Cant connect / Login

Firewall configured UDP and TCP (both) in- and outgoing allowed for.

List of ports required for the game:

TCP 80, 443, 3800-3815

UDP 35000-36000

Required ports for the launcher:

TCP 27022-27042, 6881, 8090

for connection tester.exe and game.exe.

connection log/last part

14:50:27.509 | ConnectionTester: new state ‘CTS_UDP_TESTING’

14:50:34.239 | UdpTester(|36000): Failed to connect

14:50:34.329 | UdpTester(|36000): Failed to connect

14:50:34.428 | UdpTester(|36000): Failed to connect

14:50:34.428 | UDP tester work time: 30.0 seconds

14:50:34.429 | UdpTester(|36000): MTU size: 576

14:50:34.429 | UdpTester(|36000): Ping: avg: -1ms, min: -1ms

14:50:34.429 | UdpTester(|36000): Packets received by server: 0/0

14:50:34.430 | UdpTester(|36000): Sizes of packets received from server (0):

14:50:34.430 | UdpTester(|36000): MTU size: 576

14:50:34.430 | UdpTester(|36000): Ping: avg: -1ms, min: -1ms

14:50:34.430 | UdpTester(|36000): Packets received by server: 0/0

14:50:34.430 | UdpTester(|36000): Sizes of packets received from server (0):

14:50:34.430 | UdpTester(|36000): MTU size: 576

14:50:34.431 | UdpTester(|36000): Ping: avg: -1ms, min: -1ms

14:50:34.431 | UdpTester(|36000): Packets received by server: 0/0

14:50:34.431 | UdpTester(|36000): Sizes of packets received from server (0):

14:50:34.431 | ConnectionTester: new state ‘CTS_FINNISHED’

14:50:34.438 | ConnectionTester::Shutdown

I am using win 7 64bit and online armor firewall, with a Fritzbox.

No incoming traffic…

Wanna play nice game *sniff*

Best regards by me.

same - general error, can not connect to server

I am complete Fresh Meat in this game. Installed and try to log in for the first time today. ^^

im not sure but I think the servers are having issues right now.

yep got the same issue over here in Europe also 

Hello, we will look into this asap. Thanks for letting us know.

Hello, we will look into this asap. Thanks for letting us know.


its been like this for the past 4 to 5 hours

Yes, I forwarded this information to admins. If there is any news, we will let you know. Thank you

Tic - Toc - Tic - Toc…

Same here. I’m using the linux version


Tried to log in for the first time around 10:00am CET, tried a few seconds ago (19:30 CET) and got the same “Reason: General error”


Of course I had a license that’s wasting away… :stuck_out_tongue:

Still no connection…  :fed014: … tell the guys in the server room to plug it back in~

still nothing.

I just came back home and turned on star conflict and still nothing, its going for 10 hours now

Is that a “normal” problem with SC, that it takes so long to fix?
I dont now much about SC, but i would like to play it *pewpew*

@Mich_Dich no it’s really not. First time that I had that happen to me and I’ve been playing for a few months now.

Ty Aircraftman.

I had no problem logging in about an hour ago, and there were many people online. No ping/packet loss problems either. I’m not sure what is the problem for you guys (I’m in Europe and playing on a low spec Windows laptop)

could you post the IP of the masterserver loadbalancer your client is connecting to? Mine was And it tried to connect on port 3801, which is not open.

I have the same problem (general error), Macbook 11" 2011, OSX 10.9.5
Yesterday it was fine, all my ports are open, and I tried it without Steam as well, so the problems are with the servers.

:013j: still nothing!  How about an announcement from the admins …or is that too much to ask?