Bugs regarding rewards

I have 316 slots used in a warehouse that holds over 1000. ever since this morning every upgrade kit I have looted has never loaded into my warehouse and just vanishes after combat. this has happened with both purple and green upgrade kits. Is anyone else not getting their rewards today? 


  • Have only been fighting T2

  • Have only noticed upgrade kits missing, do not believe credits or synergy have been affected.

  • Has happened every in every fight today, only one in squad affected.



Hello, this has been fowarded already.


Attention, not only loots but also contracts are not working at the moment, for some reason. It will be fixed as soon as possible

Any plans for compensation on this issue? I did my R7s and R9s and I’d really hate to miss on those vouchers for those 18 hours it takes for them to refresh. :<

I have no info about that and I can’t speak for the game developers, so just don’t use credits on purple loot and wait for what they come up with.

I started out working on Techs points when I started playing the game yesterday.

I found out I needed 9000 Raid points for a weapon upgrade so I switched and worked on that for awhile.


I spent the 9000 on the weapon upgrade, now I have

200 Raid Loyalty Vouchers (left over)

2400 Techs Loyalty Vouchers


now, no matter what I do or how many contracts I complete I no longer gain Loyalty Vouchers

I see the timers showing I have completed contracts but I still have

200 Raid Loyalty Vouchers

2400 Techs Loyalty Vouchers


In chat I see I am not the only one with this bug

Do not worry the devs are aware of this problem, we just have to wait a little until they fix it.


[http://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/22658-t2-upgrade-kits-vanishing-after-being-looted/](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/22658-t2-upgrade-kits-vanishing-after-being-looted/)

Use the existing thread, as Kallor said, thank you.

When is this going to be fixed? So we shouldn’t pay for the modules, just ignore them? I already lost so many credits because of this…

Same problem. Don’t get Loyalty Vouchers.


I expect or rather hope, to have all of my loot and loyalty vouchers I actually got, will be genuinely transffered in my warehouse, like it was supposed to happen. I spent a lot of millions to get T3 and T4 experimental equipment.

I can only hope their system is well detailed and that it records everything related to those rewards.

Hello, it is bugged for everyone, so be patient.

And yes PeterPan, just ignore the modules and wait for a fix.

I have noticed today, my contracts have been completed and I get the notification stating they are complete and I have recieved the rewards. My Armada vouchers in particular have not moved from 56,700  I have completed contracts which should total over another 30,000 vouchers, I have not recieved any of the stated rewards. I have tried restarting the client and re logging.


I am playing through Steam

Windows 7


Thank you, 


Ok thank you for the info.

thank you =)

I just started this account…did the tutorial…started to play and noticed no GS were rewarded(100) i believe, next after that my upgrades from mission rewards are missing too…AND vouchers…nada!. I cant even advance in the missions because of this…please help.   Thank you.



I earned a 500000 credit reward from contacts and it did not give me any reward i tried logging out and in then tried quitting and restarting the game and still have not received a reward has anyone else experienced this problem





I have noticed today, my contracts have been completed and I get the notification stating they are complete and I have recieved the rewards. My Armada vouchers in particular have not moved from 56,700  I have completed contracts which should total over another 30,000 vouchers, I have not recieved any of the stated rewards. I have tried restarting the client and re logging.


I am playing through Steam

Windows 7


Thank you, 




I just started this account…did the tutorial…started to play and noticed no GS were rewarded(100) i believe, next after that my upgrades from mission rewards are missing too…AND vouchers…nada!. I cant even advance in the missions because of this…please help.   Thank you.



I earned a 500000 credit reward from contacts and it did not give me any reward i tried logging out and in then tried quitting and restarting the game and still have not received a reward has anyone else experienced this problem





I have merged your 3 threads with this one, please next time use the search function before making a whole new thread, thanks.


Title edited.

ok but will i get my credits?

ok but will i get my credits?


I don’t know, wait for the fix and then ask for the credits, sorry for the inconveniences. 

Great they do now maintenance with only 5min warning and in the middle of seccon. I hope that fixes this bug and the servers will be up soon. I’m missing around 59400 vouchers, which were not credited.

So bug is fixed after the reboot. But what are the steps to get the contracts credited to our accounts?