the ones who built them) Jerichos, Empires and Federations drones and warp gates should look like their type of building style. In the sectors they own.

  5. New map has no visible cargo drones :*( (abanonded outpost)

Things about cargo drones i think need fixing.

  1. Drones need to be mover slightly farther away from the warp gates.Some drones are to close to the warp gates and im constatly trying to get just in range of one with out warping away. (especially if it is laggy, or the type of ship im using)

  2. Drones should be marked with their own icon (like how beacons have theirs) either permenatly or once you get to a certain distance from it. (Im thinking a solid orange color, circular, and smaller icon then the others)

  3. It is annoying how some warp gates have cargo drones nearby while others do not… ive wasted to much time flying to every warp gate in the sector on a frigate looking for a cargo drone. (especially if i run into something i have to kill i can’t pick it up).

  4. Maybe make different types of drones for each side of conflict. Just to differentiate the sectors more. I suggest different style warp gates as well (assuming humans are the ones who built them) Jerichos, Empires and Federations drones and warp gates should look like their type of building style. In the sectors they own.

  5. New map has no visible cargo drones :*( (abanonded outpost)

  1. 0.11.2 fixes this problem. Point cursor and then interact with cargo drone. I think. If you are laggy press F11 once to see the amount of ping you got. The second time shows what server you are in. If you are laggy(wobbling or rubber banding) using the keybind for “looking back”. It resets cursors and ship rotation. Also setting off auto alignment in settings should help.

  2. I like idea.

  3. I have only seen one cargo drone before and that is in federation after the control post. It’s far away from warpgate and has it’s own platform.

  4. I like idea.

  5. It’s abandoned… Why should it have a cargo drone? It’s like going to a condemned hotel and waiting for a bellhop to arrive. It’s never going to happen.

  1. 0.11.2 fixes this problem. Point cursor and then interact with cargo drone. I think. If you are laggy press F11 once to see the amount of ping you got. The second time shows what server you are in. If you are laggy(wobbling or rubber banding) using the keybind for “looking back”. It resets cursors and ship rotation. Also setting off auto alignment in settings should help.

  2. I like idea.

  3. I have only seen one cargo drone before and that is in federation after the control post. It’s far away from warpgate and has it’s own platform.

  4. I like idea.

  5. It’s abandoned… Why should it have a cargo drone? It’s like going to a condemned hotel and waiting for a bellhop to arrive. It’s never going to happen.

  1. I still find it annoying, also depending on the angle your looking at the gate you may not see the drone.

  2. Good point i guess… But it does makes it a terrible place to farm compared to sectors. that have more accessible drones.


  1. Having to remember where all the cargo drones are for 40+ maps is ridiculous, and even if a list comes out of it, im gonna have minimize and google it each time? or open a file :confused:

This guy is making a map guide in the information section of the invasion forums. When or, more likely, if he completes it, the developers should add it to the global map.

The guide will encompass what resource you can find in a sector and if there are cargo drones in a sector.

In Empire sector 1938:



  • Ontregos Pass: on Station ‘Guardian-17’ gate
  • Imperial Transport Hub: near Station ‘Guardian-17’ gate


  • Collapsed Laboratory: on Station ‘Guardian-17’ gate
  • Wastes: on Collapsed Laboratory gate
  • Warden Outpost Ruins: on Felony Border gate

This guy is making a map guide in the information section of the invasion forums. When or, more likely, if he completes it, the developers should add it to the global map.

The guide will encompass what resource you can find in a sector and if there are cargo drones in a sector.

this will work, but i believe there is still far better options

I have no complaints about the cargo drone system!  I’m just kinda glad it’s there, because it would have been easy to find reason not to include them in invasion.


I have a notepad with all the cargo drones in Jericho space (where my corp is based).  I play in windowed mode so easy to access it.  You also kinda learn where they are after farming a little in every sector.


Yes it’s a shame Abandoned Outpost doesn’t have any cargo drone :frowning: I love the map itsself with the tunnel and awesome cavern!!  But it makes it difficult to farm there…

millanbel, you could do fullscreen and just alt+tab to switch between windows

millanbel, you could do fullscreen and just alt+tab to switch between windows

alt+tab takes a couple of seconds and seems to “freeze” the screen sometimes (I’m playing on a low-spec laptop)


TS is easier to use in windowed also (overwolf has always really annoyed me).


Also I would be doing this every 10 min because I like to read/watch other stuff online while in queue.

Does anyone know where they are in Federation Space? 

the ones I have found are located:




  1. Service Shop floating above gard platform to the right of the gate.





  1. Barter Zone next to the gate leading to Colonization Hub


  1. Research Center next to the gate leading to Barter Zone





4.‘Poseidon’ Complex next to the gate leading to Cobalt Mines


  1. Water Harvest next to the gate leading to ‘Poseidon’ Complex

I agree that it should be easier to locate cargo drones on the map. They’re a great tool, but not being able to find them is a huge pain. I only farm in zones that have them, because of the ammo cost and time/effort involved in re-docking, unless I get something particularly rare and valuable. I also feel like one of the problems in having them near warp gates in PVP enabled zones is that people will sometimes camp them and kill you when you try to use them with a full cargo hold… netting them a full cargo hold and screwing you over. I like how in Service Shop the drone is on a missile platform, because you can use that to hide/defend yourself if someone tries to attack you. It’s also easy to find, and near, but not right on top of the warp gate, which is nice. I like to keep an eye on who’s coming into the zone, and planning my trips to the drone based on that.


But yeah, definitely, it’s silly to have to tab out of the game just to be able to use something that is in the game. Simply adding an icon to the map would be very helpful to everyone. Heck, some people probably don’t even know they’re there. I sure didn’t for a while.

Nice necro. They are usually found right above warpgates heading TOWARDS the docking station. They will most likely be found in dangerous sectors.

Also btw, start calling cargo drones “john”. For example:

Efefay: My cargo bay is full. I’m going to go to the John.

Rennie: I don’t need to know your rеctum is full and you need to vacate it.

Every firgate player wishes for more cargo drones… I use a god damn tormentor half the time (sheesh)

Every firgate player wishes for more cargo drones… I use a god damn tormentor half the time (sheesh)

That’s why you find a place with biomorphs AND a cargo drone.

Every firgate player wishes for more cargo drones… I use a god damn tormentor half the time (sheesh)

A recon only gets three slots.  Do you have any idea how fast those can fill up in a recon?

A recon only gets three slots.  Do you have any idea how fast those can fill up in a recon?

I hope you realise that I grind in a recon, right?

So do I except for the Lost Convoy.  Then I need my eight slotted Mauler.