Capitalism: The Game! (By sTarGem)

Established players are OK and good to go, just with increasingly boring and monotonous missions to complete. New players are SoL in every way.

You can either have fun, or make progress. In no way are you allowed to do both simultaneously.

You might as well sell your old ships too, because as soon as you get to a new rank, they become obsolete and useless to your progress.

Found something cool in loot after battle? Better shovel out the cash in order to maybe get it.

Let’s all fly out our old Coffin-ships with no modules or weapons in order to sympathize with any new player who just built their first destroyer.


This has been ‘Proper Rage’ with your host, C Foxers. Tune in next time to hear about fun trash-containers!

Fox, maybe we should leave this game? There are so many other useful games lying around.

7 minutes ago, Koromac said:

Fox, maybe we should leave this game? There are so many other useful games lying around.

Bruh you got it. As soon as Star Citizen releases, I’m dropping this game like a hot rock. I can’t stand the stress of asking “what did they ruin now” before every patch.

Unless the hand me a Hunter and every Elly ship in the future -On a silver fecking platter- I’m gonna leave as soon as I have an excuse to.

What alternatives to this game are to check out?

9 minutes ago, Rob40468 said:

What alternatives to this game are to check out?

Star Citizen mainly. Fractured space is coming along nicely too, and looks great.

My PC doesn’t run those games, So I’m waiting for Dreadnought to come out on PS4.

Yup, same. I have never found a replacement for Star Conflict, which is why I stick around. But all this bullsh*t with destroyers and thar’ga and probably the rest of the elydium ships is pushing me away faster and faster. As soon as there is a replacement, even one I have to pay for (within reason), then I’ll go there.

I’m not sure about star citizen. I mean it’s beautiful, but it won’t really have the “arcadey” fast-paced gameplay that star conflict has, I think. I could be wrong though. Either way I’ll be waiting until full release before buying it. I don’t like buying dreams…

Fractured space is just destroyers… I’m never going to play that.

Elite dangerous is open space and gets boring quickly, apparently.

Any others I didn’t mention?

12 minutes ago, millanbel said:

Yup, same. I have never found a replacement for Star Conflict, which is why I stick around. But all this bullsh*t with destroyers and thar’ga and probably the rest of the elydium ships is pushing me away faster and faster. As soon as there is a replacement, even one I have to pay for (within reason), then I’ll go there.

I’m not sure about star citizen. I mean it’s beautiful, but it won’t really have the “arcadey” fast-paced gameplay that star conflict has, I think. I could be wrong though. Either way I’ll be waiting until full release before buying it. I don’t like buying dreams…

Fractured space is just destroyers… I’m never going to play that.

Elite dangerous is open space and gets boring quickly, apparently.

Any others I didn’t mention?

Not that I can think of, aside for maybe EVE, but idk about it.


If I find a massive meteorite or blob of gold, there are two things that I’m gonna do with the money from it.

  1. invest it and live off of the interest.

  2. buy rights to Star Conflict from TarGem and start over. And you can bet your buttons I’ll have hella community involmvement. (As in uses testing servers, then actually LISTENS to the players’ feedback.)

And no more random containers. There will be a dedicated shop for resources. Dynamic, of course.

I’d love to see some direct community involvement. Player made ships and skins. New PvE missions developed by the players, and so on.

But yeah, once Star Citizen is out and Let’s Players show it not being a pile of lost promises, I’m heading out right along with ya.

EvE is a job, Star Promises is taking forever, Destroyer space is not that cool playing giant corn cobs 24/7 and Boring dangerous is something what you would get if Star Cornflakes was primarily focused on open space pvp and made in year 2009.

Face it, everything is equally as bad/boring/annoying as the next thing.

I used to play Freelancer, but that was even more imbalanced than this (Much less grind, though)
Basically, people with code name weapons and nomad cannons that can 2 shot your mid rank fighter and take not even a scratch from you…
I think one killed me with nothing but spamming cruise disruptors (Fast agile missile with very small damage and shuts off your non-combat traveling engines)

Then I played Darkspace, interesting idea and old game, building on planets and ship combat, but awful bugs and feels unpolished and incomplete like an alpha build.

Just not sure where to go? Galactic Junk League is kind of a disappointment but I’m keeping an eye on it.

I’m not the only one looking for an alternative, i see that we are a few.

I couldn’t find any other similar enough. As for Fractured Space, i’ll have to come back and see. Dreadnought is too much Arena, small map for me. Elite Dangerous is a no go and Star Citizen will probably never end with highly priced Stuff for a game that isn’t made yet. He’s leeching people’s money. Asked 500k on kickstarter got 2.1m to start off the project. Later on ballooned to 85m, and that’s a while back. So he sit on his couch made of cash and laugh.

Star Conflict is almost a part of my life now. So used to log in, chat and play a little, some days more. But now seriously re-thinking it. If i quit, i’ll come back hoping i won’t be disappointed with the Open Space rework. There’s already a hypetrain for it but we know nothing at all about it.

So Fox is gonna quit again? Anything interesting or new today?

I tried out Fractured Space, kinda fun but for some reason I have serious stability issues, I keep crashing and I don’t have the slightest idea of why, I did everything that my protocol said and nothing, maybe I will try it again later, I’m looking forward to Dreadnought too, not sure about Star Citizen, you know how over-hyped games end up, right? (No Man’s Sky, anyone?)

And then there is Mass Effect Andromeda, that thing alone deserves its own thread.

I’m going to stick with SC for a while, if they will add the Hunter after all I’ll let you know.

