Capitalism: The Game! (By sTarGem)

32 minutes ago, Swifter43021 said:

IMO SC is going into the right direction. 

The thing SC lack the most is diversity. We may have above 200 ships in game, they all feel the same. 


That used to be true. 

But not anymore.


But since destroyers, they added to a of new mechanics. All the new ships feels “unique”. 

If, in the long term, all the 200+ ships in game have their own specific features, the PVP would be awesome. 

One step forward, two step backward. I’m glad it’s going in the right direction for you and many others. Not for us and many others.

 I think I’ll just start researching how to build a real life space ship ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

12 minutes ago, MightyHoot said:

Yes! And you’ll have to farm unique resources for each of those unique features of each ship! (something like Styx drones or Karud module)

I just can’t wait for those updates!

Who knows. We might be able to these parts too in the future.