Burst Fire function

An option that allows the user to fire weapons in series or at the same time, much like the difference between, say… Coil Mortar and Railgun, where the guns either fire at once, or fire individually.



I’m not sure what exactly you are thinking about. I can see this working only for missiles. Pressing RMB once fires one missile and could be repeated until the cartridge empties or holding RMB for shooting them all off. Although, there are missiles similar to this already. Firestorm or the tempest launcher on the destros. For the tempest it would be nice to have a mechanism to stop using up all the missiles at once tho. Often there is no need to use them all.

I don’t see any real benefits in this, there are way more important things right now to focus on.

I don’t see any real benefits in this, there are way more important things right now to focus on.

Just a question, how close are you to the devs? I see you posting instead of them a lot.

Just a question, how close are you to the devs? I see you posting instead of them a lot.

He does not post “instead” of them, only Community Managers do that.

Why would we want such mechanics, the only gun that it is remotely would work for is Assault Rail and RF Blatser, but it is easy to control its spread and shoot in bursts anyways, so i don’t see a point in this at all

Just a question, how close are you to the devs? I see you posting instead of them a lot.

I’m not really positng “instead” of them, but I help them by I’m giving you response which comes from a quite objective perspective.

Devs mostly don’t have the time to respond anyways, our only english Community Manager is currently damn busy as you probably already reocognized, and I guess having my reply is better than having none.

I’m neither a Community Manager or a representative person, but I’m follow the progress, see upcoming content and see on what issues they focus, considering that I can say what kind of things could be quite helpful, are worth being considered or a quite useless thing, or simply not having any priority at all.

This here is not having any use at all, and is far from any priority, since there are other things being focused on (Which are quite important)

I think he wants to shoot 6 coil mortar bullets at once and alpha-wtf-pwn stuff. Am i right? Or have an option to burst fire faster 3 sets of assault railgun bullets then have a longer cooldown till the next set is ready to match the normal ROF, so he can compensate for spread reduction / add a bit of alpha capability to assault rails. Is that it?

Personally, I trust and would rather have Omega’s response, position and judgement over not having a response at all.


On an original note, something like this would neither benefit nor draw anything from gameplay however would allow for players to combine the ability to deal consistent damage faster, or deal blocks of damage at a time.

Wouldn’t this mess with overheating?

I would love this option for sequencial weapons like exlipse and coil. Make them all fire at once instead of each individual to make an explosive shotgun. X3

Make it happen!!!

The heat could add together for each shot to make it where it isn’t abusable. You still get the same dps, just with more concentrated damage spikes instead of spread out damage.

This gives me another idea. Know that situation where the coil mortar can’t shoot in certain directions as it’s cycling the guns? How about all guns shooting at once, dealing the same damage (4 bullets would deal the same damage as 1 current bullet now) and when shooting on one side, only part of the guns shoot. Like this you don’t get locked from shooting again in frigs.

That would be very nice, but that would also lower overall DPS due to accuracy and such. Though I really do think that this should be a thing.

Also someone fix that silly issue where shooting a flux phaser backwards overheats it for like 30 seconds.