I don’t think currently, Fractured Space or Dreadnought truly have the potential to outgrow SC.

I find dreadnought to be extremely frustrating with the sound, and it shows simply lack of developer strength. and while SC never hired a proper game designer or UI designer, their self written engine is simply fast and works. with dreadnought i feel like i get a nice unreal engine space game mashup, but none of the people does know how to write engines. For me a perfect game needs a perfect dev team, who either brings all the aspects, or at least, learns what they still miss.

finally i have yet to see an unreal engine game really reaching maturity.


4 hours ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

not sure about Star Citizen, you know how over-hyped games end up, right? (No Man’s Sky, anyone?)

No mans sky was quite a hype, but it was different. I never believed they will deliver what people “heard” they will deliver. It was simply impossible with their team size and time frame to deliver technologically what he was babbling about. It was rather, that without any evidence most just shrugged. We all wanted him to succeed. But there was little evidence he would do so, actually. You just had to listen, who was criticial about it, and who hyped.

Citizen however has a very very transparent development. I have no fears there, the people Roberts use are really smart and good devs. Most of the technical approaches they take make sense. Some did not, but given the money they have it payed off (Cry). They correctly work on the sandbox, and start to build up in it. It is how a proper, really well made game should be created, with attention to detail, fun, and technology. They take it seriously, nerdy, even geeky, and much of their lore choices reflect Roberts’ excellent taste in scifi settings. I think citizens fate is more in the future, when roberts hands over the lead, and its always the second dictator you gotta fear, historically.

No mans sky was not unpredictable as a flop, is what i say. Not if you have some insight. I actually was pretty sure before its release, that it will be a short lived thing. I did however not expect the drama of the fail. Which however showed off, that space games are in high demand.

Unfortunately, modern game design concentrates on small scale games for niche markets. But if you play a space game, you expect to enter a universe, not just a single game mode in different ways.

12 hours ago, ORCA1911 said:

Boring dangerous is something what you would get if Star Cornflakes was primarily focused on open space pvp and made in year 2009.

i disagree with that time assessement. star cornflakes at least has some heavy heavy inspiration from the old “boring” series, down to the tharga. and back in 1998, star cornflakes would have been probably the most played game in the world, as most of its implementation ignores any game design advancement since '98, and back then it would have looked totally next gen.

but 2009, well, 2009 would have changed little, especially since it was the worst time for f2p. Except maybe, prevent Excel Online from resurfacing from the depths it has hidden for 10 years. To be honest however, I doubt, it would have worked. Why 98? coz without Ultima Online, no eve, and no eve, no cornflakes.

dont count out the boring series yet tho, as it was always clear, for the elite  boring hardcore fans, that they want to create that game successively. atm. it doesnt even have all the features the line-drawn c64 version of boring had. but all in all, boring still sounds interesting - in some future.

I still count Boring as the wildcard contender. They have a solid plan for their team, and work from a small scale, for that, their game is impressive. Citizen however works almost from the other direction, and honestly, as nobody really tried both before, they both kinda feel like milestones we have to reach, just to to know what will work. It still could be an unknown game coming into the picture. And there is still a genre which has been unexplored, massive strategy games, or games which interlock different mechanics (so players play for the same cause on different games but in the same universe).

At least we all here agree on, cereals will probably not cut it.

But unfortunately, there is nothing better, or even contending in the pew pew business atm. Maybe, they even need a contender to grow again.

Don’t get me wrong, I liked the game, before I got kinda bored of it, that was only its release so honestly I didn’t expect it to have EVERYTHING right off as it was launched, now that we have the foundation update we can have a mobile base and all, then there was the pathfinder, where we now have better means of exploring planets on the surface and improved graphics, maybe it will get to the point where it will have everything it promised and people will give it a try again, that of course if by any means they won’t go bankrupt, it would be a shame to have such a nice concept be trashed by that, and probably not get picked up by someone GOOD, like, ever.

1 hour ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

Don’t get me wrong, I liked the game

yeah, same here, from reviewing it, but i didnt bet on it, nor did i really want to play it. for me it was a procedural exploration game that kinda tried to focus on creating procedurally generated worlds with fauna, and went a bit beyond. for that it was really awesome, but not on my buy list.

everything else, that people heard out of the promises, as if it will be a massive multiplayer pew pew sandbox with endless possibilities — nah. You can’t just magicly add perfection in every single mechanic in that short time.

i just see an encouraged young man with his collegues, who just got so many spotlights, he answered yes to any question that was compatible with his dream, but probably not in his technical reach. They were basicly handled as if they deliver everything, that other games seemed to take ages to reach. I do think, it was his own fault, as he believed the praise he got, but I am not hating on that game.

Also, he probably got tough, as I can imagine nobody escaping a depression in his position. So I just hope the best for their team, because the style is actually cute, and they did do a good job for what they actually delivered in the time frame - really. But I don’t think it is for hardcore game fans, who want a highly diverse sandbox with group dynamics, trade, exploration, and lots of pew pew action.

The reasons why we (space games aficionados) “still” play Star Cobolflict:


8 hours ago, Koromac said:

Fox, maybe we should leave this game? There are so many other useful games lying around.


I already left the game and playing console recently. For this game I only play 1h each Wednesday for 45 xenos. Gaming on big TV looks great.

IMO SC is going into the right direction. 

The thing SC lack the most is diversity. We may have above 200 ships in game, they all feel the same. 


That used to be true. 

But not anymore.


But since destroyers, they added to a of new mechanics. All the new ships feels “unique”. 

If, in the long term, all the 200+ ships in game have their own specific features, the PVP would be awesome.