"Camera" Ship

Suggestion: For custom competitive games there could be an option for a GM to have a custom camera ship?


So for example the ship would -

Not required to be unlocked

Have no tier

Have no clip

Be constantly cloaked (micro locaters etc have no effect)

Have max 700 speed, high acceleration

Have no hull or shield bar (invincible)

Not be on a team

Have no weapons/modules/missiles

Not be able to cap beacons or gain score

Not appear on the mini map / map


If a GM has selected this ship, it fills all 4 ship slots



Would this feature add a nice 3rd perspective on the battle for recorded content?

Is it unnecessary?

Should it be available to everyone if it was implemented?


Food for thought…

Sounds like a lot of work for little gain. I’d rather have the replay functionality already with a free camera to pick the best camera angles afterwards.

Hello, actually this is indeed a very good suggestion. It would be sweet to have a refree (without powers) just to record Events and Tournaments.



Suggestion: For custom competitive games there could be an option for a GM to have a custom camera ship?


So for example the ship would -

Not required to be unlocked

Have no tier

Have no clip

Be constantly cloaked (micro locaters etc have no effect)

Have max 700 speed, high acceleration

Have no hull or shield bar (invincible)

Not be on a team

Have no weapons/modules/missiles

Not be able to cap beacons or gain score

Not appear on the mini map / map


If a GM has selected this ship, it fills all 4 ship slots



Would this feature add a nice 3rd perspective on the battle for recorded content?

Is it unnecessary?

Should it be available to everyone if it was implemented?


Food for thought…

So basically what you are requesting is a free camera spectator view?

So basically what you are requesting is a free camera spectator view?


I would call it Refree view  :lol:

So basically what you are requesting is a free camera spectator view?


Pretty much, just an idea

Pretty much, just an idea

The main problem is that, for spectating is always better to have something to focus on, and usually a player ship is always better. But yeah, It can be a good idea. Not surre how would it work in a 3D environment with a lot of fast paced action. It can be very sick.