camo for ingame value

what about making that ingame visuals like camo or flags and stuff can be bought for shorter time duration like month or week and it could we payed by credits. who is with me ?

I would disagree. Free to Play games need some sort of income. Just like all F2Ps, visuals should be premium currency. I would love to get visuals via credits, but I don’t want this game going down the drain.

However, I’ll vote for a GS discount on visuals!

aerography was used to be purchased via credits for a temp time for some time in the past.


If you even purchased the stickers enough long ago, you could use the same sticker on all ships for unlimited time. Not sure how it works atm.

I would like to see camo options for any ship. Not just 1/3 of them.

39 minutes ago, Papitas said:

I would like to see camo options for any ship. Not just 1/3 of them.

? if you mean the ability to use camos like fox or OBT squad only on some ships… yeah. 


OBT squad looks slick on high texture levels btw. it has that sort of Titan coating profile, almost like carbon fiber.

I’d like the spatial scanner for credits, 1 mil cr for an hour :Đ like a roller-coaster lol

9 hours ago, QACinnamonTroll said:

? if you mean the ability to use camos like fox or OBT squad only on some ships… yeah. 


OBT squad looks slick on high texture levels btw. it has that sort of Titan coating profile, almost like carbon fiber.

exactly ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) although i prefer forest/desert camos ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”) (obt is really nice, but feels a bit opaque. The “titan texture” goes well/bad depending on the ship)

For now we’re no planning to rework colouring system. But someday maybe simplified customization options can be purchased for credits and more cool coating for GS. And don’t forget the iridium, we have a big plans for it ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

6 hours ago, CinnamonFake said:

For now we’re no planning to rework colouring system. But someday maybe simplified customization options can be purchased for credits and more cool coating for GS. And don’t forget the iridium, we have a big plans for it ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

You had this system already implemented. You could buy any color with credits for a limited time, like 24 hours. It’s there and it requires just some small effort to make it visible again.