Can we?

Can we revert the chat to back the way it was b4 patch? I can’t my team to stop camping in the enemy spawn.

Wait until next patch and it might be changed back, but I doubt there will be any hotfix with a rollback.

Hotfix? Rollback? What do those words even mean?

The chat really is very hard to read. Options to create your own chat windows, drag them where you want them to be, select which messages you want to see, now that would make things a lot more user friendly.

While very confusingly worded +1. On the chat window.


I don’t know what you mean when you type “I can’t my team to stop camping in the enemy spawn.”.


I am only +1 residente’s post because I don’t know what you mean with that second sentence.

It’s mobile. I can’t tell my team to stop campin in the enemy spawn.

this have already bein raised in multiple topics - please open more threads on this


We have raised this to the Devs