Bugs regarding rewards

Residente, I tried to log in to this thread, but it looks like it got deleted.


[http://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/22658-t2-upgrade-kits-vanishing-after-being-looted/](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/22658-t2-upgrade-kits-vanishing-after-being-looted/)

Residente, I tried to log in to this thread, but it looks like it got deleted.


[http://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/22658-t2-upgrade-kits-vanishing-after-being-looted/](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/22658-t2-upgrade-kits-vanishing-after-being-looted/)


Yes, I merged all the threads in one because people were spamming threads about the bug, and the link changed. This is the original one.

Obviously the bug is fixed now. Residente, will you report to us, as soon as you know anything about compensation or so? Thanks.

Obviously the bug is fixed now. Residente, will you report to us, as soon as you know anything about compensation or so? Thanks.


I will

I am missing 500000 credits that were supposed to be a reward for contact 26 out of 27 for the empire

Greetings, please contact our Support Team in order to recieve your reward. 

Yea, i have had the same problem, but 2 days ago, i was not aware of it. i lost Gold standards and vouchers.


I had just bought the largest Gold standards pack, and salvaged artefacts from loot reward in T3 PVE. i salvaged artefacts 4 times, i can’t remember how much GS i lost.

I’m guessing about 400-500?


I lost GS and really unhappy about it.


The vouchers i can live with, but this is like a coke machine stealing your money. what will Gaijin do about that?


what will Gaijin do about that?

Greetings, please contact our Support Team in order to recieve your reward.

Thanks Snib. For everyone else with the same problem, please do as Snib stated above.