Build for the Styx. PLZ Share!

Hi! I’m a seasoned (ish) Veteran in Star Conflict. I have played, so far, up to T3. I haven’t played the Engineer role yet, that’s why I’m posting on the forum. Also this is my first post! (So take it easy on me) Okay so I have a list of requirements for the Styx. 

1 -  Lowest speed HAS to be above 200m/s.


2 - Weapon system MUST be the Coil Mortar.


3 - I don’t really care about the Active Modules.


4 - (This one is a question) Is it possible for the ROF of the Coil Mortar to be close to LRF Coil Mortar or is it just to possible with the Engineer?


5 - The ROF must be relatively fast.


Pictures are encouraged!   :taunt:


Thanks for helping Guys & Gals



Hi! I’m a seasoned (ish) Veteran in Star Conflict. I have played, so far, up to T3. I haven’t played the Engineer role yet, that’s why I’m posting on the forum. Also this is my first post! (So take it easy on me) Okay so I have a list of requirements for the Styx.

1 - Lowest speed HAS to be above 200m/s.

2 - Weapon system MUST be the Coil Mortar.

3 - I don’t really care about the Active Modules.

4 - (This one is a question) Is it possible for the ROF of the Coil Mortar to be close to LRF Coil Mortar or is it just to possible with the Engineer?

5 - The ROF must be relatively fast.

Pictures are encouraged! :taunt:

Thanks for helping Guys & Gals

  • TacDub

. Use heals and tank, easy.if u use coils make sure u use acceleration coils and horizon, rememeber, ur job as styx is to be a big fat empire blob of tank and heals, use armor plated hull x2 or x3 and shield splitter so u get more hull and shield. Modules: i use nanodrone,mass shield generator,and both eggs, it will heal a huge amount per second, like 500 hull and 500 shield per sec. Dont be afraid to use those eggs, just poop them out and you will be almost impossible to kill if u stay with your team

It seems that my Styx build defies almost every rule up there… lemme see what I can come up with after I get back from work.

If you want high RoF you can just put RoF ammo and Iridium Heatsink. For Hull just stack stats, get decent resists and a high hull value. For CPU put Horizon because mortar’s range is not the best, but if you feel ok with the base range I would put a Proton Wall for the annoying ECM. 

It seems that my Styx build defies almost every rule up there… lemme see what I can come up with after I get back from work.

Same here. well I wouldn’t make the Styx slower than it already is. I don’t know why someone would put CM on a Styx instead of Eclipse or Positron. You are a healer so why piss off the enemy with CM that they want to kill you even more as healer?





As you ordered!

Repair kit? Drones? What is this madness!?!

3 - I don’t really care about the Active Modules.

That’s why.

Personally I run both Rep Stations and Aura and act as a immobile heal zone and poke out to occasionally soak loads of fire with double Galvanized, but that wasn’t what OP was asking for.

That is called solo self-preservation build. Drones are only good against n00bs.

There are plenty of people who ignore drones in any tier. And OP did not specify missiles and do not change the numbers in the build. So picking about missile choice is rather silly. I merely provided a picture set of a hypothetical build for Styx that fit OP’s request. What I run personally is completely different.  ;)wt

There are plenty of people who ignore drones in any tier. And OP did not specify missiles and do not change the numbers in the build. So picking about missile choice is rather silly. I merely provided a picture set of a hypothetical build for Styx that fit OP’s request. What I run personally is completely different.  ;)wt


Personally I use drones because I usually offtank, and it’s useful for harassing. IMO EM torp is better.


@OP: There’s only so much RoF you can squeeze out of the CM in a non-LRF. 








As you ordered!


EM diffuser… not really my top choice here. I’d prefer more shield strength with less acceleration (OP never said we can’t do anything about acceleration). Galvanized hull drops rotation not speed (once again, still within the requirement). I’m not sure how much speed loss will be incurred with a single armour-plated hull… maybe single armour plated and double galvanized for maximum tank (at the expense of mobility).

I kinda made the assumption OP wanted to remain relatively mobile since Styx can barely top 200 m/s to begin with. Empire doesn’t gain much out of Projection Splitter and there’s a lot of EM damage in T3 and up (Eclipse Launcher, Bubbles, RF). And Ions will melt a Styx regardless, so EM resist just sound better than flat volume to me. And even a single Armor Plate will make the Styx fail the 200 m/s requirement, so hull strength will have to come from Reinforced Beams to avoid the speed loss.

I see alot of Styx like these.

I see alot of them die.


up to T3. I haven’t played the Engineer role yet, that’s why I’m posting on the forum


OP is better served if he was enlightened to the Way of Styx


> 60k HP, Eclipse sniping, etc


Drones are fine as long as you learn to shoot manual.

In small inty match … minimum skill for EM torps vs pro inty is high. I personally favour 4 drones in those battles as self defense.

Drones are great, they pack insane DPS, you just have to be careful not to have them shot down.

Drones can be very useful for finishing a target as they try tio hide. I like them vs Guards because it means I’m hitting with two damage types and they can’t deal with them easily.

Plus, their range is sweet.

Not equipped a Styx in a long time. May have to change that.



please use this topic as the discussion already happened.


[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/21949-styx-build/page-2)



please use this topic as the discussion already happened.


[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/21949-styx-build/page-2)

That thread is from 2013.  A lot of things have changed in the game balance-wise since then.


To the OP: I use

-two galvanised and an armour-plated hull in hull slot

-shield projection splitter in shield slot

-pulse discharger in capacitor slot

-vernier in engine slot

-proton wall system in CPU.


For the rest i use supernova eclipse and I alternate between attack drones and octopus missiles.  Active modules: nanodrone, shield generator, charging station/repair station (depending on what ships the rest of the squad are flying) and energy emitter

agree on both :slight_smile:

But there are still some good ideas on it


Most important for Styx is

two galvanised and an armour-plated hull in hull slot

I use a slightly different setup:




A long time ago I used double armour-plated hulls because I tended to attract a lot of aggro, so Gigas II gave me the resistances I needed while maintaining the bulk required to tank all the incoming damage. I stayed with this setup for a long time because I didn’t have any extra galvanized hulls lying around (my second one is on my Ira Deus). Plus, it was pretty effective so I didn’t really see the need to change it.


Back then, a similar setup with diamond coating would allow you to stack up to over 70k survivability. Of course, survivability is only a number, but 70k survivability is no joke. 

I cannot believe how fast to get replies, I thought that I would have to wait 2 days to get 5 replies. Thanks for all the help guys! BTW if you see me in-game plz send a message! Also i will try all the Mods and stuff. Thanks!