Buyable ship skins

First and foremost, this suggestion is being made assuming that, when implemented, customisation can be made permanent. Just wanted to make that clear.

Based on tinkering with the customiser (and before that, just looking at the ship tree), factions appear to have three ship skins. Empire, for example, has a default matt colour (which Premiums also use, just recoloured), the Legion’s blue camo, and the Warden skin.

My suggestion is to make these buyable. Players could then further customise their ships, giving a whole host of new options.

It also allows for the inclusion of more, brand new skins later.

I suppose some people might not like the fact that, using this, you could disguise a Phobos Aura as a Deimos (or vice versa), but you can already disguise ships as their base model by setting all three colours as identical. Besides, if Gaijin FINALLY fixed the game and locked tiers you’d know your opponent was balanced for your match whatever they look like…

Color changing should be permanent, relatively cheap, and effect all ships you own.  Make every color $2, have it available permanently and available for all of my ships, and I’ll buy every single one, just so I can tweak my ship appearance all the time.


I also like assorted full body skins and, again, they should be permanent and available for every ship once bought.

Yes, more textures/skins please.

Yes, more textures/skins please.


gameplay/balance issues first please. :slight_smile:


then again, who am i kidding? every single F2P game i’ve ever owned has never fixed more than 3 bugs, or improved 1 mechanic… but they add 500 new items every year to a broken game in order to keep it a float. words of wisdom: if games are not broken, money will roll in on its own…

gameplay/balance issues first please. :slight_smile:


then again, who am i kidding? every single F2P game i’ve ever owned has never fixed more than 3 bugs, or improved 1 mechanic… but they add 500 new items every year to a broken game in order to keep it a float. words of wisdom: if games are not broken, money will roll in on its own…


Giving pilots the ability to paint their ships will take two seconds comparatively. They just have to figure out how much they want to charge. So don’t RUIN THIS FOR ME!